You Know You're Playing Age Of Rebellion When...

By Magnus Grendel, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

When a commando party trying to extract an alliance prisoner from an Imperial naval base before she can be interrogated is informed that there's a lambda shuttle approaching with the designation " ST-321 " and the two PCs who get the reference spontaneously start choking on their drinks.

When a player says, with all seriousness, "Do I HAVE to play a Force Sensitive? I'd rather not."

4 hours ago, Archpaladin Zousha said:

When a player says, with all seriousness, "Do I HAVE to play a Force Sensitive? I'd rather not."

That's my reaction as well to some of the campaigns. Especially when a non-Force sensitive would be useful.

On 8/21/2018 at 5:48 AM, Magnus Grendel said:

When a commando party trying to extract an alliance prisoner from an Imperial naval base before she can be interrogated is informed that there's a lambda shuttle approaching with the designation " ST-321 " and the two PCs who get the reference spontaneously start choking on their drinks.

When one player's reaction to this is "Awesome! Let's go get him!" or "Finally somebody who can last more than 5 seconds against us."

Edited by immortalfrieza

...everything, every adventure, every subplot, is approached by the player characters as if it is some sort of trap!

Just now, Xcapobl said:

...everything, every adventure, every subplot, is approached by the player characters as if it is some sort of trap!

That's pretty much the norm in every RPG ever.

3 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

That's pretty much the norm in every RPG ever.

I don't know what RPG's you normally play then, or the mindset of your fellow players. I haven't seen that trap part in many romatic subplots at our tables. or during character shopping sprees after gaining the loot and returning to a safe place. I have seen caution during scouting missions to unknown planets, but nothing to the extent of a Calamari shouting "It's a trap!" at each and every opportunity.

YMMV, of course.

When the group finds themselves in Mos Eisley and the GM allows us to carry our blaster rifles and carbines out in the open. Then the team sharpshooter states “This must be where the Republicans hang out.”

Edited by Morninghasbroken
20 minutes ago, Morninghasbroken said:

When the group finds themselves in Mos Eisley and the GM allows us to carry our blaster rifles and carbines out in the open. Then the team sharpshooter states “This must be where the Republicans hang out.”

Just look out for the guys wearing the Make Mandalore Great Again helmets.

..when the books are colored red...

1 hour ago, 2P51 said:

..when the books are colored red...

Play with a knife at the table and that can be any game... or no game at all.

Let's not forget the Imperial Propaganda poster featuring the Death Star firing it's main weapon with the caption:

"Feel the Bern!"

We had one this last Tuesday . . .

The team had infiltrated an Imperial fortress SPLIT UP and one of the team found himself holding a Stormtrooper Major hostage in the middle of the the Stormtrooper barracks.

The "Jedi" had captured the Major and was holding his lightsaber to him, threatening him with quick dispatch, while the Major refused his demands and ordered his subordinates to kill the rebel.

The "Jedi" did eventually kill the Major and I assigned the player 5 conflict points to which he replied, "What? He TOLD me to kill him!"

The Same battle that same "Jedi" (holed up in the Major's office) decided to throw a grenade at the troopers trying to take him down. He missed his throw and the grenade went off without harm.

The answering troopers retorted, "This is how you throw a grenade, Rebel!" And yep, the trooper connected.

When the party is made up of 50% or more ex-Imperial Officers.

On 7/19/2018 at 2:41 PM, Archlyte said:

You find yourself in character creation explaining to the players that it is actually important for them to see the Rebellion as something their character cares about. :(

You dont know how hard a problem that it

7 minutes ago, Samuel Richard said:

You dont know how hard a problem that it

Yes I DO!

On ‎8‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 1:14 AM, HappyDaze said:

Play with a knife at the table and that can be any game... or no game at all.

"There's a game with a knife..."

"This it one with the possibility to lose fingers?"

"...Not if you win."

My group recently went to fight in an illegal battle arena on Nar Shaddaa. We made bets on ourselves and strode out ready to take on anything... or so we thought.

Cue 2 Captive Rancors striding out to face us.

Everybody but one spent the whole fight running in circles around the arena trying to NOT get killed by OPed Murderbeasts. One guy naturally had to bail for a bit so the GM took his character over. (Un?)fortunately he managed to make it out alive under the GM's thumb, no shenanigans.

The one guy who didn't run was our savior, and the guy these Rancors were brought out to take on. He proceeds to utterly destroy them with his positively massive Critical Hit buffs in a couple rounds.

Crit guy leaves, so we are now stuck with enemies our group can actual damage without him. We fight 2 Darksiders with vibroknives and


Things were going fine when the player who had to bail came back. His character proceeds to sneak into the arena (for a certain definition of sneak) and ends up being chased into the arena by none other than a Magnaguard droid. The rest of the group is still busy with kicking Darksider butt, so Benny Hill here has to fight it off alone. Naturally, being a brawl speced character he tries to punch the 7 foot tall metal robot ninja to death. Surprisingly, it doesn't do any damage whatsoever. Cue end of session.

. . . when your squad has a bucket list of Imperial rank tabs they're trying to collect via kidnapping/capturing their owners, and everyone is miffed that they've got an Admiral and a Rear Admiral but not a Vice Admiral. Yet.

. . . your droid's default solution to literally every problem, encounter, and passing conversation is 'flame projector', and you have to keep ordering him to not burn everyone you run into on stealth/undercover missions.

. . . your sharpshooter's relationship with his heavy blaster rifle is more devoted than most marriages, to the point that he gets irritated if you accuse him of cheating on 'Zippy' when he has to use the ship's cannons.

. . . your Bothan quartermaster's only skill in social situations involves lying, and instead of checking into hotels he just lands himself in prison on every planet the squad visits.

. . . you use your squad's force sensitives as canaries when around force-y nonsense. If they're ever not nervous/terrified of the guy in the dark cloak who's talking about unlimited power, you scream for the non-sensitives to open fire and light the place up like a Nar Shaddaa nightclub.

. . . your pilot's callsign is 'Naptime' because he Hotshot'd himself into passing out via Strain mid-flight, forcing you to run through the ship to reach the cockpit to regain control before you all crash and die.

My other group of three went into an imperial Red Guard base to try to recruit them for a mission. We enter and go into the elevator inside. Instead of pressing the button that basically says --IMPERIAL REDGUARDS ARE HERE-- we decide to go to the records floor. Our librarian character gets hopelessly giddy at first, then enters one of the rooms and notices that there are literally hundreds and hundreds of filing cabinets full of flimplast files, and begins trying to find records on the base that we are in.

Meanwhile, my character ends up wanting to wander around the floor while Tionne Solusar looked for the vibrosword in the pile of vibroblades. He ends up getting hopelessly lost for hours, going through rooms of more and more filing cabinets looking for an exit, eventually ending up back at the elevator. All the while the third guy, who is the "I want to shoot and blow up everything" guy, waits while the two "smart" party members rummage around and spends the whole time sitting on a bench near the elevator hitting his head against the wall out of sheer boredom. By the time everybody meets up and we leave to go where the GM had been heavily hinting we should go and the Mad Bomber had been begging us to go, even the Librarian was sick and tired of files.

Me: "We shall never speak of Flimplast **** again."

Librarian: "Yes."

Mad Bomber: "Most definitely"

And that, my friends, is the story of how our group spent half a session in Flimplast ****. If you see a room full of filing cabinets, there is a chance you have slipped into the File Dimension, turn around and go back before it is too late.

Hint: It's already too late.

When failing an astrogation check your Commando and Droid Commander get sucked out of hyperspace by an Interdictor. Commando manages to not get tractored for a bit because of poor Imperial gunners, but the Droid does. He plans a daring escape plan by ejecting himself out of his X-wing, then fails his athletics check to grab hold of the hull of the Interdictor. The Commando has been taken hold of by the tractor beam, and is turned around just in time to see his commander fly out of his ship, and bounce off the ventral hull of the Interdictor. The commando then rigs his torpedoes to explode 15 minutes after he lands on the deck. He botches the roll and adds a few more hours. During these hours, they're both interrogated, and the droid dismantled. Once the torpedoes explode, the commando finds the head of his droid commander rolling around on the floor, which he then picks up and uses as an improvised bludgeoning device against fleeing Stormtroopers as they make their escape from the crippled capital ship.

When nobody posts anything on the AoR Forums for days on end ?

When the players see your EotE books and pick them up looking for character ideas.

On ‎10‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 12:23 AM, AceSolo5 said:

When nobody posts anything on the AoR Forums for days on end ?

Man for real. I always come to this forum but its less busy. This forum needs some love :)

5 hours ago, Archlyte said:

Man for real. I always come to this forum but its less busy. This forum needs some love :)

It certainly does.... I do the same! I know that people use the Edge forum for most things but it'd be good to see more AoR ideas on here.