Snohomish County, WA -- Northern Stronghold Battles tournament series

By RTTGamePub, in L5R LCG: Organized Play

The Game Shops in and around the North End ( Hint: Above Seattle ) are banding together to create a fun, challenging tournament series for our Legend of the Five Rings' players this Summer!


At its heart, L5R is a game of competitive play.

Players in the area need a way for this kind of play to exist, and so we are rewarding participants not only for putting together exceptional decks but also for showing up to different stores' events! It's no fun playing Scorpion if the silly honor obsessed Crane aren't present...

We are kicking it off at Around the Table Gamer Pub with a $10 Stronghold Battle at 1pm the Saturday of May 26th . While prizes will probably include ice-cream of some sort, we will also feature promos from the official Stronghold kit which contain some of the finest items FFG has ever put out.

Exact details for events will very shop to shop , but we can probably agree that they should be fun and we all encourage L5R players to show up when they can. To that end, each tournament participant will get a Clan Point for each event they attend. Clan Points are tracked and can be spent at each of the host stores for various promos, unique cards or other prizes. Groovy.

So get your bushi butt out there and let's create a great L5R scene in the North End!

Current list of events and more details overall can be found on the official Event Series page , but just to get you started....:

Edited by RTTGamePub

We ended with a non-stop march to victory by Crane. Phoenix didn't even make top 3!

Around the Table is now run by the delicate Crane clane!

It will be interesting to see who takes Geek Fortress in a few weeks.

How is this progressing? I wasn't able to attend the event at Geek Fortress because I used up all my good behavior points to be able to go to the Seattle Kotei this coming weekend.