Ive played an amazing game recently, it was extreeemly close match and i would like to share it with you
Starting with the lists:
Darth Vader with Force Reflexes and Saber Throw
At St with Mortar Launcher
3 units of Stormtroopers
one with extra trooper
one with dlt
one with dlt and extra trooper
1 unit of Snowtroopers with Flamethrower and Impact Grenades
one unit of Speeder Bikes
795 points total.
Luke with Jedi Mind Trick
Leia (probably naked)
3 units of Rebel Troopers
two units with z6, extra trooper, targeting scopes and grenades (one with impact and one with concusion)
one unit with ion weapon, extra trooper, targeting scopes and impact grenades
one unit of Fleet Troopers with extra trooper and that pierce shotgun
2 At Rt's
one with Rotary Blaster
one with Laser Cannon
797 points total.
After scenario bans we ended up with Breakthrough on Battle Lines with Limited Visibility.
Ive put 2 of stormtrooper units on one flank with vader and bikes, at st and snowtroopers in the middle and remaining stormtroopers on the other flank. My opponent depolyed his laser cannon at rt right in front of my walker same for 2 units of troopers and leia, rotary one, fleet troopers and luke on the flank with vader and one troopers on the other side but closer to middle.
On the first turn not much has happened. my stormtroopers managed to kill most of the fleet trooper unit that wanted to move forward and walked into their standby range. at st managed to move forward and fire at rebel troopers but with no result, snowtroopers moved behind walker. Rest of the units basicly moved forward.
On the second turn my flank with single storm unit was decimated by z6 trooper fire, at st killed some troopers that peppered my stormies, snowtroopers managed to reach range 1 and BURNED **** lot of those pesky rebels. at rt scored 3 wounds on at st and luke walked into vaders standby. speeder bikes hard turned and swung into middle.
On turn 3 luke launched son of skywalker attack to murder stormtrooper squad, but paid for it in 3 wounds from vader that managed to reach cc with him. In the meantime snowtroopers were still flamin'g that middle rebel scum with support of speeder bikes, and at st fired again and killed whole 1 trooper mini (yea, few turns in and it kills on average 1-2 figures per turn). at rt again scored 3 hits on imperial walker.
Turn 4 was the end for good farm boy luke, but it costed both implacable activations from vader. bikes zipped right by at rt in the middle that was firing at at st. It dealt 2 more damage to my walker and damaged it. leia was lated shot by those bikes by hold out blasters and he got wounded :D. Unfortunately she managed to kill one bike (it was damaged earlier by those remaining fleet troopers).
On turn 5 rotary at rt killed last stormtrooper unit, at st finished of one rebel troopers and managed to barely survive (again 3 hits but managed to save one, leia was out of arc and damaged prefented one action). Bikes moved behind building to avoid fire.
Final turn came down to vader with 3 wounds left, at st with one and one speeder bike, vs leia on 5 hp and 2 at rt's. First at st fired at leia (managed to turn and fire) and dealing 4 wounds to her. then at rt finished of at st. After that vader used ,,new ways to motivate them" to gain extra action that barely got him fully into enemy depolyment. Then leia entered imperial depolyment. After that in the last imperial action bikes moved in order to kill leia. Unfortunately they didnt had enough luck and it was negated by cover. In the last action of the game at rt moved thowards vader and fired dealing 4 crits and one hit that barely managed to kill him (dodge to prevent one hit and then saved 2 out of 4 remaining).
Final result 1:0 for the rebels but it was extreemly close.
Originally ive planned to run 3 stormtrooper squads with dlt's but i forgot one guy with that weapon so thats why there were only 2 dlt squads and some extra troopers instead.
I will add some photos later
Edited by Warlordus