Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Guys. This is too much arguing. Way too much. Running this campaign has barley been fun due to the amount of work it's taking to hold it together and this is making it worse.

At this stage I really don't give a **** about who has what, who said what are what was done when. I have run out of ****s to give. If Korath wants to have some weird crystal thing going on I'm going to say **** it, why not. ****, if masters want to turn up wielding three lightsabers with one between their teeth why not at this stage. Honestly I felt like the whole master creation was a bit of a farce with arbitrary credit and xp limits set, with the caveat that you can exceed this if the character already had that ****.

For the record, THIS, this is why I said that all masters should meet the same criteria during creation. To stop this kind of **** ache cropping up. I know that some of you agreed, but there were others who said it was fine so nothing was changed.

Also for the record, it is pretty **** on your part @Tramp Graphics to set the xp and credit level so much lower than what you have for Korath so I see where @EliasWindrider is coming from. I find it difficult to believe that Korath is notably more experienced than Akua (jedi knight from the original order), Arissa (active researcher of ancient Sith knowledge) etc. And having read over the thread where you made Korath (and barley being able to comprehend the system you used to make this build), I did see a lot of people telling you that you were trying to stuff too much xp into him.

I would still say that we should either lower everyone levels, credits etc so they're the same, or go the other way and bring them up. Regardless though, this argument is done.

I'm seriously considering introducing debate rules to keep a ******* handle on this ****: 1 post to make your argument, 1 post to make your rebuttal, let the gm makes a final decision that is final.

I will say this: If there is another argument like this that takes up some much space and so much of my time trying to read through it, I will walk. Final warning all. I don't get a lot of time off of work and I don't enjoy spending my evening trying to settle these ***** fits from whoever they come from that day. I'm just very tired of it.

29 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Guys. This is too much arguing. Way too much. Running this campaign has barley been fun due to the amount of work it's taking to hold it together and this is making it worse.

At this stage I really don't give a **** about who has what, who said what are what was done when. I have run out of ****s to give. If Korath wants to have some weird crystal thing going on I'm going to say **** it, why not. ****, if masters want to turn up wielding three lightsabers with one between their teeth why not at this stage. Honestly I felt like the whole master creation was a bit of a farce with arbitrary credit and xp limits set, with the caveat that you can exceed this if the character already had that ****.

For the record, THIS, this is why I said that all masters should meet the same criteria during creation. To stop this kind of **** ache cropping up. I know that some of you agreed, but there were others who said it was fine so nothing was changed.

Also for the record, it is pretty **** on your part @Tramp Graphics to set the xp and credit level so much lower than what you have for Korath so I see where @EliasWindrider is coming from. I find it difficult to believe that Korath is notably more experienced than Akua (jedi knight from the original order), Arissa (active researcher of ancient Sith knowledge) etc. And having read over the thread where you made Korath (and barley being able to comprehend the system you used to make this build), I did see a lot of people telling you that you were trying to stuff too much xp into him.

I would still say that we should either lower everyone levels, credits etc so they're the same, or go the other way and bring them up. Regardless though, this argument is done.

I'm seriously considering introducing debate rules to keep a ******* handle on this ****: 1 post to make your argument, 1 post to make your rebuttal, let the gm makes a final decision that is final.

I will say this: If there is another argument like this that takes up some much space and so much of my time trying to read through it, I will walk. Final warning all. I don't get a lot of time off of work and I don't enjoy spending my evening trying to settle these ***** fits from whoever they come from that day. I'm just very tired of it.

My apologies to Rabobankrider. This settles the gear argument for me as long as Rabobankrider is the GM. I don't have a problem with the gear itself only Tramp's lying/cheating about it. I have no idea what I should expect from him anymore.

Edited by EliasWindrider
On 9/2/2018 at 1:05 AM, Tramp Graphics said:

And, for the record, if @penpenpen doesn’t take over full time, @TheShard is next in line as GM. @Rabobankrider was fully aware of what happened in the Jedi Quest game before this game began.

Eh, since I went back to school this fall and splendidly kicked off the semester with a somewhat lengthy hospitalization, I'm still a bit behind and need to catch up before I can think of GMing my regular afk groups, let alone taking on something new online, so I'm going to have to bow out for now.

Which might be to your advantage, because in light of the recent "discussion", I would most likely have made a ruling or two about that lightsaber you probably wouldn't have liked.

Well, @TheShard , if you're still up for taking turn as GM the next session, it's all yours. I think @Rabobankrider has stats on Mathis Karr set up already, so talk to him.

Hey, @TheShard , did you ever get done with your starting character?

No i have held back because i thought we had a lot of characters and i had no inspiration. But when all the apprentices and players get set I'll introduce them. I'm tempted to do an Arissa apprentice or a knight of ren...

6 minutes ago, TheShard said:

No i have held back because i thought we had a lot of characters and i had no inspiration. But when all the apprentices and players get set I'll introduce them. I'm tempted to do an Arissa apprentice or a knight of ren...

No Dark Side apprentices, please. Arissa is supposed to get redeemed anyway. What's the deal with that incomplete Polis Massan you have started in your SWSheets page.

No I'm not interested in coming as a dark sider but as a former struggling one.

The polis massan is for a way different campaign. He is a lorefinder.

12 minutes ago, TheShard said:

No I'm not interested in coming as a dark sider but as a former struggling one.

The polis massan is for a way different campaign. He is a lorefinder.

Ah. As for the idea of a “former” dark Sider, that would have been a great concept for a high level or even Knight level character, but I’d stay away from that for a starting character, since they’re supposed to be pretty fresh faced, and just starting out in life. Even Finn in TFA, a former stormtrooper, was fresh out of training and hadn’t actually done anything “evil” yet when he deserted.

Honestly I'm out of fresh ideas for this fresh faced apprentice. So I'll let the story flow and see what comes to me from the story itself.

21 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Honestly I'm out of fresh ideas for this fresh faced apprentice. So I'll let the story flow and see what comes to me from the story itself.

How about a martial arts type, like a Steel Hand Adept?

1 hour ago, TheShard said:

Honestly I'm out of fresh ideas for this fresh faced apprentice. So I'll let the story flow and see what comes to me from the story itself.

If you want ideas I suggest anything from Brandon Sanderson his series are dripping with character and world lore

11 hours ago, TheShard said:

Honestly I'm out of fresh ideas for this fresh faced apprentice. So I'll let the story    flow and see what comes to m  e from the story itself

How about a survivor of a First Order massacre, who just so happens to be Force sensitive...

1 hour ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

How about a survivor of a First Order massacre, who just so happens to be Force sensitive...

That wouldn’t work canonically. From what TLJ tells us all of Luke’s students were either killed or defected with Kylo Ren. And even then, those were only a handful of individuals.

however, if he wants to play someone who struggles with his temper, I would suggest a species like the Barabel, Noghri, (both found in the USM), Wookiee, or other “aggressive” species.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

As the current gm, I don't mind the idea of a recovering darksider or a beginner character. I also have no problem with a former knight of Ren. There is nothing stopping a 'fresh faced' person having done evil things in their life.

I also have no problem with a survivor of the First Order massacre any more than I have a problem with survivors of Order 66. I personally think that a disgraced member of the Knights of Ren looking for redemption would be a great plot hook, especially as we know only one name (Kylo Ren).

Also @Tramp Graphics I've definitely told you before about not stuffing canon down out throats. Canonically Koraht's parents didn't survive order 66, as only the likes of Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi etc survived. The fact that this is a fan made rpg already means literally nothing here is canon, and considering you keep pushing for legends stuff for force powers and in your arguments for ****, you need to let the canon obsession go . I even made it bold to make sure it was clear this time. As you are not gm, you need to let go of the reigns on how people are playing their characters.

@TheShard , I noticed that Drez’n’s weapon’s, armor, gear, assets, background, Morality, description, and Motivation have not been filled in or copied from your Oggdude sheet.

Better? I'll fill a bit more on items later.

On 10/24/2018 at 7:48 AM, Tramp Graphics said:

That wouldn’t work canonically. From what TLJ tells us all of Luke’s students were either killed or defected with Kylo Ren. And even then, those were only a handful of individuals. 

however, if he wants to play someone who struggles with his temper, I would suggest a species like the Barabel, Noghri, (both found in the USM), Wookiee, or other “aggressive” species.

You missed my point. I said *a* First Order massacre. I did not mean Luke's Jedi academy. I meant like some random village on some backwater planet somewhere.

2 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

You missed my point. I said *a* First Order massacre. I did not mean Luke's Jedi academy. I meant like some random village on some backwater planet somewhere.

Just a warning excal'ur might hate you if he finds out

1 hour ago, Stormbourne said:

Just a warning excal'ur might hate you if he finds out

Hate's not a bad thing......

11 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

Just a warning excal'ur might hate you if he finds out 

He would hate someone whose village was massacred by the First Order? Messed up, man...

26 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

He would hate someone whose village was massacred by the First Order? Messed up, man...

If you where part of said massacre as a first order soldier then yes he would

23 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

If you where part of said massacre as a first order soldier then yes he would 

Fair enough.

On 10/25/2018 at 9:24 AM, TheShard said:

Better? I'll fill a bit more on items later.

Don’t forget his Wound Threshold.

Ok guys, I'm going to take this opportunity to do some house cleaning to set up the last parts of this session. Big post incoming but hopefully this will deal with all outstanding business. Also if this forms a massive argument on any of the points I am going to start throwing around acting gm powers irresponsibly, so you have been warned. Having said that, here we go:

Gathering the group properly: Ok, so the way things currently sit is:

  • First group on Drall made of Korath, Kark, Jonas, Avalon and Drez'n.
  • Second group on Dantooine made of Excla'ure, Elias and Chemdat.
  • Third group on Zygeria made of Reesh and Arissa.

So with this in mind I plan for the group to converge on Gorse to find Arvel. From there it will be going to Mandalore because @Tramp Graphics has asked that Rei is introduced last. That does lead me onto the next point.

Mandalore History: I usually wouldn't feel the need to specify a planet or cultures history before a group visits it, but thanks to assorted canon/legends/authors/fans/a lot of other **** Mandalore is a weirdly controversial place. So because of that as well as the confusing history I'm streamlining some stuff.

  • Legends material from before the clone wars is all part of Mandalorian history. Mask of Mandalore, Canderous Ordo, the Taung, that weird civil war with Jango Fett etc, all part of it.
  • After that clone wars and rebels mandalorian history takes precedence. That includes the pacifists taking over the planet, and still existing during the imperial reign at the same time as the warrior clans returning.
  • Mandalore (leader of the planet) was Bo-Katan instead of Boba Fett.
  • Beskar iron is tough, but it's not ******* lightsaber resistant. I'm using the Mandalorian armour stats in the no disintegrations book for this.
  • Mandalorians are good warriors but they're not 'one of the three great powers of the galaxy'.
  • An average warrior can be defeated by none force users without it being a huge deal. Most species have their own warrior elites (nikto morgu'kai, the ubese in general, rodian hunters etc. etc.), they're not unbeatable. Just need to get that out there.
  • Despite helping the rebels, with their history most of the galaxy don't see the mandalorians as good guys, or just see them as straight up villains.
  • The main factions of the mandalorians are: The new mandalorians (pacifists), old mandalorians (deathwatch/imperial super commandos/followers of the Taung and old republic mandalorians) and the 'true' mandalorians (followers of Bo-Katan and the new version of mandalorian honour).

On the note of gathering the party, @TheShard I need you to come up with our apprentice character, and I need it preferably before reaching the planet Gorse. As gm I have not problem with the idea you came up with of a disgraced member of the Knights of Ren if that's what you still want to do. Please let me know what your character idea is that you want to stick on so I can tie them into the group.

Xp: I will be doing xp as usual for apprentices, but the gm's still need to make a final decision about how xp is going to be handled for masters. There was a lot of options thrown out, but I can't remember what they all were.

I think some of the options were no xp, half xp, no xp except for special conditions. Whatever is decided, it needs to be decided before the end of the session so I know what I'm doing.

Character Development: As we have (I assume) numerous gm's running this thing, it would probably help to know what the long and short term goals are for the apprentice characters so that they can be included in the game. I would suggest that they are kept a little vague to make it easy to add in, and doesn't necessarily have to be 'restore the jedi order'. I'm thinking more mechanical wise for short term and personal goals for long term.

For example: Kark's long term goal is to do as much research into ancient culture and the force as possible. Collecting as much as he can so it won't be lost again. Maybe one day he'd like to end up as an archivist or archaeologist for the jedi. Short terms he would like to focus his training on the force and support/knowledge skills so that he can be useful to the others without having to fight. Also now I have access to the unlimited power book I think Kark would find alchemy fascinating.

If the rest of you can post what you want for your character, that would be very helpful.

I think that covers everything.