So what the heck am I talking about? Well we all know that booster packs for LCG had the maximum duplicates of cards you can splash which was 3 or 6 for consumer grade, sometimes even more (source cards, 1 per deck). But the starter set wasn't that case. It had many cards that had 2 or even 1. So buying 3 core sets gave you a full splash of all cards. It was okay you had plenty of cards to make multiple decks and it wasn't the most powerful cards that was 1 per core. So what if they did the same to booster packs?
Hear me out, right now each booster pack has a maximum of 1 per player. The only reason you would buy more than one is for another player or if you want to make multiple decks with Howard Jackson without having to switch and re-sleeve cards (which could lead to accidentally illegal decks). So you could adapt the same model with LCG booster packs. The cards that you think are going to be used the most make them the most common ( 3 pips ) and the cards that you think are going to be more niche or even have a limit of 1 per deck make those rare (1 pip) . Now you have increased the potential sales of 3 per player. But what about the paying advantage? Well the best cards should be common so buying 3 packs is like buying 3 core sets. You have diminishing returns. So those that pick up 3 of each should not have that much of an advantage over those that get 2 of each. Also since it is presorted it isn't as pay2win as MtG where you could go through 20 packs before you drop a hundred buck or so on the secondary market.
Anyway with 3 LCGs now canceled, the format needs to be re-looked into. I know that all three were profitable but as proof with all these licensing disputes causing the end of many LCGs, if there is a way they can generate more revenue, it would be better for the community as a whole. I mean which is worse, having all LCGs canceled or having to invest more into a good LCG with a better ethical business model?
Edited by Marinealver