Star Wars: Legion Official Rulings

By OfficialRules, in Rules

This thread will be updated periodically with answers to rules questions that the Star Wars ™: Legion developers receive via our Rules Submission Form . If you have a question that you believe isn’t answered with our current documents, please check the following list before submitting your question:

  • The question is not answered in the game rules, FAQ, or another existing rules document.
  • The question is not answered in the thread on this page.
  • Your question is not a tournament procedure or event-related question. (Those can be sent to .)
  • You wrote a rules question (not a request, statement, etc.).

This thread is an official source for game rulings, in addition to all documents on our website.

Star Wars: Legion Rules Reference

Question: Can the upgrade card Force Push be used to force an enemy trooper unit to perform a climb or clamber move?

Answer: No. Whenever a game effect allows or forces a unit to perform a “speed–x” move, that unit performs a full or partial standard move with a speed equal to or lower than “x.” Climbing and clambering are not standard moves and thus cannot be performed in place of a speed–x move.

Question: After performing a move, if Darth Vader is equipped with the upgrade Saber Throw, can he use the Relentless ability to perform a ranged attack using the Saber Throw card action? Is using Saber Throw considered an attack action, a card action, or both?

Answer: Yes. Some card actions, such as on Saber Throw or Jump X, are treated as other types of actions. This is indicated in the text of the card action itself. When a unit performs that card action, treat that action as the type of action indicated in its text, as well as a card action, for the purposes of all gameplay effects and abilities.

Question: If an AT-ST is in a melee with an enemy unit, can that AT-ST use the Arsenal 2 keyword to select a melee weapon to use against the enemy unit it is in a melee with and a ranged weapon to use against a different enemy unit?

Answer: Yes. Because the AT-ST is not a trooper unit, it is not engaged while in a melee and may perform ranged attacks. Additionally, because it has the Arsenal 2 keyword it may chose two different weapons and form two different attack pools. However, it cannot use a ranged weapon against an enemy unit it is in a melee with, nor can it have a melee weapon and a ranged weapon in the same attack pool.

Question: How much terrain should be on a battlefield when playing Star Wars : Legion?

Answer: While players can use however much or however little terrain they would like when playing Star Wars : Legion, the Rules Reference suggests that players fill at least a quarter of the battlefield with pieces of terrain, as densely packed as possible, and then spread that terrain out over the entire battlefield. It is recommended that players follow this suggestion for the best Star Wars : Legion experience. In addition, including a variety of terrain types adds interesting tactical decisions to a game. A mix of terrain that includes several pieces of height, 1 or 2 line of sight blocking terrain, a few pieces of area terrain that provide light cover, one or two pieces of difficult terrain, and 8 to 12 barricades is a great starting point that players can add to with their own custom made terrain or other favorite terrain types.

Question: Since a player’s command hand is a part of their army, is the contents of their command hand public information to their opponent before a game? During a game is a player’s command hand public information? Similarly, is a player’s discard pile public information?

Answer: No, although a player’s command hand is a part of their army, neither before a game nor during a game is a player’s command hand public information. The contents of a player’s command hand is considered hidden information, except to that player. However, a player’s discarded command cards are public information. A player can request to see their opponent’s discarded command cards at any time.

Question: When a unit performs a ranged attack, does the unit leader need to have line of sight to the defending unit?

Answer: No. While range is always measured from an attacking unit leader, the unit leader does not need line of sight to a defending mini in order for the unit to perform an attack. However, only minis that have line of sight to a defending mini can contribute a weapon to the attack pool.

Question: When determining obscured minis during an attack, if the defending unit is on a piece of terrain with a higher elevation than the attacking unit, because of how line of sight works a portion of each defending mini’s base will likely be obscured by the terrain. Can this provide the defending unit with cover?

Answer: Yes. Because line of sight to part of the defending mini’s base is blocked for the attacking unit leader and that terrain falls along an imaginary line between the attacking unit leader and the defending mini, that mini is obscured. If at least half of the unit’s minis are obscured in this way, the defending unit will gain whatever level of cover the terrain provides. Units at a higher elevation will often have an advantage in this way.

Question: If, during a command phase, both players choose and reveal the command card Change of Plans, which player resolves the effect of their command card first?

Answer: In the situation that both players reveal Change of Plans, the blue player must resolve the effect of their command card first, choosing whether to discard their command card and return the other player's card or to leave both in play. Then the red player, if able, resolves their command card. As a general rule, if two players' command cards have simultaneous effects, the blue player resolves the effects of their command card first.

Question: If the Whipcord Launcher command card is in play, and Boba Fett is engaged with an enemy unit with one ore more immobilize tokens, can he perform moves even if he is also engaged with another enemy unit that does not have any immobilize tokens?

Answer: Yes. As long as Boba Fett is engaged with one enemy unit that has at least one immobilize token, he can perform moves while engaged if Whipcord Launcher is in play.

Question: When attacking an enemy trooper unit that has a face-up order token while the command card Reckless Diversion is in play, can the attacking unit form one attack pool for the enemy trooper unit and form a second attack pool in order to attack a different unit?

Answer: Under most circumstances, the attacking unit cannot do so. The attacking unit, and each mini in that unit, must add all eligible weapons to the attack pool that is targeting the enemy trooper unit with a face-up order token. A unit, or mini, cannot "choose" a weapon that is not eligible to be added to that dice pool if it can add a different weapon that is eligible. The attacking unit can only form a second dice pool if, after first forming a dice pool with all eligible weapons, there are still weapons useable by the unit that were not eligible to be added to the attack pool targeting the enemy trooper unit with a face-up order token.

Question: If my opponent reveals the command card Change of Plans and chooses to return my command card to my hand and re-select command cards, and then I reveal my copy of Change of Plans and choose to return his command card and re-select command cards a second time, can I now select the original command card that was returned to my hand?

Answer: Yes. The effect of "cannot select the command card that was returned to their hand" applies to the "return to the Select Command Cards step" effect also caused by this card. After returning to the Select Command Cards step, the second effect of being unable to select the other command card ends.

Question: What happens when Give in to Your Anger and a command card with an "at the end of its activation" attack, such as Orbital Bombardment or Maximum Firepower, are both played and Give in to Your Anger targets the unit that would make an attack at the end of its activation?

Answer: When resolving "at the end of its activation" effects, the player that controls the unit that is activating chooses the order of those effects. In the case above, the player controlling the targeted unit could choose to have it perform the attack granted by the command card before resolving the effects of Give in to Your Anger.

Question: When playing the command card Sabotaged Communications, does it cause my opponent to only be able to issue a total number of orders equal to one fewer than is listed on their command card? In other words, can my opponent use the upgrade card HQ Uplink or the ability Entourage to issue additional orders?

Answer: No, Sabotaged Communications specifically refers to the orders issued by the opponent's command card. That player's nominated commander or operative issues one fewer order with that command card, meaning that one of the units listed on the command card will not be issued an order. This does not apply to orders issued through other game effects, such as HQ Uplink.

Question: When playing the command card Pinned Down, if an attacking heavy or support unit has more than one mini or the Arsenal keyword and attacks more than one enemy unit, if each defender has a face-up order token, are all face-up order tokens returned to their order pools? Or does this effect only allow one order token to be returned?

Answer: Each defender's face-up order token is returned. While an attacker is only ever considered to have performed one attack for the purpose of game effects that trigger after an attack, the text "a unit with a face-up order token" is not meant to restrict the effect to one unit.

Question: When playing the command card Covering Fire, if an attacking corps unit forms multiple attack pools, does another unit gain a dodge token each time an attack pool is resolved?

Answer: No. An attacker is only ever considered to have performed one attack for the purposes of game effects, even if multiple dice pools are resolved. Game effects that trigger during an attack apply to each attack pool. However, any effects that trigger after a unit has performed an attack apply after all attack pools have been resolved, and the unit is considered to have performed only one attack or attack action.

Question: When issuing orders with the command card An Entire Legion, if Battle Meditation is used to issue an order to a unit that otherwise wouldn't receive one, is one fewer order issued to an eligible unit? Also, if the command card Sabotaged Communications is also played, is one fewer order issued to an eligible unit?

Answer: Yes, in both cases. Because the errata'd Battle Meditation explicitly says "instead," to issue an order to a unit that would otherwise not receive an order, a different unit that is eligible cannot receive an order. Similarly, Sabotaged Communications will cause one eligible unit to not receive an order.

Question: When using the command card Brains and Brawn, can Leia Organa choose an enemy unit as a defender that her weapon does not have range to so that Chewbacca can add his weapon to the attack pool and attack that unit?

Answer: No. Leia must be able to add a weapon to the attack pool in order for the attack to be eligible. If no weapons are added to the attack pool by Leia, the attack does not happen, and therefore Chewbacca cannot add his own weapon.

Question: While Reptilian Rampage is in play during his activation, can Bossk suffer multiple wounds to perform multiple free move actions?

Answer: No. As with all card text that allows an effect to take place "during" a specific window, that effect can only be used or triggered once during that window.

Question: When I use the upgrade card Improvised Orders to draw a second order token, if that second token is a "dead draw"--an order token of a rank that I cannot activate--do I remove it and then redraw another order token?

Answer: Yes. The draw made with Improvised Orders checks whether that order token can be used to activate an eligible unit; if it cannot, it is removed and another token is drawn in its place before proceeding with the rest of the Improvised Orders effect. However, as long as each order token can be used to activate a unit, even if it is the same unit, do not remove that token and redraw another one.

Example: A player has one corps unit left and, after drawing a corps order token, they use Improvised Orders and draw a second corps order token. Because both order tokens could technically be used to activate an eligible unit, the player does not remove and redraw any order tokens at this time.

Question: While Entourage cannot be effected by the upgrade card Battle Meditation, can it be effected by the upgrade cards Commanding Presence, Comms Relay, and Long Range Comms?

Answer: Yes. Using the Entourage ability to issue an order is a form of issuing an order.

Question: When deploying the TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank, does the entire base have to be placed within a deployment zone?

Answer: Yes, the base must be fully within a friendly deployment zone.

Question: If a unit, such as Luke Skywalker, moves into range 1-2 of two enemy units that both have standby tokens, and the first enemy unit spends it token to attack Luke Skywalker an defeats him, can the second enemy unit also spend its standby token, even though Luke Skywalker is no longer on the battlefield?

Answer: Yes. The triggering event (in this case Luke Skywalker moving) still occurred, and thus the second unit may still spend its standby token. It may also choose not to spend its standby token since, while multiple game effects can be triggered by one event, they are resolved one at a time and are not "declared" simultaneously.

Question 1: Can Darth Vader use his command card Vader's Might to move a unit that is being transported?

Answer: No, the transported unit is not on the battlefield and therefore cannot be moved.

Question 2: When measuring the distance from the unit's current position to its new position, do you measure from unit leader to unit leader? From any mini to any mini? Or from each mini in the old position to each mini in the new position?

Answer: Each mini moved to the new position must be within range 1 of at least one mini in the unit's previous location, as if it were two different units. To do this, choose any mini in the unit at its current position, measure range 1 from that mini, then place each mini in the unit within that range (and in cohesion). It may be helpful to move the mini that range 1 is being measured from after all the other minis in the unit have been moved.

Question 3: Can a unit be moved out of base contact?

Answer: Yes.

Question 4: Can a unit be moved into base contact?

Answer: Yes

Question 1: When Luke Skywalker uses his command card You Serve Your Master Well to perform a move or attack action with an enemy unit, can the player performing the action spend that unit's tokens?

Answer: Yes. The unit controlled by You Serve Your Master Well is treated as a friendly unit by the player performing an action with it for the duration of that action, and the player can spend that unit's tokens. For example, if the unit performs an attack action, the player can spend its aim tokens to reroll attack dice.

Question 2: Can that player use the unit's optional abilities, such as the Spur keyword, or abilities that grant free actions such as Charge and Relentless? Can that player exhaust its upgrade cards to use their effects, if they're applicable to the action being performed?

Answer: Yes.

Question 3: Can that player use actions that are treated as move or attack actions, like the Jump keyword or the Saber Throw upgrade card?

Answer: Yes.

Question 4: Can that player use Fire Support to add their own units' dice to the attack pool? What about an enemy unit's dice?

Answer: Because the unit performing the action is treated as a friendly unit for the duration of the action, that player can use the Fire Support keyword of their own units to add dice to the attack pool. The player cannot use the Fire Support keywords of their opponents' units.

Question 5: If the unit is a clone trooper, can the player performing an action with it spend the tokens of their own clone trooper units at range 1? What about their opponent's clone trooper units?

Answer: The player performing the action can spend the tokens of their own clone trooper units at range 1, but not their opponent's.

Question 6: If the unit being controlled engages an enemy unit, when does that engagement end? Are they still engaged after the move or attack?

Answer: No, the engagement ends as soon as the command card effect (and any triggered card effects) ends, and the enemy units return to being friendly to each other. Friendly minis from different units can be in base contact with each other and are not engaged.