Jedi Star Misc thread

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

17 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Depending on when you try to run the adventure a number of padawans might either fail miserably or refuse to take the Trials (because they know they will fail). I think that'll make for some pretty cool role playing...

I don't plan on running the Jedi Trials until such time as at least most, if not all , of the Starting characters do meet the listed "prerequisites" the trials ask for, as it would be unfair to them to basically "throw them to the wolves" unprepared; certainly not until they're well above Knight Level and have at least a Force rating of 2 or better, and all of the Jedi Master characters agree that their respective apprentices are ready. The Gathering , however, I want to run once they get near, or at, 100 earned XP, close to, but not yet at Knight Level. In both cases, I want to split the party into two groups, each under a different GM, with each GM's starting character in the other GM's group. Originally, I was going to do three groups of three, but with ten starting characters, that doesn't work, so it has to be two groups of five to keep things even. The only other option would be five groups of two, but that'd be a little ridiculous.

So you won't force us to spend xp on specific traits etc, but this game does have locked content that players can't access till they've bought certain traits etc. Sort of like battlefront: You don't have to spend money on all the extra dlc, but if you want to win it certainly helps.

As in most tabletop rpg style games, there's almost always multiple solutions to a problem, so really the players should be able to pass with a variety of different skills when you think about it. Otherwise you'd end up with a bunch of carbon copies and it'd be a bit dull. @Tramp Graphics , I think you're going to have to accept that players are going to spend xp on what they want regardless of what you say they need for their trials (which are miles off anyway so we shouldn't all be spending this much time on it really).

Also as a separate point: If the trials and gathering etc are being run by several gm's, this isn't really your call unless you plan to oversee the other gm's sessions as some kind of uber-manager. They'll almost certainly run theirs different to other people as we all have our own ideas/personalities/plans etc.

Also on a personal note, making certain words bold doesn't help your arguments really. We still have to read the rest of the sentence to understand what's being said so it's not a massive benefit.

As I said in the ooc thread I am away this week, so won't be contributing till I get back. As a heads up though when I am back if this debate is still going on I am going to be pretty frustrated, as this is taking a **** of a lot of time. I would really like to see something actively positive on here when I'm back, that's be a lovely surprise. :)

On 7/29/2018 at 4:16 AM, Jonas Shaaf said:

That would make for a fantastic campaign, IMHO.

If there's interest, and any spots left, I'd consider joining. Probably more on the GM side than the PC side.

i'd like to Co-Gm the gathering

I'm for having a permanent gm. We can do guest gm-ing like tramp's trials.

I think pbp would benefit from a consistent steady hand to guide it.

6 hours ago, penpenpen said:

If there's interest, and any spots left, I'd consider joining. Probably more on the GM side than the PC side.

4 hours ago, TheShard said:

I'm for having a permanent gm. We can do guest gm-ing like tramp's trials.

I think pbp would benefit from a consistent steady hand to guide it.

I don't have a problem either way, though I do plan on co-running the Gathering and Jedi Trials . If you do want to make characters and stick with the alternating GMs, the Jedi Star has just enough room for two more occupants. If you want to take on primary GM duties, I will have to go over several things with you via PM.

16 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I don't have a problem either way, though I do plan on co-running the Gathering and Jedi Trials . If you do want to make characters and stick with the alternating GMs, the Jedi Star has just enough room for two more occupants. If you want to take on primary GM duties, I will have to go over several things with you via PM.

I'm a little apprehensive that Tramp might be setting some ground rules that are unfairly beneficial to him at the expense of the rest of the players. So I would like this conversation to take place in the misc thread so we all can weigh in. Most of us here are mature adults who can separate between player vs. character knowledge and behavior.

I’m not sure why this childhood memory came to mind this morning.

I couldn’t have been more than 8 or 9, and my dad once told me that he noticed when I’d play with my friends, I’d often tell them what to do or say, making sure our games and scenarios went the way I wanted them to, rather than allowing and encouraging them to fully make their own choices; their choices had to fit with how I wanted things to go.

I’m sure it’s just a random memory that I haven’t thought of in years popping up for no reason. ?

1 minute ago, Nytwyng said:

I’m not sure why this childhood memory came to mind this morning.

I couldn’t have been more than 8 or 9, and my dad once told me that he noticed when I’d play with my friends, I’d often tell them what to do or say, making sure our games and scenarios went the way I wanted them to, rather than allowing and encouraging them to fully make their own choices; their choices had to fit with how I wanted things to go.

I’m sure it’s just a random memory that I haven’t thought of in years popping up for no reason. ?

maybe try and pad that brick a little

20 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I don't have a problem either way, though I do plan on co-running the Gathering and Jedi Trials . If you do want to make characters and stick with the alternating GMs, the Jedi Star has just enough room for two more occupants. If you want to take on primary GM duties, I will have to go over several things with you via PM.

Feel free to send me your list of demands.

5 hours ago, penpenpen said:

Feel free to send me your list of demands.

No demands, just background information on specific NPCs.

I fidgeted with Elias' build shifted a dedication from willpower to agility. I wrote a program to roll a dice pool a million times and compute stats on the outcomes, 4 agility and 5 willpower is a lot more beneficial than 3 agility and 6 willpower, especially when vehicles are concerned, I haven't used a 6 willpower yet so, it should be no harm no foul. Also Elias is now a 3 good attributes pony instead of a 2 good attributes pony so he should be proficient (using 50% or greater chance of succeeding at a 3 purple difficulty as the benchmark of proficiency) at about half of all skill checks.

Edited by EliasWindrider
7 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No demands, just background information on specific NPCs.

That too. PM away.

I think it's safe to say I will not be volunteering for future GM duties. @penpenpen , if you are planning to GM then welcome and good luck! If you want I can finish running this session for you to take over after or if you want I can tell you what I had planned and you can take over, the choice is yours.

9 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

I think it's safe to say I will not be volunteering for future GM duties. @penpenpen , if you are planning to GM then welcome and good luck! If you want I can finish running this session for you to take over after or if you want I can tell you what I had planned and you can take over, the choice is yours.

Well, finish up your session by all means.

As for taking over, my prime consideration is the sheer scale of it. Eight players each with two characters is pretty far beyond what I can deal with as a lone GM.

Splitting the charscters into paralell, overlapping groups might mitigate it, but still, it's a lot of characters to handle alone.

I could of course up the lethality a few notches and make the campaign into a bleak struggle for survival, which kind of fits the setting, but I'm not sure if everyone would be fine with that, considering many of the master level characters are people's old favourites and might not enjoy having them killed of, especially since not everyone might get a cool heroic death scene. But if everyone is fine with that, I might be able to hammer something out.

12 hours ago, penpenpen said:

Well, finish up your session by all means.

As for taking over, my prime consideration is the sheer scale of it. Eight players each with two characters is pretty far beyond what I can deal with as a lone GM.

Splitting the charscters into paralell, overlapping groups might mitigate it, but still, it's a lot of characters to handle alone.

I could of course up the lethality a few notches and make the campaign into a bleak struggle for survival, which kind of fits the setting, but I'm not sure if everyone would be fine with that, considering many of the master level characters are people's old favourites and might not enjoy having them killed of, especially since not everyone might get a cool heroic death scene. But if everyone is fine with that, I might be able to hammer something out.

Actually, its ten players with 2 characters each. However, this is actually one of the reasons why I set up the "round robin" format, as well as occasionally splitting the party. So that one GM didn't have to deal with that many characters full time. It's also why some sessions should focus on one particular group of characters over the other (be they Masters or Students) and vice versa. So we could have some sessions which are students focused and some which are Masters focused.

I'm personally all for a few heroic sacrifices from the masters here and there, Obi-Wan style. No one wants to live forever.

Just now, Rabobankrider said:

I'm personally all for a few heroic sacrifices from the masters here and there, Obi-Wan style. No one wants to live forever.

What're you talking about. I intend to live forever, or die trying. ?

The die part is most likely considering your are playing a mentor. Literally 0 of those live in Star Wars. They all dead.

Yoda wasn't killed hes was just old AF. I think if the GM wants characters to die they should private message ppl to see if they are ok with it and even if they are don't just dump 50 Nemesis inquisitors on them.

2 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Yoda wasn't killed hes was just old AF. I think if the GM wants characters to die they should private message ppl to see if they are ok with it and even if they are don't just dump 50 Nemesis inquisitors on them.


I don't mind it be significantly dangerous. Not certain death but a notch or two below that is cool by me. I'm happy to just run a mastery i think we have far to many pcs... I'll run my second maybe as a droid or something to condense the plot strain.

I do think that making it riskier for the master is a must. Most of my stuff atm has been what you might expect for most parties, and the master characters are just going to trample anything other than an abnormally hard threat. Unless the gm/gms get super sneaky and start to target stuff they can't control like friends/family, or have to actively play against their stats (making faces fight, fighters think etc).

The problem happens with a mixed party as the super hard boss fight will destroy the apprentice padawan characters.

Yeah, I had been planning (when I was going to gm beyond this session) that the masters would be forced to hang back or be conveniently elsewhere 90% of the time after they send their padawans out on a mission. Sort of 'go deal with this, I need to buy a new coat. See you here tomorrow, don't dieeeee!'