So against my better judgment, I'm going to be playing Unicorn at an upcoming Kotei.
Now I know most of you are probably saying "Just wait til after the next cycle comes out and the pONI are good."
And to that I say "Ha!" and "No!" -Ralph, Wreck it Ralph
In truth, as much as I would like to play the sweet new cards that were spoiled for Unicorn, sadly, the Kotei I'll be attending occurs before any of the packs from the Elemental Cycle are released. Additionally, although I don't feel the same sense of loyalty to the Unicorn as I do my actual faction, Unicorn is the clan I adopted upon the release of the game, to play until I get the Shadowlands faction I truly want. It seems like it would be in bad form not to play the Unicorn, no matter how bad they are perceived to be. The competitive side of me knows this is a really dumb reason, but, I can't get past it. Maybe it was the previous 20+ years of playing the old game that stuck me with the concept of "you dance with the girl who brought you."
While I have been putting in a good amount of time preparing with the known top decks, The Unicorn is the clan I have the most experience with and feel most comfortable playing. However, I'm certainly willing to get input from anyone with experience playing with or vs Unicorn, or with any big tournament experience to share their knowledge and help me identify any areas that I can improve upon, so I can be the best pONI I can be.
I will do this thread a little different and request that the initial feedback be sent to me via PM. After I have had a change to discuss things 1 on 1 with people, I'll share the thoughts and advice to everyone to see if that sparks any more discussion. I think this will be the best way to keep the thread on track.
Please keep it civil and constructed. Thanks in advance for your help