Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

9 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Just remember guys, optimisation is not the aim of the game. It's more of a narrative game than just a dungeon crawl style game.

Exactly. 😎

@TheShard , what’s Nubwa look like?

5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Just remember guys, optimisation is not the aim of the game. It's more of a narrative game than just a dungeon crawl style game.

Whether or not you want to call it "optimization" Intelligently designing a character to mechanically fit the narrative role you want the character to fill makes sense, and most people do it. "Optimization" is far more general than maximizing power level.

Is there a point to this? Like at all?

@TheShard I think since Drez'n is saber based you should go a different route with your Ewok. Powers, Guns or Social.

1 hour ago, SithArissa said:

Is there a point to this? Like at all?

@TheShard I think since Drez'n is saber based you should go a different route with your Ewok. Powers, Guns or Social.

My message to the @TheShard was, Intelligent design of a character to be good at the things "you" (the shard) want him to narratively be good at, is a good thing as your character succeeding at things you like can bring enjoyment. It doesn't have to include combat if that's not "your" (the shard's) priority, so pick a narrative concept "you" (the shard) like and build accordingly. You shouldn't feel pressured by Tramp to NOT build a character who is actually good at doing what you want him or her to be good at (for some reason that's the "advice" tramp always gives and tramp has a tendency to be a little coercive and assert half truths/fringe interpretations and try to force others to abide by them)

And moving on... Im tempted to do that Arissa. I'm also thinking beast master...

12 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

My message to the @TheShard was, Intelligent design of a character to be good at the things "you" (the shard) want him to narratively be good at, is a good thing as your character succeeding at things you like can bring enjoyment. It doesn't have to include combat if that's not "your" (the shard's) priority, so pick a narrative concept "you" (the shard) like and build accordingly. You shouldn't feel pressured by Tramp to NOT build a character who is actually good at doing what you want him or her to be good at (for some reason that's the "advice" tramp always gives and tramp has a tendency to be a little coercive and assert half truths/fringe interpretations and try to force others to abide by them)

Actually, that's not what I was saying at all.

Moving on...

On 12/18/2018 at 8:46 PM, Tramp Graphics said:

@TheShard , what’s Nubwa look like?

So i went with Wubna. And hes now got a pdf and and pic.

Check the character artwork thread in the edge channel. This is the armor Drez'n is carrying.


at the beginning of the thread one of the things this thread was supposed to be for was hypothetical duels at 2000xp (your number). I've now got a 1995 xp Elias that I'm happy with.

(actually 2000 xp, but with 5 unspent xp, it says 15 xp unspent but 10 of them was for was for steely nerves as a scar talent)

Are you still up for an alternate universe duel between Drez'n and Elias? I believe you said that you would drop the Cortosis weave attachment for this competition . Elias crafted the armor he's wearing in the pdf, and has used nothing beyond the 18K starting master character credits and a little of that is unspent (well he does have the basic blaster pistol he took from the dead scout troopers on Dantooine). If I had another 5K or 10K to spend for the competition I'd buy superior for the lightsaber and then armor. I don't know what your gear credit value minus the cortosis weave is.


7 hours ago, TheShard said:


I'd rather not have an Alternate Universe Elias Windrider SWSheets for this, is it ok if we go off the AltU OggDude sheet for Elias? I find the OggDude sheet easier to read than SWSheets...

can you point me at a current OggDude for Drez'n with any caveats pointed out? for example:

  • there are a few bugs in the ogg dude generator, e.g melee defense should be 4, (2 defense from armor plus 2 melee defense from defensive training) and
  • (this one's fixable) the steely nerves "GM Grant" (stand in for scar talent) dropped off the page when I copied him.

so as nature of the duel...

what's the credit limit on gear (can I add superior to the saber and armor the latter wouldn't help with lightsabers but see next) and any limitations on gear (I think we agreed no cortosis)

what are the weapons used in the duel.... lightsabers?/unarmed sparing?/blaster pistols?/any and everything personal scale on our sheets?/flying a starship?/roll randomly?

what's the setting of the dual, I was thinking of taking something from the movies with interesting terrain we all know here's a list...

  • theed palace reactor area (the phantom menance: darth maul vs obiwan and quigon)
  • genosian arena (attack of the clones: maybe with some beasts, charriots)
  • the bridge of the separtist command ship (revenge of the sith: count duku vs. obiwan and anakin)
  • mustafar (revenge of the sith anakin vs. obiwan)
  • palpatine's office (revenge of the sith: palpatine vs windu)
  • the senate chamber (revenge of the sith: palpatine vs. yoda)
  • cloud city bespin (empire strikes back: darth vader vs. Luke)
  • emperor's ds2 thrown room (RotJ: darth vader vs. Luke)
  • star killer base forest (TFA: Rey vs Kylo)

if, for example, we did this in palpatine's office and Elias gets knocked out the windu like mace windu did, Elias wouldn't die because of the impossible fall talent so would the duel continue outside or is this a lesser defeat (something like 1 vs. 3 "points") for being knocked out of the ring? If we did the lesser defeat then someone escaping would also count as a lesser defeat. If we agree to A Draw we each get 1 point.

I was thinking a pool of 4 destiny point starting 2 "white" and 2 "black" or rather 2 Elias and 2 Drez'n and spending the flips them to the other character. Elias DPs count as white for Elias and black for Drez'n and and Drez'n DPs count as black for Elias and white for Drez'n

Use whatever skill you want for initiative, this would favor Drez'n because Elias can always use vigilance anyway because of the constant vigilance talent, I had a disappointing (no triumph) initiative check

initiative vs. Drez'n 1 : 3eP+3eA+3eB+4eF 7 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png p-s.png a--.png a-s.png a-s.png b--.png b-s.png b-s.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png

so 9 successes and 2 advantage note that I rolled only 4 force dice because

you can start with force dice committed to any force power that you don't have to roll for first (so sense/enhance/etc.), and I have 1 Force die committed to the sense defense upgrade

rolls on under campaign "AltU Duels"

you want to do a one off or do the best 2 out of 3 and start with full gear, wounds and strain for each?

Edited by EliasWindrider

I see 2 ways. Either a training duel, or a "what if".

I think we should just agree on gear. Im not sure the amount. It depends on if we are doing a sporting fight or a real contest as our characters.

As an Armorer by his nature he is based on heavy armor, Elias by default is not. A duel of characters as they are might not be strictly speaking, even.

A sporting duel would be much more "fair" as far as equipment. However would probably be weighted towards you.

So i purpose that we do duels however they should be different. So we shpuld do 3. One of your choice. One of mine, which would be in whatever gear we have for the campaign, full armor and a fully modded saber. Then a 3rd somewhere in between.

It also depends on if this is a build off or two characters facing off. Drez'n lost a few of the duels we had on the forums because i played to character, that he isn't trying to destroy his enemy but always trying to allow them a way out until its impossible. This often put him at a disadvantage in a real fight.

29 minutes ago, TheShard said:

I see 2 ways. Either a training duel, or a "what if".

I think we should just agree on gear. Im not sure the amount. It depends on if we are doing a sporting fight or a real contest as our characters.

As an Armorer by his nature he is based on heavy armor, Elias by default is not. A duel of characters as they are might not be strictly speaking, even.

A sporting duel would be much more "fair" as far as equipment. However would probably be weighted towards you.

So i purpose that we do duels however they should be different. So we shpuld do 3. One of your choice. One of mine, which would be in whatever gear we have for the campaign, full armor and a fully modded saber. Then a 3rd somewhere in between.

I don't have a problem with you keeping all your gear for all 3 duels except the cortosis quality, but I'd ask for the addition of superior on Elias's saber and armor, justification, this is a future version of Elias. About 33 sessions in the future assuming 15 xp per "session" and selling the first order shuttle and splitting the proceeds should be about that.

1 hour ago, TheShard said:

It also depends on if this is a build off or two characters facing off. Drez'n lost a few of the duels we had on the forums because i played to character, that he isn't trying to destroy his enemy but always trying to allow them a way out until its impossible. This often put him at a disadvantage in a real fight.

I think it's a build off

What is your opinion on called shots in combat?

Im not sure if his armor or saber has been officially accepted by @Rabobankrider or not. I think i left him the option of them being broken and needing fixing to even things out. So how do you want to handle that?

7 hours ago, TheShard said:

What is your opinion on called shots in combat?

Im not sure if his armor or saber has been officially accepted by @Rabobankrider or not. I think i left him the option of them being broken and needing fixing to even things out. So how do you want to handle that?

If you want to agree to not target/take gear I'm happy to do that, but so we don't completely invalidate a talent/tactic one per combat a despair or sum d'jem can drop it at owner's feet to waste the owner a maneuver to pick it up. It could conceivably mean that the owner isn't able to use the saber to parry/reflect for 1 one of the other player's turns though. Does that sound ok to you?

Not sure on the saber or armor specs but if we're talking a single crystal I don't see a problem, without cortosis, assuming soak is less than 10, armor would only provide defense dice against lightsabers and it would be hypocritical for me to deny that when Elias has melee defense 4. If we were talking about attribute enhancing power armor, or Drez'n having a soak OVER say 8, that would be another matter.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Drez'n would certainly have a soak over 8. The armor is maxed, or would be, at 4 soak 3 defense. He would be over 10 soak with the armor master talents. As he is designed as a traditional knight in shinning armor, a tank in everyway.

Im thinking 1 fight a sparring match with sabers and stock jedi robes.

A match with all of our gear, I'll exclude the cortosis element.

And a third match of some sort to split the difference?

9 hours ago, TheShard said:

Drez'n would certainly have a soak over 8. The armor is maxed, or would be, at 4 soak 3 defense. He would be over 10 soak with the armor master talents. As he is designed as a traditional knight in shinning armor, a tank in everyway.

can I see an OggDude sheet?, the swsheets isn't particularly complete.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Has it been decided if we are using the new stacking or old highest defence rules?

Let me find the pdf...

I might of lost it. Im hoping its on an old phone. I thought it got transfered over but i didnt. Good i havn't made too many rolls. I can peice it back together.

Give me a bit though, holidays and all that jazz.