Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Xanth is on Drall to....... :(

Yup, she is. Sorry, it's been a long day here.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok guys, I'm going to take this opportunity to do some house cleaning to set up the last parts of this session. Big post incoming but hopefully this will deal with all outstanding business. Also if this forms a massive argument on any of the points I am going to start throwing around acting gm powers irresponsibly, so you have been warned. Having said that, here we go:

Gathering the group properly: Ok, so the way things currently sit is:

  • First group on Drall made of Korath, Kark, Jonas, Avalon and Drez'n.
  • Second group on Dantooine made of Excla'ure, Elias and Chemdat.
  • Third group on Zygeria made of Reesh and Arissa.

So with this in mind I plan for the group to converge on Gorse to find Arvel. From there it will be going to Mandalore because @Tramp Graphics has asked that Rei is introduced last. That does lead me onto the next point.

Mandalore History: I usually wouldn't feel the need to specify a planet or cultures history before a group visits it, but thanks to assorted canon/legends/authors/fans/a lot of other **** Mandalore is a weirdly controversial place. So because of that as well as the confusing history I'm streamlining some stuff.

  • Legends material from before the clone wars is all part of Mandalorian history. Mask of Mandalore, Canderous Ordo, the Taung, that weird civil war with Jango Fett etc, all part of it.
  • After that clone wars and rebels mandalorian history takes precedence. That includes the pacifists taking over the planet, and still existing during the imperial reign at the same time as the warrior clans returning.
  • Mandalore (leader of the planet) was Bo-Katan instead of Boba Fett.
  • Beskar iron is tough, but it's not ******* lightsaber resistant. I'm using the Mandalorian armour stats in the no disintegrations book for this.
  • Mandalorians are good warriors but they're not 'one of the three great powers of the galaxy'.
  • An average warrior can be defeated by none force users without it being a huge deal. Most species have their own warrior elites (nikto morgu'kai, the ubese in general, rodian hunters etc. etc.), they're not unbeatable. Just need to get that out there.
  • Despite helping the rebels, with their history most of the galaxy don't see the mandalorians as good guys, or just see them as straight up villains.
  • The main factions of the mandalorians are: The new mandalorians (pacifists), old mandalorians (deathwatch/imperial super commandos/followers of the Taung and old republic mandalorians) and the 'true' mandalorians (followers of Bo-Katan and the new version of mandalorian honour).

On the note of gathering the party, @TheShard I need you to come up with our apprentice character, and I need it preferably before reaching the planet Gorse. As gm I have not problem with the idea you came up with of a disgraced member of the Knights of Ren if that's what you still want to do. Please let me know what your character idea is that you want to stick on so I can tie them into the group.

Xp: I will be doing xp as usual for apprentices, but the gm's still need to make a final decision about how xp is going to be handled for masters. There was a lot of options thrown out, but I can't remember what they all were.

I think some of the options were no xp, half xp, no xp except for special conditions. Whatever is decided, it needs to be decided before the end of the session so I know what I'm doing.

Character Development: As we have (I assume) numerous gm's running this thing, it would probably help to know what the long and short term goals are for the apprentice characters so that they can be included in the game. I would suggest that they are kept a little vague to make it easy to add in, and doesn't necessarily have to be 'restore the jedi order'. I'm thinking more mechanical wise for short term and personal goals for long term.

For example: Kark's long term goal is to do as much research into ancient culture and the force as possible. Collecting as much as he can so it won't be lost again. Maybe one day he'd like to end up as an archivist or archaeologist for the jedi. Short terms he would like to focus his training on the force and support/knowledge skills so that he can be useful to the others without having to fight. Also now I have access to the unlimited power book I think Kark would find alchemy fascinating.

If the rest of you can post what you want for your character, that would be very helpful.

I think that covers everything.

Just an FYI on beskar , the canon does say that it is resistant to most lightsaber slashes and glancing blows, but not a direct stab, and the EotE and AoR Core books both list Beskar (specifically the really high quality alloy) as covered by the Cortosis Weave attachment. There are lesser quality alloys of beskar, which covers basic, unmodified suits of armor. It should also be noted that many basic suits of Mandalorian armor are made using plates of simple durasteel rather than proper Beskar alloys. Rei’s costomizablr armor currently uses thin plates with only the lightest grade alloy, which reduces its weight, but is no stronger than durasteel. As such, Rei certainly wants to save up in order to get a hold of some really high quality Beskar (Cortosis Weave attachment), along with the Superior Armor attachment, and some other attachments. It won’t be cheap to get Rei’s armor up to where Rei wants it in the long run.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
18 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Just an FYI on beskar , the canon does say that it is resistant to most lightsaber slashes and glancing blows, but not a direct stab, and the EotE and AoR Core books both list Beskar (specifically the really high quality alloy) as covered by the Cortosis Weave attachment. There are lesser quality alloys of beskar, which covers basic, unmodified suits of armor. Rei’s costomizablr armor currently uses thin plates with only the lightest grade, which reduced its weight, but is no stronger than durasteel. As such, Rei certainly wants to save up in order to get a hold of some really high quality Beskar (Cortosis Weave attachment), along with the Superior Armor attachment, and some other attachments. It won’t be cheap to get Rei’s armor up to where Rei wants it in the long run.

I've got 2 observations, that I'm just going to leave out there and not follow up with any replies

1) you by RAW can get the cortosis weave attachment so why did you even bring this up? It seems completely pointless unless your real purpose was to argue cannon/fluff

2) it's a very bad idea to ever argue cannon/the nature of how the universe behaves with the GM especially right after he told you not to

6 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I've got 2 observations, that I'm just going to leave out there and not follow up with any replies

1) you by RAW can get the cortosis weave attachment so why did you even bring this up? It seems completely pointless unless your real purpose was to argue cannon/fluff

2) it's a very bad idea to ever argue cannon/the nature of how the universe behaves with the GM especially right after he told you not to

Actually neither. I’m just providing some additional information. ?

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@Tramp Graphics , I have checked the core AoR books item qualities section, and also the mandalorian armour section in No Disintegrations, and have found mention of what you're going on about regarding beskar. You next post on this thread will have to include a page number reference with the information you are quoting in the FFG books, or my ruling will stand and that will be the end of the discussion on the subject.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

Xp: I will be doing xp as usual for apprentices, but the gm's still need to make a final decision about how xp is going to be handled for masters. There was a lot of options thrown out, but I can't remember what they all were.

I think some of the options were no xp, half xp, no xp except for special conditions. Whatever is decided, it needs to be decided before the end of the session so I know what I'm doing.

Character Development: As we have (I assume) numerous gm's running this thing, it would probably help to know what the long and short term goals are for the apprentice characters so that they can be included in the game. I would suggest that they are kept a little vague to make it easy to add in, and doesn't necessarily have to be 'restore the jedi order'. I'm thinking more mechanical wise for short term and personal goals for long term.

For example: Kark's long term goal is to do as much research into ancient culture and the force as possible. Collecting as much as he can so it won't be lost again. Maybe one day he'd like to end up as an archivist or archaeologist for the jedi. Short terms he would like to focus his training on the force and support/knowledge skills so that he can be useful to the others without having to fight. Also now I have access to the unlimited power book I think Kark would find alchemy fascinating.

If the rest of you can post what you want for your character, that would be very helpful.

I think that covers everything.

If you choose something else that's cool (as in I won't argue) but I had thought that the accepted plan for master character xp was the master character(s) with the least xp got full xp, for each full 1 hundred above that that a master character already had they got 5 less so, if that would be zero or less they still get 5 xp per session.

Chemdat wants the power to make others do what he wants him to do, to not have to do what others tell him, and to be out of his brother's shadow. Yeah he's got some darkside tendencies and he tends to take direction better when it's not coming from a family member and not from someone who'd comparing him to Elias. That's why Elias thinks Korath has a better chance at straightening Chemdat out than Elias does and why he left Ossus with his brother several months after Korath departed. Otherwise Elias would have had zero in universe incentive to leave Ossus.

Edited by EliasWindrider

@EliasWindrider , that seems fair for their progression and would agree that's probably the way to go. It will probably get the least amount of friction while stopping masters getting any more op than they are. Is everyone else happy with that?

5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Character Development: As we have (I assume) numerous gm's running this thing, it would probably help to know what the long and short term goals are for the apprentice characters so that they can be included in the game. I would suggest that they are kept a little vague to make it easy to add in, and doesn't necessarily have to be 'restore the jedi order'. I'm thinking more mechanical wise for short term and personal goals for long term. 

Arvel's Short Term Goal: Position oneself to get revenge on the First Order for the destruction of Hosnian Prime.

My long term goal for Arvel: Discovering how empty revenge for revenge's sake can be.

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , that seems fair for their progression and would agree that's probably the way to go. It will probably get the least amount of friction while stopping masters getting any more op than they are. Is everyone else happy with that?

Is that "least total XP" or "least earned XP"? Since I know somebody will eventually split hairs on this.

Xanth - Experience cool ****.

Arissa - Everlasting Peace. Yes. YES.

I'll Get that apprentice done this week.

On 11/4/2018 at 6:38 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , I have checked the core AoR books item qualities section, and also the mandalorian armour section in No Disintegrations, and have found mention of what you're going on about regarding beskar. You next post on this thread will have to include a page number reference with the information you are quoting in the FFG books, or my ruling will stand and that will be the end of the discussion on the subject.

The Cortosis Weave attachment is on page 203 of theEote crb. And under “Models Include” states that there are various models covered by Cortosis Weave.

Secondly, Sam Stewart had this to say about Cortosis Weave and other lightsaber resistant materials:


Here’s another quick question and answer I got.


Rules Question:
I have a couple of wuick questions regarding the Cortosis Weave attachment.. 1 is there a reason why it wasn’t included in the F&D crb like is was in both the AoR and EotE crb? 2 The Cortosis Weave attachment says under Models Include” Various models. The question is does this attachment narratively cover other types of lightsaber resistant material, such as Beskar (Mandalorian Iron), Phrik, and the like or does it strictly cover Cortosis alone?

Hello Michael,

We didn’t include the Cortosis Weave attachment in the Core Rulebook because we felt it ran counter to the core game experience for Force and Destiny specifically. If you do choose to introduce it, however, it could narratively represent any lightsaber resistant material.

Hope this helps!

Sam Gregor-Stewart

RPG Department Manager

Fantasy Flight Games

Also, page 50 of No Disintegrations says in the side bar titled Acquiring Mandalorian Armor :


Common attachments installed into Mandalorian armor include Tracking Systems (see page 52), as well as Enhanced Optics Suites, Strength Enhancing Systems. and Vacuum Seals; the best suits of Mandalorian armor are often upgraded with features such as a Cortosis Weave or Superior Armor Customization ( see pages 194—195 of the EDGE or THE EMPIRE Core Rulebook]. Mandalorians also frequently wore jetpacks with their armor, but typically from an external mount, rather than as an integrated attachment.

Since canon establishes that suits of Mandalorian armor could be made from either Beskar or normal Durasteel, with Beskar being used in the the best made suits, that passage supports the “best suits” mentioned in the side bar using “Cortosis Weave” to narratively cover them being made from Beskar rather than the lower grade durasteel.

So, yes, according to Sam Stewart, Cortosis Weave covers all lightsaber resistant materials including Beskar. And The Acquiring Mandalorian Armor side bar bears this out as well.

Based upon that the plates on Rei’s suit is either made from a lower grade light weight Beskar alloy that doesn’t have the “Cortosis quality” of the best quality Beskar or, more likely, is simply made from light weight durasteel. Either way, Rei wants to eventually earn enough credits to get some really high quality Beskar (Cortosis Weave attachment). But that’s a long term goal.

@Jonas Shaaf , I think the plan is that the master with the least total xp will receive the full amount of xp for that session (in this example master A getting 15xp). From there for every 100 total xp another master is above master A, they receive five less xp than master A (they still receive a minimum of 5xp).

@Tramp Graphics , despite the fact that you are literally the only one in any of the examples you have mentioned to use the word 'Beskar', I will allow the use of it in the setting. My initial concern was because I have been a part of previous games where people have insisted all mandalorians were basically lightsaber proof. Providing that it's accepted that Beskar is exceedingly rare and only worn by elites (Mandalore, elite units etc), then it won't be a problem.

I still need Rei's short and long term goals though.

Just now, Rabobankrider said:

@Jonas Shaaf , I think the plan is that the master with the least total xp will receive the full amount of xp for that session (in this example master A getting 15xp). From there for every 100 total xp another master is above master A, they receive five less xp than master A (they still receive a minimum of 5xp).

@Tramp Graphics , despite the fact that you are literally the only one in any of the examples you have mentioned to use the word 'Beskar', I will allow the use of it in the setting. My initial concern was because I have been a part of previous games where people have insisted all mandalorians were basically lightsaber proof. Providing that it's accepted that Beskar is exceedingly rare and only worn by elites (Mandalore, elite units etc), then it won't be a problem.

I still need Rei's short and long term goals though.

Well, Beskar is the Mandalorian term for Mandalorian iron, hence the Mando'a word for armor is Beskar'gam, (lit. "Iron Skin").

And, yes, Beskar, particularly the best alloys, is very rare ( Rarity 8 for Cortosis Weave attachment) and expensive (10,000 Credits), particularly for non-Mandalorians. It's not something a starting character can afford, not even as raw material. Here is what the Wookieepedia page says:


Generally , the armor was made from beskar, a highly durable metal which was able to withstand even blastershot fire while giving the user maximum protection, however, some variants existed made from durasteel. Because of the durability of the beskar metal, some armor sets were hundreds of years old, such as in the case of Sabine Wren's armor.[2]

From the Legends page on Beskar:


A versatile metal capable of being combined into several alloys and molded into a number of forms,[4] beskar became a common material in Mandalorian craftsmanship.[5] Depending upon the composition of the alloy, Mandalorian iron could be rendered into solid plates, a laminate, wire, mesh, or micronizedparticles, even a foam, or a transparent film.[4] Though materials such as durasteel[10] and alum[13] were commonly used in the creation of Mandalorian armor, Mandalorian iron was considered the most desirable choice for a soldier's armor.[10] Armor forged of beskar could withstand blunt force, strikes from a lightsaber, and repeated blasterfire, though the force of the impact still transferred in part to the wearer.[9]

So, no, not "every" Mandalorian is "lightsaber proof". And I certainly wasn't expecting Rei to be. At least not until Rei can actually afford to buy it, or otherwise earn it. ? Sabine Wren's suit is made of Beskar, as is the armor of the rest of her clan.

Rei's goals, are currently very simple, earn enough credits to get the attachments to"complete" the armor Rei built, become the best Armorer on Mandalore, and preserve and advance Mandalorian culture, particularly their armor and weapons crafting arts. It's all in Rei's background and motivation. To "complete" the armor, Rei needs to get

  • Beskar ( Cortosis Weave Attachment ) 10,000 credits 2 HP
  • Superior Armor attachment 5000 credits 1 HP
  • Built in Comlink 200 Credits 0 HP
  • Range Finder 1500 Credits 1 HP
  • Vacuum Sealed 1750 Credits 1 HP
  • Integrated Ascension Gear 350 Credits 2 HP

To do this, Rei will need to work down to the Tinkerer talent, and then branch off into Artisan to get the Intuitive Inventor talent, in order to add the three additional Hard Points to the armor.

Eventually, once Rei has the skill ranks and funds, The plan is to make a suit of Augmentative Armor (6 HP to start), allowing even more attachments, in order to be able to also add the Amphibious attachment.

As for becoming a Jedi? Rei's Force sensitivity isn't even known to Rei yet . As a player, yes, the plan is Rei will become a Jedi, but it will take one or more of the other PCs to discover and then convince Rei of such Force potential.

Just an FYI @Rabobankrider , I updated Rei's ancestry a little bit in the character background, based upon certain characters from House Skirata .

fidgeted with Elias' build again dropped the 10xp grit from Sentry (4th out of 4 specs so far), spent 5 xp on foresee strength (given how often I've been using foresee it's a better fit) upgrade, left 5 xp unspent, also my next spec will be ascetic and there are two 5 xp grit, so it won't be forever until I get the extra point of strain back (went from 18 to 17).

I just saw this interesting, and rather informative video. It could be quite useful for our campaign.

3 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I just saw this interesting, and rather informative video. It could be quite useful for our campaign.

I don't find supposition about early possibly stand in footage informative. A Modern "mon cal cruiser" and "nebulon c" isn't exactly a lot of new info.

@EliasWindrider I'm going to need you to make this the last alteration to your character, you shouldn't really be changing a characters stats mid game.

@Tramp Graphics I think we'll need to see some more stuff on the fleet before it's of use. Not much to go on here unfortunately.

7 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider I'm going to need you to make this the last alteration to your character, you shouldn't really be changing a characters stats mid game.

@Tramp Graphics I think we'll need to see some more stuff on the fleet before it's of use. Not much to go on here unfortunately.

The exact composition of the fleet isn't what's most interesting about this news. Rather, it's the very fact that the Resistance still has a fleet following TLJ in the first place, or has managed to acquire one relatively quickly, and, apparently, a rather potent one at that. It's a potential avenue for eventually meeting up with the Resistance at some later date for any GM who chooses to go that route for any session he or she runs.

@Rabobankrider and everyone else in general

an explination of avalons powers

the way avalon see his powers is that the main parts, for him at least, of enchance, sense, and protect are all one power call Abrasion the description of this power from it's universe is as such:

"Edgedancers can ignore friction, like water flowing over the body, without slowing."

so for narative reasons sense is more like coating myself in this power making things more likely to glance off and while i don't have the full power (protection) i do have some small amount of it (sense)

oh and feel free to through this in as well as i am particularly drawing off the character lift.

Lift can metabolize food directly into Stormlight. (stormlight is this universe's equivilant of the force)

@Stormbourne , I'm a bit concerned that you're drawing very heavily on this source when it comes to mechanical effects. I don't mind taking ideas from other genres for backstory, personality etc, but I'm afraid you cannot combine multiple force powers into one giant power. Enhance moves you faster, sense helps dodge, protect makes a shield. Now if you want to narrate protect as this abrasion thing, that's ok, but I'm afraid you're not going to able to do the same thing with enhance and sense, it doesn't really fit the setting very well in this case.

Also I'm afraid you won't be able to metabolise food into the force, that's not how the force works. It's also worth mentioning that if you are planning to play Avalon as being able to weather the cold, you probably want to invest in resilience, because at the minute he is going to struggle in extreme temperatures mechanically.

Yeah, except that universe isn't the star wars universe. Its nice to use it as an inspiration. However things don't work the same. Unless you discuss with the gm, things work like they work as described in the rules. While your character can think the powers work however you want them to. One of the defining pieces of star wars that makes it a separate piece of fiction than what your drawing inspiration from, is how the force works.

While I actually dont mind what you did as just a narrative part of the story... The explanation makes me think it might be a problem later on. The idea is a jedi academy, where people use the force. We are not edgedancers.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne , I'm a bit concerned that you're drawing very heavily on this source when it comes to mechanical effects. I don't mind taking ideas from other genres for backstory, personality etc, but I'm afraid you cannot combine multiple force powers into one giant power. Enhance moves you faster, sense helps dodge, protect makes a shield. Now if you want to narrate protect as this abrasion thing, that's ok, but I'm afraid you're not going to able to do the same thing with enhance and sense, it doesn't really fit the setting very well in this case.

Also I'm afraid you won't be able to metabolise food into the force, that's not how the force works. It's also worth mentioning that if you are planning to play Avalon as being able to weather the cold, you probably want to invest in resilience, because at the minute he is going to struggle in extreme temperatures mechanically.

i am going to adhere to the RaW for powers but from a narative stand point im gonna treat them as the same general power

eh i can narate that with DS pips as not having had enough food to use my awesome

that's fine im still human just one from norway.