Multiple copies of the same upgrade

By AJSGF798, in Rules

Can you take multiple copies of the same upgrade?

i.e.: Can the ATST take 2 mortars if you wish (and have the cards)?

If yes: Do both have to shoot at the same target, since they are the same weapon? Do they both provide a suppression token or is only one applied?

Nope, each unit can only equip one copy of each upgrade card. It’s on Pg 44 of the RRG.

4 minutes ago, AJSGF798 said:

Can you take multiple copies of the same upgrade?

i.e.: Can the ATST take 2 mortars if you wish (and have the cards)?

If yes: Do both have to shoot at the same target, since they are the same weapon? Do they both provide a suppression token or is only one applied?


» A unit cannot equip more than one copy of the same upgrade card.
