Kitara Cycle Supply Restriction

By Superganja23, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Hey All,

Is anyone else noticing how hard it is to get the data packs for the Kitara Cycle? Here in Canada all of my local game stores are sold out and with no indication of more supply coming in. Even the FFG store doesn't show any in stock nor any indication that any more are coming in.

I know the game is coming to a close but I really want to finalize my collection and would love it if FFG provided fans of the game to make direct orders so that we can finish off our collection before the game comes to a close. I've sent FFG an email directly as well today and am waiting for a response.

Anyone else feel this way? Is there any way we could start a homegrown "special order" system where people can request the data packs they need and other fans help fulfill them?


That happened with Warhammer: Conquest LCG too. The last cycle has the least printed copies because of a restricted amount of time in which they were released.

The main issue is that a supported LCG will have reprints made on a regular basis. Here however, I doubt there would be any, FFG will not want to get suck with products no one will be interested to buy anymore. From what I've seen different retailers in EU had decent stocks,. As you're in Canada this might hurt you in shipping costs and customer fees but you have a decent chance finding the last pack available on UK websites.

5 minutes ago, Hellvlad said:

The main issue is that a supported LCG will have reprints made on a regular basis. Here however, I doubt there would be any, FFG will not want to get suck with products no one will be interested to buy anymore. From what I've seen different retailers in EU had decent stocks,. As you're in Canada this might hurt you in shipping costs and customer fees but you have a decent chance finding the last pack available on UK websites.

I remember my buddies getting their final Conquest pack from the UK.

Also, from their Jacking Out post


Starting on October 22nd, 2018, Fantasy Flight Games will no longer offer for sale any Android: Netrunner The Card Game products, including Android: Netrunner playmats and card sleeves.

4 minutes ago, Duciris said:

I remember my buddies getting their final Conquest pack from the UK.

Also, from their Jacking Out post

But that simplay stated starting on October 22nd. It's still 4 months of left before that, surely they can handle special request order fulfillments before then.

I had no problem getting them in Germany. But I got the German version and actually ordered them before the end of Netrunner had been announced...