You Know You're Playing Age Of Rebellion When...

By Magnus Grendel, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

(Somewhat inspired by the old 40k RPG threads , an opportunity for people to share their more ridiculous moments from AoR games....)

  • From our game - a (currently) Imperial Navy TIE squadron:
    • You get through so many NPC wingmen using the Squad Rules that the GM has decided there's probably a cloning facility somewhere dedicated to turning out disposable henchmen for your squadron (officially designated 'Jenkins Clones' ).
    • Your Ace/Hotshot spends most of the game's in-character time with a strain score that would cause anyone else in the squad to pass out, and essentially spends his entire post-mission downtime drinking moonshine to try and de-stress.
    • A habit of regularly rolling a load of advantage results and a despair on a gunnery check and laying down so much linked laser-fire from his interceptor's guns that blowing up an entire minion group and his own ship's guns simultaneously has basically become your Commander/Squadron Leader's signature move, to the point that he has officially been given the call-sign 'burnout' by the rest of the squad.
    • Your Ace/Gunner may not fully understand this concept people call 'overkill' .
      • More importantly, may also be somewhat fuzzy on the concept of 'danger close' . Which is rather more of an issue since she got access to a TIE Interdictor with linked proton bombs.
    • Your Ace/Rigger has a...somewhat adversarial...relationship with the flight line ground crew - they cordially dislike all of your squadron since they rarely bring a TIE back even vaguely intact, but the Rigger insists they have to fix that specific TIE up in time for the next mission instead of just issuing a new one from the racks, because he's 'fettled' the settings on it.
      • After one particular mission, I hasten to add that the narrative description by the player himself was the TIE setting down in the hangar, the wing supports (repeatedly shot through with heavy laser cannon bolts) finally giving way when it did, and the cockpit 'sphere' dropping a metre to the deck and rolling off, with the rigger still strapped in inside it like a giant navy-grey zorb ball....
    • After getting access to a TIE interceptor for the first time, also unlocking the Full Throttle action in the same session, and then realising that he needed to make a speed/silhouette piloting check due to the ship he was pursuing dumping loose cargo into his path.
      • "It's stuck on ludicrous speed!!!!!!!!!"
    • When tasked to support a customs boarding inspection, when handed a scanner and asked to inspect a cargo hold containing one hundred tonnes of 'fertilizer' (Nerf Manure).
      • " Well, this job is a massive load of s***." (whilst thanking the force that he'd specifically never mentioned getting out of his air-sealed flight suit).
    • After getting selected to support a senior ISB agent on a mission, finding said deck crew had spend rather more effort than normal prepping their ships.
      • " Odd ." The rigger commented, on getting into his TIE. " Smells like newness and abject fear ". " Oh, is this unusual?" asks the ISB agent; " I thought they all smelled like this ..."

Please share any memorable moments from your own games.... :)

Edited by Magnus Grendel

This happened this past Tuesday..

  • After stealing a holocron from an Imperial politician the group also stole a speeder. The bounty hunter ground pilot punched it and used evasive maneuvers on the streets of Reles to avoid blaster bolts from members of the Crimson Dawn while the two force users engaged fire back.
    • An AT-ST and a Storm Trooper checkpoint stood between them and their spaceport (escape)
    • One of the force users rolled a Despair while shooting which caused the Bounty Hunter ground pilot to make a pilot check in order to avoid a crash. He ALSO ROLLED A DESPAIR on a pilot check.
    • The speeder completed a vertical spin before landing upside down in the middle of the Storm Trooper checkpoint....

After a pretty rubbish astronavigation role we came out in an aesteroid field, 1 medium transport, 1 y-wing and 1 (stolen) imperial shuttle - all 3 pilots then role dispairs....

Same group of 3 vehicles - the two none stolen ships in perfect health - the stolen shuttle has had to be emergency restarted after gross omounts of damage taken - now finally come into land - I’m co-piloting the shuttle and the 3rd best pilot we have is flying it... the other 2 crash land - we land it perfectly ?

Edited by Random Bystander

This week's particular triumph:

  • When looking for information about the possible location of a rebel base, one player is quite proud of himself for 'doing a deal' for some useful information with some less reputable people at a local cantina. He's a little hazy on the details of the deal and when questioned by their ISB contact, it turns out the deal involves owing a large and ill-specified favour to Black Sun in return for information that, it turns out, the party alr eady had (but the player in question wasn't listening when the GM told them about it the previous week).

Upon finally locating a holocron key/crystal that had been calling out decidedly dark side messages in the form of visions and dreams to the lone force user in the group (who's poor rolls on morality recovery, among other things, had him hovering around 35 or so morality as it is). One of the non-force users physically recovers the item. The following conversation ensues:

The force user asks, "let me see it."
non-force user: "nah"
FU: "I need to inspect it though"
NFU: "nah, I think not."
FU: "seriously, though."
NFU: "I don't think that's such a good idea."
FU: "You're really not going to let me see it?"
NFU: "nope"
FU: looks around at other players, hoping for an assist
Everyone else: shrugs, "sorry, man"

Your force sensitive players balk at being assigned Conflict Points for burning down that orphanage and using the orphans as sophont shields during an ensuing battle with Stormtroopers.

When your three Jedi survivors composing an "impossible missions force" type-cell for the Rebellion engage a company sized scout battalion of Imperial troops. And... one of them force-leaps on top of an AT-ST to cut their way in, but another one slices through a leg with their lightsaber at the same time, sending it careening sideways with a BOOM into the middle of a platoon of stormtroopers. This leaves the Jedi who had been on top of the AT-ST to land in the middle of the stormtroopers screaming foul-mouthed explicatives and looking for egress. Meanwhile, the third Jedi grins and charges into the afray sending a head flying and howling "helmet's away!" These are full-on real Jedi who are now into their third talent tree with fairly robust powers and lightsaber skills. They manage to survive despite themselves. The force is with them, but very few Rebel soliders are because, quite frankly, (those three) "Jedi are freaking nutjobs!"

Edited by Vondy
On ‎6‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 7:25 PM, Mark Caliber said:

Your force sensitive players balk at being assigned Conflict Points for burning down that orphanage and using the orphans as sophont shields during an ensuing battle with Stormtroopers.

You all saw! That orphanage attacked me!

When your squad gets hold of a TIE interdictor (punisher) with their linked 3 torpedoes for the first time.

"Did someone order gratuitous overkill?"

When, as a GM, you run out of ideas for creating another military themed adventure for your group ?

...After realising you actually have run through the plot of essentially every WWII movie ever made.

Spot on there Magnus ?

When your players embrace the fact that the adventure arc they are in the middle of is from a cheesy 1980's military action franchise!

My daughter's padawan (on the cusp of being a full-fledged knight) just rescued her captured master from an imperial outpost with the aid of a crusty old clone pilot in a pair of "commandeered" rebel fighters.

This, of course, was undertaken after the Rebel High Command refused to take action themselves.

But, a squadron of x-wings was sent to rendezvous with them at the last minute after they carried out their aerial assault/rescue...

She even played the "space rock" version of One Vision by the Naboo dissident band "Amidala" as she lined up her attack run and then proceeded into a dogfight.

Yes, that's right: Iron Eagle.

A droid PC was a A.I. plugged into a IG series droid with a chip that could be removed from her body where she was stored. (theres a long story to reason this but this wasn't her first form nor was her last) The two PCs with a party NPC and a Jawa NPC were doing the bar fight scene during the shadow raptor adventure when two despair caused her A.I. chip to go flying out of her head and onto the cantina floor.

When there was a massive bar fight happening.

and they were trying (and failing) to tag team a temperamental wookie.

to the toon of yackety sax, she ping around the entire cantina like a ping pong ball and it took the Jawa 3 tries to rescue her.

They always made sure to duct tape her to the socket. Well until she was on the wrong side of a starship cannon. she got a new body after that.

You find yourself in character creation explaining to the players that it is actually important for them to see the Rebellion as something their character cares about. :(

9 hours ago, Archlyte said:

You find yourself in character creation explaining to the players that it is actually important for them to see the Rebellion as something their character cares about. :(

You know your really running Edge of the Empire when...

When the nameless NPC wingman in your squad ('Jenkins 2') has a track record in the cockpit far better than the actual PC pilots, with triumph-triggered minion attacks on missed shots by the PCs netting him enough kills to earn bloodstripes.....

3 hours ago, Vondy said:

You know your really running Edge of the Empire when...

Everyone declares during character creation the desire to be force sensitive, so you put it back on the shelf and pick up Force and Destiny ...

12 hours ago, Vondy said:

You know your really running Edge of the Empire when...

LOL but this always seems to happen after they have decided to play AoR instead of EotE or FaD. ?‍♂️

On 7/11/2018 at 3:01 PM, Vondy said:

Yes, that's right: Iron Eagle.

Cheesey, but a fun movie of the time. Kind of a tween version of Top Gun. ?

On 6/20/2018 at 12:07 AM, Magnus Grendel said:

You all saw! That orphanage attacked me!

Image result for orphanage attacked me

Quote of the week, being confronted by an imperial burueacrat and getting to pull out an ISB authority:

"And you are?.."

"..... In Charge ."

When the team mechanics ends up rolling a despair on a medicine check and ends up killing a Jedi Master they had just rescued from Dathomir...

17 hours ago, Morninghasbroken said:

When the team mechanics ends up rolling a despair on a medicine check and ends up killing a Jedi Master they had just rescued from Dathomir...

When your player's reaction to this is "Meh, we can now loot his stuff."

When the Commando has collected so many specialty weapons for mission flexibility that you need a bigger ship.

When the only way to slow down the aspiring Jedi is the above commando (he's also the face of the duo).

When search and destroy missions by the duo are routinely compared to orbital bombardment.

The point that the duo have successfully completed so many thought to be suicidal missions that Rebel Command have a special mission classification just for them.