I finally got to play a full game today! I ran Veers with Esteemed leader, a fully kitted out AT-ST, 4 Stormtroopers with DL19s and 3 of them with the extra unit, and 2 snow troopers with the extra unit and flametroopers.
My opponent ran Leia, 3 atrts, 2 fleet troopers, and 4 rebel troopers. I don't remember the upgrades played. He had 799 points so he got the initiative and chose blue player. We played Major offensive, Clear conditions, and intercept the transmissions.
I began the game with Maximum firepower, clearing half a group of rebel troopers early on and then we proceeded to set up our units. Two of his AT-RTs manage to wade in to torch my troopers with their flamethrowers but my snowtroopeers returned the favor, taking just as many rebel scum. but by the end of turn two he controlled two objectives to my one making it two to one.
Veers in the mean time maximized the AT-ST's potential allowing it to dominate the center of the map and lay down salvo after blistering salvo. A few rebel trooper fired their ion weapons at it but the weapons proved ineffective against the armor of the unit. General Weiss came into play three times in the battle, clearing rebels like leaves before a mighty gust of wind.
By turn 4 I destroyed 2 AT-RTs, disabled one and cleared all but three trooper units and Leia. Her orbital bombardment was negated by hiding out of her line of sight and the thick armor of the AT-ST. Still he took 2 more victory points to my 1 making the score 4 to 2.
I realized then that I had to unseat the two troopers in the center during tun 5 and 6 so again Weiss proved effective, destroying the AT-RT and one unit of rebels. two of my last groups of brave but weary stormtroopers managed to clear his remaining rebel squad leaving leia trying to hold the objective against a squad of stormtroopers and veers. I took control of two of the three objectives, and contested the third making the score 6 to 4 in my favor. I am fully confident that given a few more rounds I could have wiped the rebel scum from the board but the Emperor has mandated 6 turns.
All in all the game was super fun and I cannot wait for the tournament my LGS is holding in two weeks.