Ive came up with another approach to necromancer maro and i want you feedback about this list. Its pretty light on units but in my opinion its pretty universal.
Heartseeker [10]
Violent Forces [6]
Total Unit Cost: 56
Reanimates [50] 3x3
Deathcaller [5]
Support Carrion Lancer [6]
Blighted Vexillum Bearer [3]
Simultaneous Orders [2]
Total Unit Cost: 66
Reanimate Archers [45] 3x2
Close Quarters Targeting [3]
Total Unit Cost: 48
Death Knights [24] 2x1
Obcasiums Gauntlet [5]
Total Unit Cost: 29
Whole concept with heartseker is to keep that expensive maro alive to let him add up trays and potentially kill some stuff. With that articack he can just move right behind the reanimate block (or archers) and keep attackig the same unit the block is engaged with. Aditionally Reanimates use good old deathcaller blight combo for high armor targets and archers are another threat with their 3 wide formation and ability to shot into close combat. Death knights are supoosed to flank and protect rest of the army form enemy flankers adn thanks to obcasium gauntlet they can deal with such things with ease. What do you think?