Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

I didn’t “half mention” anything. I explicitly told him exactly what I did. What he originally had, and what I substituted for them during his original conversion to account for the difference in the systems. And that original conversion was long posted on these very boards long before the Jedi Quest game began . So, it’s no secret.

5 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I didn’t “half mention” anything. I explicitly told him exactly what I did. What he originally had, and what I substituted for them during his original conversion to account for the difference in the systems. And that original conversion was long posted on these very boards long before the Jedi Quest game began . So, it’s no secret.

The post didn't use the word "substitute" or "is it ok that I substituted?" And doesn't say "I never had a kimber stone under d6 or rcr" and doesn't say "is it ok if I keep that AND the dual phase attachment?"

That's half mentioning, a lie of omission.

Edited by EliasWindrider
33 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

And even if you did get @killerbeardhawk 's approval to that EXPLICIT a question, you still added a kimber stone to your lightsaber at the end of the jedi quest campaign prior to the jedi star campaign. You'd have to use a jedi mind trick to talk your way out of this one.

All I did was restore the character back to how he started the game with. Nothing more. And even then, I didn’t restore the Pontite crystal I originally gave him. So, there’s nothing to weasel out of. I’ve been very up front in exactly how he was converted, and what happened in the Jedi Quest game. If there was any question, that game is on these forums for public review, and Rabobankrider has, referenced it as well.

Just now, EliasWindrider said:

The post didn't use the word "substitute" or "is it ok that I substituted?" And doesn't say "I never had a kimber stone under d6 or rcr"

That's half mentioning, a lie of omission.

No, it isn’t. I specifically told him exactly what the original D6/D20 lightsaber had for crystals, as well as what I had replaced the redundant ones with and why I did so. There was no omission.

Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

All I did was restore the character back to how he started the game with. Nothing more. And even then, I didn’t restore the Pontite crystal I originally gave him. So, there’s nothing to weasel out of. I’ve been very up front in exactly how he was converted, and what happened in the Jedi Quest game. If there was any question, that game is on these forums for public review, and Rabobankrider has, referenced it as well.

No, it isn’t. I specifically told him exactly what the original D6/D20 lightsaber had for crystals, as well as what I had replaced the redundant ones with and why I did so. There was no omission.

You said what you had, you didn't say what you didn't have, you didn't say substitute and didn't ask for approval, you asked about getting your hands on a different crystal.

You were just as up front about this as you were about you having absolute authority over all other characters while they were on board the jedi star at the beginning of this game, in other words not at all up front.

And regardless of whether you want to call it "restoring" at the end of the last game you did not have a kimber stone, had never had one, now you "do" while claiming it was previous gear while in universe it wasn't.

I think you are the only two involved in the dispute. That's something to think about. The gm hasn't intervened, other that to move this out of ooc. The gm, and now the next gm whoever that maybe can decide, fully aware of the situation.

Just now, TheShard said:

I think you are the only two involved in the dispute. That's something to think about. The gm hasn't intervened, other that to move this out of ooc. The gm, and now the next gm whoever that maybe can decide, fully aware of the situation.

Thank you.

7 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

You said what you had, you didn't say what you didn't have, you didn't say substitute and didn't ask for approval, you asked about getting your hands on a different crystal.

You were just as up front about this as you were about you having absolute authority over all other characters while they were on board the jedi star at the beginning of this game, in other words not at all up front.

And regardless of whether you want to call it "restoring" at the end of the last game you did not have a kimber stone, had never had one, now you "do" while claiming it was previous gear while in universe it wasn't.

Yes, he did. That is how I converted him and started that first game here with. For the entire first half of that Jedi Quest session, up until Awayputurwpn decided to limit everyone, he had a Mephite crystal, a Kimber Stone and a Pontite crystal.

@Rabobankrider in your opinion, now that you've been made aware of the facts in the matter do you think Korath should be able to substitute a kimber stone for one of his "spare" mephite Crystal's, gain a cyclic crystal array for free while still keeping the dual phase attachment all as previous gear despite the ruling of @awayputurwpn , the only gm who is known to be fully aware of the issue being no, and tramp having agreed to it and played the remainder of the game under the "no have a katharcite/ training emitter crystal instead"?

Edited by EliasWindrider
29 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Rabobankrider in your opinion, now that you've been made aware of the facts in the matter do you think Korath should be able to substitute a kimber stone for one of his "spare" mephite Crystal's, gain a cyclic crystal array for free while still keeping the dual phase attachment all as previous gear despite the ruling of @awayputurwpn , the only gm who is known to be fully aware of the issue being no, and tramp having agreed to it and played the remainder of the game under the "no have a katharcite/ training emitter crystal instead"?

What part of what @TheShard said above don’t you get? And, for the record, if @penpenpen doesn’t take over full time, @TheShard is next in line as GM. @Rabobankrider was fully aware of what happened in the Jedi Quest game before this game began.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
47 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

What part of what @TheShard said above don’t you get? And, for the record, if @penpenpen doesn’t take over full time, @TheShard is next in line as GM. @Rabobankrider was fully aware of what happened in the Jedi Quest game before this game began.

He said let the gm decide, so I asked the gm to make an official decision.

Edited by EliasWindrider
1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:

He said let the gm decided, so I asked the gm to make an official decision.

And you missed his entire point. You are the only one with an issue here . @Rabobankrider already ruled on it long before, and only wanted us to take the discussion out of the OOC thread. You are creating an issue where there is none, or do you want to make Korath even weaker and even more “under optimized” than you believe he already is? What’s your problem? Why bring this up now? You knew This was the build and load out I was using from the start.

Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

And you missed his entire point. You are the only one with an issue here . @Rabobankrider already ruled on it long before, and only wanted us to take the discussion out of the OOC thread. You are creating an issue where there is none, or do you want to make Korath even weaker and even more “under optimized” than you believe he already is? What’s your problem? Why bring this up now? You knew This was the build and load out I was using from the start.

"My issue" is that I generally have a problem with inequality/deception/and broken agreements. It was news to me that you weren't adhering to @awayputurwpn 's ruling on the lightsaber that you had previously agreed to and played under.

Also the inadequacies of Korath's build have nothing to do with his gear (unless you're planning on attribute enhancing cybernetics), and should be addressed via adapting the build, not necessarily by a rebuild but at least by intelligently spending future xp.

33 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

"My issue" is that I generally have a problem with inequality/deception/and broken agreements. It was news to me that you weren't adhering to @awayputurwpn 's ruling on the lightsaber that you had previously agreed to and played under.

Also the inadequacies of Korath's build have nothing to do with his gear (unless you're planning on attribute enhancing cybernetics), and should be addressed via adapting the build, not necessarily by a rebuild but at least by intelligently spending future xp.

There were no inequities nor deception. And my sheet has been available for everyone to see right from the beginning . So don’t give me that. Everyone knew the load out I have. It’s been available from the start. On top of that, everyone knew what went down in that last game as well. It’s public knowledge for everyone to read. So your issue is baseless . So don’t give me that BS. Also, given that Korath never even used his lightsaber That last game makes your argument pointless anyway.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
44 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

There were no inequities nor deception. And my sheet has been available for everyone to see right from the beginning . So don’t give me that. Everyone knew the load out I have. It’s been available from the start. On top of that, everyone knew what went down in that last game as well. It’s public knowledge for everyone to read. So your issue is baseless . So don’t give me that BS.

1) I don't think many people read the 33 page OLD (as opposed to new, because there were 2 of them) occ jedi QUEST thread, which was were this particular discussion was, so assuming that people have full knowledge of anything before @awayputurwpn started a new ooc threads is ludicrous.

2) I thought you had forgotten to fix your character sheet/it was out of date, that was the only reason I hadn't mentioned it previously, and i don't think many players have read everyone else's character sheet

3) Korath has far greater credit value of gear than any of the other master characters, possibly more than all of the rest of us put together, so don't tell me there's no inequality because that's a load of croc (and that's me trying to be polite). To my knowledge Arissa is the only other character with 2 lightsaber crystals and they I believe are unmodded ilum crystals which she only has because 2 sabers, so even on the basis of lightsaber crystals alone there's a huge inequality. Not that the inequality matters really other than for the sake of principle.

4) your communication for the duration of the jedi star campaign, from it's inception/planning is best 1 word characterized as "deceptive" or if you prefer "misleading" or maybe "unclear" if someone was feeling extremely charitable, BUT I suppose someone might opt for "argumentative" "coercive" or "hostile" as the most appropriate word, so claiming you weren't being deceptive by leaving key details unsaid is itself a lie.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Wrong on all counts. First off, if Arissa hasn’t done any mods to her crystals that simply means that she lacks the Mechanics skill to do so, and/or never got the chance in her last game. And @TheShard has already gone on record saying his character would have two lightsabers as well, a shoto and a cross guard saber, and his shoto at least has a fully modded Dragite gem. I’m not sure about the cross guard saber.

Secondly, no, it was not an “old” sheet. As I said, the Pontite crystal is not there. And I already stated in the IC and OOC thread that when he dropped his use of Misdirect, Korath had switched his lightsaber setting from Mephite to Kimber Stone. So, no. I hid nothing . So you knew well before this that I went with Korath’s original post conversion load out, minus the Pontite crystal. So don’t give me that. I have not been dishonest in any way.

As for Korath’s “credit value”, his personal gear and weapons is of no more credit value than anyone else’s master character’s. In fact other than his lightsaber, most of his personal gear is of less value than a number of them. The only thing of any substantial value is the ship, and that is for the party’s use as a place to train, live, and get around the galaxy. In other words, a party resource . Korath may be the captain of the ship, but, like the Ghost , from Rebels , it is a party resource, as is the Holocron. So don’t give me that. Stop trying to create an issue when there is none.

10 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Wrong on all counts. First off, if Arissa hasn’t done any mods to her crystals that simply means that she lacks the Mechanics skill to do so, and/or never got the chance in her last game. And @TheShard has already gone on record saying his character would have two lightsabers as well, a shoto and a cross guard saber, and his shoto at least has a fully modded Dragite gem. I’m not sure about the cross guard saber.

Secondly, no, it was not an “old” sheet. As I said, the Pontite crystal is not there. And I already stated in the IC and OOC thread that when he dropped his use of Misdirect, Korath had switched his lightsaber setting from Mephite to Kimber Stone. So, no. I hid nothing . So you knew well before this that I went with Korath’s original post conversion load out, minus the Pontite crystal. So don’t give me that. I have not been dishonest in any way.

As for Korath’s “credit value”, his personal gear and weapons is of no more credit value than anyone else’s master character’s. In fact other than his lightsaber, most of his personal gear is of less value than a number of them. The only thing of any substantial value is the ship, and that is for the party’s use as a place to train, live, and get around the galaxy. In other words, a party resource . Korath may be the captain of the ship, but, like the Ghost , from Rebels , it is a party resource, as is the Holocron. So don’t give me that. Stop trying to create an issue when there is none.

You are a liar. Or maybe you're biased to your own self interest to the point of being delusional, the effect is the same. People can't trust what you say because you don't say what's relevant/true.

When Korath switched the saber from mephite to kimber is how I learned of it, and what I responded to when I raised the issue.

2 unmodded ilum crystals is 18000 credits the whole budget for starting master characters, so she went over budget, like I said Korath plays by a different set of rules than most if not all of other characters in the game

Edited by EliasWindrider
57 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

As for Korath’s “credit     value        ”, his personal gear    a  nd weapons is of no more c  r  e  dit value than anyone else’s master cha  r   a  c  te  r    s

Well, that should be easy to settle, then. What is the credit value of Korath's gear? One of you should be proven right easily enough...

Compare whatever that is to 18000, I know Korath's lightsaber alone greatly exceeds that.

13 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Compare whatever that is to 18000, I know Korath's lightsaber alone greatly exceeds that.

From what I can remember of the attachments it's at least 27800 to craft the saber before paying for mods and I'm not sure I got all the attachments on the saber.

11 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

From what I can remember of the attachments it's at least 27800 to craft the saber before paying for mods and I'm not sure I got all the attachments on the saber.

Oops forgot the extended hilt which brings it to 31600 before paying for mods whic easily puts the saber over 33K. So with the saber alone Korath has easily 15K more credits worth of gear than permitted for a starting master character.

14 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Oops forgot the extended hilt which brings it to 31600 before paying for mods whic easily puts the saber over 33K. So with the saber alone Korath has easily 15K more credits worth of gear than permitted for a starting master character.

And? Korath earned all of that in actual play. That is one of the key rules set for this campaign. Preexisting characters won’t be denied the equipment they had in their previous incarnations or campaigns. That means that they aren’t limited to a certain credit amount. Not only that, but at even the minimum earned XP level for the master characters, that’s ten times the earned XP of a Knight level character, so 18,000 is itself a bit restrictive anyway. @Rabobankrider himself has said he’s not as concerned about the credit cost of the master level characters’ gear.

The Master characters that were created from scratch have restrictions because they are essentially starting characters built whole cloth and given added XP similar to the Knight Level Play rules. They haven’t had the actual play experience nor opportunity to earn their gear. If you were to put a Knight level character built whole cloth next to a character who has role played their way to that same XP, it’s likely that the character who actually earned that level through play is gonna have more valuable gear and more credits than the Knight level character built whole cloth. The same here. A master character who has actually been played for long period of time, and earned his or her XP and equipment should have more than a character built whole cloth. Korath has years of play under him. Everything he has he earned . Yes, I had to make one substitution to accommodate how this system handles lightsaber crystals, but that substitution was for a crystal of comparable quality and capability , and at a significantly lower credit value to boot. And it was done with the full knowledge of the starting GM.

Nobody is being cheated of gear here, Keith. You are creating a problem where there is none. The only person trying to cheat someone of gear is you . @TheShard is allowed to have his armor, lightsabers, and gear, with no need to alter them or subtract from them . This is true of every signature character brought over from another campaign.

Yes, awayputurwpn wanted to restrict that. He’s not GM and his restrictions don’t apply here. That, and the fact that Korath never even used his lightsaber in the Jedi Quest session (he beat the Dark Sider with the Dark Sider’s own lightsaber) , much less on any setting other than the Mephite crystal, the fact that Korath started that session with a Kimber Stone in that second slot , and the fact that you waited this long into the game to bring it up, makes your accusation baseless. Drop it.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
3 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

And? Korath earned all of that in actual play. That is one of the key rules set for this campaign. Preexisting characters won’t be denied the equipment they had in their previous incarnations or campaigns. That means that they aren’t limited to a certain credit amount. Not only that, but at even the minimum earned XP level for the master characters, that’s ten times the earned XP of a Knight level character, so 18,000 is itself a bit restrictive anyway. @Rabobankrider himself has said he’s not as concerned about the credit cost of the master level characters’ gear.

The Master characters that were created from scratch have restrictions because they are essentially starting characters built whole cloth and given added XP similar to the Knight Level Play rules. They haven’t had the actual play experience nor opportunity to earn their gear. If you were to put a Knight level character built whole cloth next to a character who has role played their way to that same XP, it’s likely that the character who actually earned that level through play is gonna have more valuable gear and more credits than the Knight level character built whole cloth. The same here. A master character who has actually been played for long period of time, and earned his or her XP and equipment should have more than a character built whole cloth. Korath has years of play under him. Everything he has he earned . Yes, I had to make one substitution to accommodate how this system handles lightsaber crystals, but that substitution was for a crystal of comparable quality and capability , and at a significantly lower credit value to boot. And it was done with the full knowledge of the starting GM.

Nobody is being cheated of gear here, Keith. You are creating a problem where there is none. The only person trying to cheat someone of gear is you . @TheShard is allowed to have his armor, lightsabers, and gear, with no need to alter them or subtract from them . This is true of every signature character brought over from another campaign.

Yes, awayputurwpn wanted to restrict that. He’s not GM and his restrictions don’t apply here. That, and the fact that Korath never even used his lightsaber in the Jedi Quest session (he beat the Dark Sider with the Dark Sider’s own lightsaber) , much less on any setting other than the Mephite crystal, the fact that Korath started that session with a Kimber Stone in that second slot , and the fact that you waited this long into the game to bring it up, makes your accusation baseless. Drop it.

The rules you set up incredibly favor Korath but if you were actually FOLLOWING them I honestly wouldn't have a problem. I don't have an objection to Korath keeping what he ACTUALLY earned in previous play, I have a problem with you lying to sneak in what you claim was "previous gear" but actually wasn't.

Korath most certainly did NOT earn a kimber stone in previous play because it didn't exist in previous games, neither did the cyclic crystal array, and you TRY to justify the superior to get a lock on switch that has only a narrative effect, instead of having just a lock on switch, which is absurd... that's 13000 credits worth of gear that Korath most certainly did NOT earn in previous play. Korath earned 1 mephite crystal that could be narratively fluffed as 3, a dual phase attachment, and I wouldn't quibble about the extended hilt even though I think you're "reasoning" on it is ludicrous/delusional.

Awayputurwpn isn't the gm for this game he was the gm for the last one. His ruling in the last game is why I am only objecting to the kimber stone and not the cyclic crystal array or superior (which I think are absurd but fine whatever), I actually respect gm rulings as final and don't try to repeal them when a new gm takes over. The offense that I take issue with is you added "previous" gear between the end of the last game and the beginning of this one, which is false pretenses/a lie.

My problem isn't with the gear itself ~6500 credits isn't an issue, given the baked in discrepancy it's a drop in the bucket. My problem is with your lying/deception/cheating. If you were ACTUALLY FOLLOWING the mutually agreed upon rules that you set up to favor you, I wouldn't have a problem because that's what we all signed on for, but you're not even following the rules that already favor you. That's the real issue here. You lie and cheat. Whether your being deliberately devious or you're simply biased to the point of being delusional and actually believe the nonsense you're spewing doesn't matter. The effect is the same. You're not telling the truth and you're not following the rules.

29 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

The rules you set up incredibly favor Korath but if you were actually FOLLOWING them I honestly wouldn't have a problem. I don't have an objection to Korath keeping what he ACTUALLY earned in previous play, I have a problem with you lying to sneak in what you claim was "previous gear" but actually wasn't.

Korath most certainly did NOT earn a kimber stone in previous play because it didn't exist in previous games, neither did the cyclic crystal array, and you TRY to justify the superior to get a lock on switch that has only a narrative effect, instead of having just a lock on switch, which is absurd... that's 13000 credits worth of gear that Korath most certainly did NOT earn in previous play. Korath earned 1 mephite crystal that could be narratively fluffed as 3, a dual phase attachment, and I wouldn't quibble about the extended hilt even though I think you're "reasoning" on it is ludicrous/delusional.

Awayputurwpn isn't the gm for this game he was the gm for the last one. His ruling in the last game is why I am only objecting to the kimber stone and not the cyclic crystal array or superior (which I think are absurd but fine whatever), I actually respect gm rulings as final and don't try to repeal them when a new gm takes over. The offense that I take issue with is you added "previous" gear between the end of the last game and the beginning of this one, which is false pretenses/a lie.

My problem isn't with the gear itself ~6500 credits isn't an issue, given the baked in discrepancy it's a drop in the bucket. My problem is with your lying/deception/cheating. If you were ACTUALLY FOLLOWING the mutually agreed upon rules that you set up to favor you, I wouldn't have a problem because that's what we all signed on for, but you're not even following the rules that already favor you. That's the real issue here. You lie and cheat. Whether your being deliberately devious or you're simply biased to the point of being delusional and actually believe the nonsense you're spewing doesn't matter. The effect is the same. You're not telling the truth and you're not following the rules.

@Tramp Graphics

If you're claiming that awayputurwpn not being gm any null and voids his ruling, then that will expand my complaint to the cyclic crystal array and superior, and that I'm going to re-raise this issue with EVERY new gm. You're dishonesty/cheating is that big a deal to me.

Edited by EliasWindrider
41 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

The rules you set up incredibly favor Korath but if you were actually FOLLOWING them I honestly wouldn't have a problem. I don't have an objection to Korath keeping what he ACTUALLY earned in previous play, I have a problem with you lying to sneak in what you claim was "previous gear" but actually wasn't.

Korath most certainly did NOT earn a kimber stone in previous play because it didn't exist in previous games, neither did the cyclic crystal array, and you TRY to justify the superior to get a lock on switch that has only a narrative effect, instead of having just a lock on switch, which is absurd... that's 13000 credits worth of gear that Korath most certainly did NOT earn in previous play. Korath earned 1 mephite crystal that could be narratively fluffed as 3, a dual phase attachment, and I wouldn't quibble about the extended hilt even though I think you're "reasoning" on it is ludicrous/delusional.

Awayputurwpn isn't the gm for this game he was the gm for the last one. His ruling in the last game is why I am only objecting to the kimber stone and not the cyclic crystal array or superior (which I think are absurd but fine whatever), I actually respect gm rulings as final and don't try to repeal them when a new gm takes over. The offense that I take issue with is you added "previous" gear between the end of the last game and the beginning of this one, which is false pretenses/a lie.

My problem isn't with the gear itself ~6500 credits isn't an issue, given the baked in discrepancy it's a drop in the bucket. My problem is with your lying/deception/cheating. If you were ACTUALLY FOLLOWING the mutually agreed upon rules that you set up to favor you, I wouldn't have a problem because that's what we all signed on for, but you're not even following the rules that already favor you. That's the real issue here. You lie and cheat. Whether your being deliberately devious or you're simply biased to the point of being delusional and actually believe the nonsense you're spewing doesn't matter. The effect is the same. You're not telling the truth and you're not following the rules.

No Keith. As I said already, there was no sneaking, no deception, nothing. I told Rabobankrider exactly what I did, and he was well aware of the previous game. This was heavily discussed in the prep thread and via PM. So your accusation is baseless. My point about awayputurwpn not being GM here is that his restrictions on gear, and the credit value thereof is not applicable in this campaign. You are trying to create an issue which there is none. It’s as if you’re trying to sabotage this game. If you had a problem with Korath’s loadout you should have brought it up at the beginning of the game. Regardless, Rabobankrider approved Korath’s loadout, so you have no right to question it, especially not this late in the game. And , technically, awayputurwpn shouldn’t have made anyone alter their character’s loadout mid session to begin with. You are acting as if I’m trying to cheat the other players out of something. You forget that this rule applies to all of the previously played characters, of which Korath is not the only one.

As for not “earning” a Kimber Stone because they didn’t exist in the previous systems, and, as such that’s somehow “sneaking” something in? BULL! As I already proved. I told Rabobankrider exactly what he originally had in D6 and D20, and he was completely fine with that very appropriate substitution. A Kimber Stone is comparable to the Mephite crystal in damage and potency of qualities. As such it is a much better substitution for the redundant crystal.

Remember, the original lightsaber had three lengths from three different crystals. The dual phase attachment only covers two lengths, and thus accounts for two crystals (and can be narrated as such), but it does not account for the third crystal the original D6 saber had. And a Kathracite crystal is not anywhere near comparable to Mephite. , so, no, it is not an appropriate substitute. A Kimber Stone is .

Now, had I tried to tell Rabobankrider that Korath had a Kimber Stone back in D6/D20, that would have been deception. However, I didn’t do that. I explicitly told him what Korath originally had in his D6/D20 Lightsaber and what substitution I made when converting him and why . Therefore, You accusation is baseless . You are trying to ruin the game. Stop it.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
53 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No Keith. As I said already, there was no sneaking, no deception, nothing. I told Rabobankrider exactly what I did, and he was well aware of the previous game. This was heavily discussed in the prep thread and via PM. So your accusation is baseless. My point about awayputurwpn not being GM here is that his restrictions on gear, and the credit value thereof is not applicable in this campaign. You are trying to create an issue which there is none. It’s as if you’re trying to sabotage this game. If you had a problem with Korath’s loadout you should have brought it up at the beginning of the game. Regardless, Rabobankrider approved Korath’s loadout, so you have no right to question it, especially not this late in the game. And , technically, awayputurwpn shouldn’t have made anyone alter their character’s loadout mid session to begin with. You are acting as if I’m trying to cheat the other players out of something. You forget that this rule applies to all of the previously played characters, of which Korath is not the only one.

As for not “earning” a Kimber Stone because they didn’t exist in the previous systems, and, as such that’s somehow “sneaking” something in? BULL! As I already proved. I told Rabobankrider exactly what he originally had in D6 and D20, and he was completely fine with that very appropriate substitution. A Kimber Stone is comparable to the Mephite crystal in damage and potency of qualities. As such it is a much better substitution for the redundant crystal.

Remember, the original lightsaber had three lengths from three different crystals. The dual phase attachment only covers two lengths, and thus accounts for two crystals (and can be narrated as such), but it does not account for the third crystal the original D6 saber had. And a Kathracite crystal is not anywhere near comparable to Mephite. , so, no, it is not an appropriate substitute. A Kimber Stone is .

Now, had I tried to tell Rabobankrider that Korath had a Kimber Stone back in D6/D20, that would have been deception. However, I didn’t do that. I explicitly told him what Korath originally had in his D6/D20 Lightsaber and what substitution I made when converting him and why . Therefore, You accusation is baseless . You are trying to ruin the game. Stop it.

The only thing that you've proved is that you are a liar and a cheat, that's what I have a problem with, not the gear itself. If awayputurwpn's original ruling doesn't stand, this is NEVER going away for as long as you play Korath's on these boards. And I raised the issue as soon as I found out about your lie/deception/cheating. That's what a GM's ruling not being final means, this issue haunts you forever.

Edited by EliasWindrider