Not that I ever fool myself into believing that Fantasy Flight actually reads these forums to get ideas but I thought it could be an interesting idea to see where everyone’s wishes the app will go in the future. I don’t intend this to be predictions. My thoughts are below though the first few are things others have said.
1. More selective spawning of enemies. I don’t wanna have to worry about seeing Wampas in the desert or forest and I shouldn’t have to deselect an expansion to ensure that.
2. Specifically add an option to make it so certain characters don’t spawn without having to deselect there packs. IE Obi Wan, Inquistor, Greedo
3. Future waves should include an app campaign/content at the time they are released. I would do this for both box and figure pack waves. How quickly would people run out and grab a whole figure pack wave if it allows them to play an app campaign? The waves typically have some kind of theme anyway. For example how great would a campaign set pre-rogue one based around Obi Wan, Greedo and the Inquisitior be?
4. Release campaigns spanning more than one expansion box. This game has a vast library of tiles and figures. The app already taps into that library of figures. They should reward the people who have bought multiple expansions.
5. Release campaigns where the big bad are characters we already have but weren’t the focus of their box. IE Boba Fett, Grand Inquisitor, Bossk
6. More use of allies in campaigns, preferably through some type of side mission mechanic. Accompanying an alliance smuggler on a mission to steal supplies, rescuing enslaved Wookiee’s with Chewy, blowing something up with rebel sabs, etc...
7. Incorporate a skirmish squad builder into the app. If xwing can have it, so can we.
8. Add a reroll option for when random unique figures are spawning.
Edited by 3greubs4