Casting Mesmerism spell to take no follower

By potterman28wxcv, in Talisman Rules Questions


I have a question in regards to Mesmerism spell.

The text of Mesmerism says : "Cast at the start of your turn, before you move. Take one Follower of your choice from any character."

The ambiguity is that the casting condition is only "cast at the start of your turn, before you move" - what happens if there is no follower to be taken?

Thanks for the answers

You cannot cast a spell without a valid target. So, no Mesmerism, if there is no follower.

On 6/18/2018 at 10:03 PM, Cru4n said:

You cannot cast a spell without a valid target. So, no Mesmerism, if there is no follower.

I agree with you on this one.