How are the units differentiated?

By RexGator, in Battles of Westeros

I was curious how the miniatures are identified as being Red, Blue or Green units? Is it:

1. By different sculpts.

2. By different color of plastic. Which could be a problem if you wanted to paint the figures.

3. Do they have colored bases? I noticed that new Napoleonics game has different color bases and I notice the teaser for this game lists 138 figures and bases.

Shameless bump. Anybody know how they are going to distinguish red, blue and green units?

I guess with banners, as in Battelore.

In this picture (from The Hopeless Gamer ) of the contets of the box says that there are Banner poles and Unit banners

Interesting, I have never played battlelore so i was not familiar with how that worked. Did you notice that the box describes 36 banner poles but 86 unit banners?

RexGator said:

Did you notice that the box describes 36 banner poles but 86 unit banners?


Maybe, there will be not more than 36 units in any scenario!


I think each banner is for a group of three or four units.

I don't understand why 36 and 86, maybe a mistake? they are very similar...

I dont know how they will do it but im sure there will be an easy and practical way to distinguish the red, blue, and green units from each other. I could come up with several different ideas myself so i believe it wont be a problem for the creative people who are designing this game.

In battlelore the heavy infantry has a diffrent sculpt then the normal ones I think (most of the time we don't really bother with them)

In Battlelore have all units (green, blue and red) incl. infantry and cavalry different sculpts, so that you can notice them at the first look.


I think read it somewhere that it was the banners that distinguishes them from one another.

Pilot17 said:

I think read it somewhere that it was the banners that distinguishes them from one another.

Both(in Battlelore) but most of the times I won't bother finding the proper figure (a guy with a sword is a guy with a sword in my book, the diffrence is only noticeable on closer inspection)

I were able to play some rounds this weekend and they are indeed differntiated by standards like BL.
Difference is that the standards have two sides one white/one black. If you use an unit you turn the standard to mark that it has been used.