Player turns on mobile app

By Kbetker, in Road to Legend

The rules indicate that the players go first. After all turns taken, then it’s the Overlord’s turn correct? On the app, the Overlord takes his turn right after the first play is finished. Is this a glitch or am I reading the rules incorrectly?

The introduction of the app changed the order of how players take turns. All of this is in the rules for RTL: RTL Rules

Let's assume you have 4 heroes, and 2 active monster groups in play.

Start of Round 1 :
Hero 1 takes a turn.
Monster Group 1 takes a turn.
Hero 2 takes a turn.
Monster Group 2 takes a turn.
Hero 3 takes a turn.
Hero 4 takes a turn.
End of Round 1

Let's say for argument sake that you killed all of Monster Group 1 in Round 1.

Start of Round 2:
Hero 1 takes a turn (note that whomever was designated as Hero 1 in Round 1 DOES NOT have to be first to go in every round).
Monster Group 2 takes a turn.
Hero 2 takes a turn.
Hero 3 takes a turn.
Hero 4 takes a turn.
End of Round 2

All of the above continues. So, the heroes will always choose one of their members to go first at the start of a round. Then, monster groups will alternate with heroes until everyone has gone. Obviously, the more monster groups that are in the board, the more a round will involve alternating. If you limit the number of monster groups on the board, the more likely multiple heroes will go in a row.

I hope the above is clear and helps.

Edited by any2cards

Wow! Thanks for the quick response! That help!