Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

4 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Here's a question to @Rabobankrider @TheShard , @Jonas Shaaf , and @EliasWindrider . With the release of the Jedi career and Specs from Rise of the Separatists , is anyone interested in replacing one or more of their Jedi Master's specs with Knight and/or Padawan and would that be a problem for you as GM if they did?

It probably isn't worth the effort to re-tool Jonas.

18 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm actually very satisfied with Elias' specs. But if we're considering rebuilds I will ONLY sign on for it with identical xp and gear credit limits for all master characters. Ships and holocrons would be exempt from the credit limit on the basis of being community resources. The whole conversion of previous gear scheme has been hugely abused already, and I'm not down for a repeat of that. Korath's extra xp hasn't resulted in a significant power mismatch because Tramp didn't "optimize" (tramps words) him the first time around but I do have a problem with a difference of several hundred extra xp when the character with the several hundred extra xp has been skillfuly built/"optimized".

That's a given. The only thing that would change is exchanging one spec for a Jedi spec , and exchanging the same XP value of talents for the equal XP value . No change in total XP, no change in gear. If a skill stops being a career skill, you have to take those "extra" XP out of your talents to pay for it.

For example, IF I were to do Korath, (and I'm not saying I am), I would replace Sentry with Knight . As a result, I would lose one rank each in Grit , Toughness , and Reflect (reducing his WT and ST down to 16 each), as well as the talents, Dodge , Uncanny Reactions , Sleight of Mind , and Commanding Presence (that last one to pay for Stealth becoming an Out of Career skill and thus costing 5 extra XP per rank), and gain Jump Up , Circle of Shelter , and Guardian of the Republic . The cheaper cost of Improved Reflect in Knight vs Soresu Defender (15 XP in Knight vs 25 for Soresu ) offsets the higher cost of Saber Throw (25 XP in Knight vs 15 XP in Sentry ). Swap the 15 XP Parry from Soresu with a 10 XP Parry from Knight , and everything equals out to the same XP.

18 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

It probably isn't worth the effort to re-tool Jonas.

Up to you. I just figured you guys might actually want an actual Jedi spec for each of our Jedi characters, now thatactual Jedi careers and specs are available.

Identical for all master characters means each master character gets the same xp and gear credit limit for the rebuild as every other master character. Because the current system has been hugely abused by at least 1 player here.

Y'all. As an outside observer, I offer a suggestion: Re-speccing characters worth thousands of XP is lunacy. I would strongly suggest not doing it. It will just lead to more disagreements and allegations of cheating and unfairness. OK, disappearing again.

Incoming applications.

Marcus Wasting


They want to play apprentice only, they have a master sheet if needed:


I think there are three more incoming. I gave a deadline of today. So they still got a bit of time.

Edited by TheShard
On 4/17/2019 at 10:23 PM, EliasWindrider said:

I'm actually very satisfied with Elias' specs. But if we're considering rebuilds I will ONLY sign on for it with identical xp and gear credit limits for all master characters. Ships and holocrons would be exempt from the credit limit on the basis of being community resources. The whole conversion of previous gear scheme has been hugely abused already, and I'm not down for a repeat of that. Korath's extra xp hasn't resulted in a significant power mismatch because Tramp didn't "optimize" (tramps words) him the first time around but I do have a problem with a difference of several hundred extra xp when the character with the several hundred extra xp has been skillfuly built/"optimized".

This. I agree despite probably being the one accused. However I think the consensus seems to be to leave things as they are.

I think we can solve the delema by deciding a cap for master xp. That allows a bit of finishing touches. Perhaps 2200. That way those with less xp will continue to grow and eventually catch up.

Edited by TheShard
39 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Marcus Wasting


They want to play apprentice only, they have a master sheet if needed:


I think there are three more incoming. I gave a deadline of today. So they still got a bit of time.

I really like the jexal thrann character... he seems to embody what I thought was the nominal theme of this campaign.

Marcus is playing master to his own apprentice, I'd like him to spell out what his master character has for specs besides niman-disciple.

I have no objection to anyone who only wants to play an apprentice.

Edited by EliasWindrider
1 hour ago, TheShard said:

This. I agree despite probably being the one accused. However I think the consensus seems to be to leave things as they are.

I think we can solve the delema by deciding a cap for master xp. That allows a bit of finishing touches. Perhaps 2200. That way those with less xp will continue to grow and eventually catch up.

Keeping previous gear should have been nearest equivalent without substitutions. The people extra xp haven't abused the extra power that the xp could provide yet so I wasn't making an issue of it, but having not played a 2000 xp Drez'n before and getting 2000 xp to start with does seem to violate the standards others are playing by.

As everyone has remarked this first "session" has dragged on far longer than anyone imagined initially.

I would recommend apprentice characters getting 6 xp a week, the master characters with minimum xp getting 5 xp per week and every 100 xp above the minimum master xp you get 1xp less per week, to a minimum of 1 xp per week. Minimum master xp is currently 1500. So chararacters between 1500-1599 would currently get 5 xp per week. Master characters with 1600-1699 would get 4 xp per week, 1700-1799 get (currently) 3xp per week, 1800-1899 currently get 2 xp per week (currently), 1900+ currently get 1 xp per week. And we roll morality maybe once a month or once every two months. Weekly XP awards are based on who has made at least 1 post in the preceding week (Sun-Monday), if you don't post at least once in a week no xp for that week, and you don't count for determining the master character with the minimum xp.

Where I'm getting these numbers from parity with a live play game, the recommended xp rate is something like 5xp per hour at the gaming table, and I think for a pbp game it's reasonable to expect a player to put in an hour per week. A in person session for me is usually 4-5 hours, so that works out to rolling morality once a month. But the number of dice rolls is lower in a pvp so maybe as infrequently as rolling morality once every two months. The 1 less xp for every extra hundred is to address the starting imbalance.

What do people think about that moving forward?

I think that's fine. I'd also like to agree on a final xp cap for the Masters.

I'd advocate to simplify it by saying all Masters get the same xp till the cap. However I don't mind a staggered reward system either.

2 hours ago, TheShard said:

Incoming applications.

Marcus Wasting


They want to play apprentice only, they have a master sheet if needed:


I think there are three more incoming. I gave a deadline of today. So they still got a bit of time.

Others are coming in now.


6 hours ago, TheShard said:

I think that's fine. I'd also like to agree on a final xp cap for the Masters.

The previously agreed upon cap was 2500.

6 hours ago, TheShard said:

I'd advocate to simplify it by saying all Masters get the same xp till the cap. However I don't mind a staggered reward system either.

Depending on the cap, without staggered xp, the inequity is not going to decrease for a long time.

Also the first new player built his character at 1615 xp if I recall and thrann is coming in at 2000 xp, Zain is coming in at 2105 (he seemed to think 2000 earned xp instead of total xp). if new master characters are starting above 1500 xp I expect an xp dump on current starting master characters to catch up to the new starting master characters.

That would also simplify xp awards.

Edited by EliasWindrider

I am opposed to a respect because of the time and effort it will take, also it doesn't really apply to most characters. @SavageBob is pretty spot on there.

Of the applicants, Titus impresses me most (primarily through backstory standing out and being pretty different to the usual ones). This is followed very closely by Seth, both are good options if you ask me. Would both be able to put up with the other **** going on in this game though? That's the important question.

Honestly I would put the cap around 2,000 xp. You don't even need that much xp to be an op character. For me this is pretty much all it needs to be. I'd like to avoid a staggering of xp, simply because it's awkward to track.

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

I am opposed to a respect because of the time and effort it will take, also it doesn't really apply to most characters. @SavageBob is pretty spot on there.

Of the applicants, Titus impresses me most (primarily through backstory standing out and being pretty different to the usual ones). This is followed very closely by Seth, both are good options if you ask me. Would both be able to put up with the other **** going on in this game though? That's the important question.

Honestly I would put the cap around 2,000 xp. You don't even need that much xp to be an op character. For me this is pretty much all it needs to be. I'd like to avoid a staggering of xp, simply because it's awkward to track.

I concur with respect to story, although I take issue with the xp disparity (the new starting master characters, have hundreds of xp more than starting master characters being played for what seems like a year now.

Edited by EliasWindrider
On 4/19/2019 at 12:12 PM, TheShard said:

Incoming applications.

Marcus Wasting              -ski-gor%E2  --kla        -charan%E2--altari 


They want to play apprentice only, they have a master sheet if needed:


I think there are three more incoming. I gave a deadline of today. So they still got a bit of time.

So far Marcus Wasting’s characters look the best and fit the rules requirements most, though, with only one specialization listed so far, his Master character seems unfinished, and it gives us another female character in the party.

As for the other Master characters, yes, they’re all too high for newly minted Master characters, and any previously played characters can’t start at more than 2000 total XP.

Equinox’s Shortpaw looks good for a starting character, however, as with Seth, his Master character has way too many XP. Having a Wookiee in the group would be fun though

Edited by Tramp Graphics

You know, this whole xp **** could have been dealt with if all characters started level, like I said waaaay back. My preferences are still either Titus or Seth, providing that they can put up with the people in this game. If the xp is an issue I'm sure they wouldn't mind knocking it back a bit. Regarding xp and capping it, I'd say 2,000 xp should be enough for any masters character. These characters are far too op as it is, there's no need to push it much further than that. That's my vote anyway.

I'm fine with 2000xp cap, or not much more, 2200 is fine with me as compromise if tramp really wants a bit more growth. I don't think that will make anything more op anyways it's already gonna take an army to oppose the Masters.

I think we should do some xp dumps anyways for both starting and any Masters that are behind the others in addition to a weekly xp. But no staggered is too much book keeping.

I actually haven't looked at the applicants I will tomorrow.

If I gm I won't be out to kill characters. But I will be seriously testing the Masters survivability, so personally I'm not worried about op. As you'll face a difficulty that will challenge you regardless of xp. But perhaps we can agree on an order.

I suggest Elias takes it next. When he is unable to anymore than tramp can run his trials for the padawans. Then I'll run the trials for the Masters 😈

Sounds good to me. I couldn't see a background for the first of those applicants, but that may be my version of the internet messing with it.

1 hour ago, TheShard said:

His starting character needs to start with an F&D career, the Master character can be from EotE or AoR, but the starting characters must be native F&D. I couldn’t read his master character’s sheet on my phone so I’ll need to look at it tomorrow whenI get to the library. And my vote so far is for Marcus Wasting. His characters fit the requirements more than any others and we could use at least another female character, or even player.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Well I asked for the qualifications and you didn't mention this. So I think it's fine.

I'll look at everything today or tomorrow.

On 4/7/2019 at 1:39 PM, Tramp Graphics said:



I am restarting the mixed level TFA/TLJ era campaign and recruiting people for it. I'm looking for at least five to seven players , with at least three willing to split/alternate GM duties.

As before, each player needs two characters :

  • One, a native Force and Destiny Starting XP character, built by RAW. These will be training to become a new generation of Jedi.
  • One 1500-2000 XP "master level" character from any AoR, EotE, or F&D career.
    • Newly made Master level characters get 1500 XP while previously played Master level characters can keep any XP they've earned from their previous campaign up to 2000 XP.
    • "Signature" character should ideally be one you have played before, though that is not a requirement.
    • Signature characters get an additional 18,000 credits for customized gear/lightsabers or whatever said character originally had from his/her original campaign if he or she is a previously played character.
    • Converted D6/D20 characters are welcome.
  • All Lightsabers will be built using lightsaber crafting rules from Endless Vigil.
  • No Ilum Crystals. Ilum is lost/destroyed, and therefore its crystals are unavailable.
  • Each character can be of any species from any of the books, as well as from the Unofficial Species Menagerie .
  • All careers, specializations, and Signature Abilities from all source books are open, except for the Retired Clone Trooper (given the time frame, no clones are likely to still be alive).
  • Each character will use the mechanic (Duty, Morality, Obligation) appropriate for his career.
  • No player's Master level character will be mentoring his own Starting character, nor have any connection between them.
  • At least three Players will alternate GM duties, and for some adventures/sessions split the party, each GMing a group.

Once assembled, the party will be headquartered on the Jedi Star .

15 hours ago, TheShard said:

Well I asked for the qualifications and you didn't mention this. So I think it's fine.

In case you missed the point of Tramp quoting himself quoting himself (the repeat is accurate), he showed where he did inner quote that when you asked for qualifications

Edited by EliasWindrider