GenCon - Scorpion Dinner for Villains play mats

By Hinomura, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Heya folks!

We're once again providing exclusive play mats for attendees at the GenCon Dinner for Villains, which this year has combined forces with the Scorpion Clan Dinner and will be held at 9pm on Friday August 3rd at the Rock Bottom Brewery (Facebook event can be found here: The artwork is still being finalized, but I'm opening up sign-ups now to get ahead of things.

There will be an initial print run of 20, but more can be added if we get enough advance notice. The price is $20, which MUST be paid beforehand - no mats will be available for purchase at the Dinner, and no payment will be taken on the night.

These mats are intended for those attending the Dinner...if you'd like one and you're not going, find someone that is and ask them to collect it for you!

Please contact me via PM or Facebook if you would like a mat, and I'll provide you with my PayPal details.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing folks there!


Any hint as to what they're gonna look like or is it a surprise?

Scorpion-themed with a Taint-y slant. :P

24 minutes ago, Hinomura said:

Scorpion-themed with a Taint-y slant. :P

So plain old Scorpion, right?

Some of us were okay with the Shadowed Tower, yep.

Another day, another (Scorpion) dollar....


Hi there. Happy to report that all 20 mats have sold. If anyone else wants one, please get in touch as soon as possible.

Artwork will be revealed very soon!

Final push for play mats. My order has to go on in Friday, so if you're interested in getting one (remember, you need to either be attending the Dinner for Villains at GenCon or arrange a pickup with someone who is going to be there), let me know! They're $20 each and payment needs to be made before the convention.

If you're still on the fence, here's the early sketch for the artwork. The final version will be full colour.




Final, full colour version of the artwork. My numbers have to go in on Friday morning, so if you're interested, you have until then to contact me!

Mats are $20 each, which must be paid before the convention. They are available to collect at the Dinner for Villains/Scorpion Clan Dinner on Friday evening at the Rock Bottom brewery in Indy. If you're not attending yourself, you're welcome to find someone that is to collect them for you.

A huge thank you to Hector Herrara for another stunning piece of artwork.