Finally finished my iOS Army List Builder app!

I think I love you
Feature request: I have 2 phones and an iPad, a sync feature would be amazing
This is really awesome! I have been using BattleScribe (which is great) but this has way more functionality (cards, collection, etc). 2 quick thoughts -
1. Can you make it possible to duplicate squads? So, if I have 5 Rebel Troopers that are the same, I only have to build it once and then duplicate it 4 times
2. It can be a little cumbersome to add a Unit, then go in and kit it out - could you make it so that as you add a unit, you can also configure it from the same screen?
have already shared this with my play group, thanks again!
Edited to add: Realized #1 was my own lack of understanding about how the app worked
Edited by BojanglezOn 6/15/2018 at 12:29 PM, Bojanglez said:This is really awesome! I have been using BattleScribe (which is great) but this has way more functionality (cards, collection, etc). 2 quick thoughts -
1. Can you make it possible to duplicate squads? So, if I have 5 Rebel Troopers that are the same, I only have to build it once and then duplicate it 4 times2. It can be a little cumbersome to add a Unit, then go in and kit it out - could you make it so that as you add a unit, you can also configure it from the same screen?
have already shared this with my play group, thanks again!
Edited to add: Realized #1 was my own lack of understanding about how the app worked
3. would also love a win/loss counter per list, so I can track what is working or not from within the app
Any chance this app could be provided for Android as well? I have iOS but my buddy wants a good building app for his Android device and this is amazing.
Pretty please! ?
On 6/14/2018 at 11:09 PM, vitasmortis said:It took a LOT longer than I thought it would, but I have finally got my iOS Legion army builder app ready and available in the app store! I basically built this based on the source from my Armada app, which was in turn inspired by the wicked Aurora X-Wing app, so if you have used either of those, it should all be pretty familiar.I’ve also scoured the internet for as much of the previewed content for the upcoming waves as I could find so we can all start playing around with fun new lists before things get released. But that also means that some things aren’t complete and may or may not be correct, so please let me know if you see anything wrong or know where I can find something that’s missing
Features:- Create and manage Rebel or Imperial army lists- Assign upgrade cards to units- Manage command cards- Filter expansions, troopers, vehicles, upgrades, and commands by personal collection when building your army- Export army lists as text or JSON- All card details available for reference- All waves and expansion contents for reference- Latest FAQ errata automatically updated for all cards- List building rules are applied automatically- Includes all previewed expansions up to wave 3!I’ll be slowly adding more features to both these apps in parallel over the coming months. This is what is in my feature backlog so far, but I’d love any other ideas:- iPad support- Syncing across devices via iCloud- Searching reference cards- Sorting lists and units- Win/Loss/Tie history for listsObviously feedback, comments, and new feature ideas are much appreciated! And m ay the force be with you!
The copy feature only works on my iPad, not my iPhone. Am I doing something wrong? I can copy whole armies but I can’t copy individual units (corps, support, etc).
Awesome! Installing now so I can give it a try.
Thanks for the update with palpa and ssd!!!
On 9/1/2018 at 7:34 PM, Pooleman said:The copy feature only works on my iPad, not my iPhone. Am I doing something wrong? I can copy whole armies but I can’t copy individual units (corps, support, etc).
I found that if I checked "show only cards in my collection" in Settings, the copy option is not there for individual units. When I unchecked that option, copy was available again.
Just a bug to be addressed, I'm sure. Awesome app!
Edited by Sentry71I would like to request that the Actions list is realphabetized when new actions are added. For example, Arm X and Detonate X are at the bottom of the list. Not impossible to find, but it did take me a moment to figure out they are in the list.
A couple things I found:
1) Rebel Commandoes are listed as 68 points when they should be 60
2) it does not let me add Boba’s cards
3) the electrostaff guard for the Royal Guard squad is not appearing
A sidenote: do you think you could add the generic commander and it’s upgrade card version for imps and rebels
On a positive note, the app looks very nice and handles well. Thanks for making it.
App is great. Any chance we could get a “grand army” toggle with the list building requirements for that? Couldn’t add 7th corps unit when I upped the points to 1600.
Thanks for all these awesome feature ideas and bug reports everyone! I just finished getting the SSD update in for my Armada app so I'm going to make all these my next priority. Expect a big app update in the next week or so!
Quick question, how do you delete an army list that you no longer want.
ps. Great work with the army builder!
Edited by krazyivan1942
If you swipe left on the army lst, you will see options to Edit, Copy, or Delete the list. Just tap that red button and it's gone
Many thanks.
On 9/6/2018 at 12:25 PM, Sentry71 said:I would like to request that the Actions list is realphabetized when new actions are added. For example, Arm X and Detonate X are at the bottom of the list. Not impossible to find, but it did take me a moment to figure out they are in the list.
I see this was adjusted in the new version, thanks for that!
I have found that on the iPhone Xs, when choosing options (gear, grenades, etc), the first option is getting cut off at the top. I can't scroll to see the full text. I don't know if this is related only to the XS or not, but I did not have this issue previously on my iPhone 6.
Pic attached.
Don't usually comment, just wanted to say thanks. This app is great and a huge help.
@vitasmortis I love this app and use it regularly - two requests:
1. Can you make it so that we can manually sort our lists? I do a LOT of 'theory-crafting' and would love to keep my lists manageable
2. Can you possibly make it so that we sync across multiple devices?
thanks, REALLY love this app
Nice app! Thanks for not charging for it haha
Another minor feature suggestion—have an option for new lists to default to Rebels? Especially with factions being added, being able to choose a preferred faction or even if the app remembered the faction from your last list, that might be better than defaulting to Empire. I don’t know which might be easier for you to implement.
I was building a list and realized that the deathtroopers heavy option doesn’t show up, also the blaster config upgrade a lot isn’t there at all. So far that’s the only real issue I’ve seen with this great app.
Edited by Spideyfan629
I can't add a DH-447 Sniper to my Rebel Commandos strike team when I've got "show only cards in collection when building lists" checked, but they come in the box with the Commandos. It'll still let me add the Proton Charge Saboteur, just not the sniper. Otherwise, love the app
Hey all! Sorry for the delayed replies. I've just fixed the issues with the Rebel Commandos Strike Team and the Deathtroopers upgrades. I've also added a bunch of missing stuff from the previewed expansions, but I still have more to add in the next few days. You should see a data update the next time you open the app.
I'm also working away on a software update that will finally add sorting and filtering of your lists - AND I've added a feature that lets you set your default faction when creating a new list (straight-up I just set it to Empire by default because I'm an all-in IMP player). Expect that update within the week!
I am eventually going to get to iCloud syncing across devices, that's coming up along with iPad support (eventually).
Finally, I heard that the other Android app is no longer supported, so I'm going to start development on an Android version for this and my Armada app. I dont know how long it will take me, but it's going to happen!