Ok, so this is a bit of a forward thinking but I ended up with this issue on the TableTop Simulator several times today.
Han solo has a command card that is worded as such:
Reckless diversion
When an enemy unit performs an attack, it must attack a trooper unit with a faceup order token, if able.
Now, we played it as "when in range to perform an attack, all weapons in range must aim at han and/or the other face up unit", but it got me to wonder on how it is actually supposed to work, like:
Stormtrooper with DLT-19 at range 4 from han with a faceup token, range 2-3 of other units, and range 1 from an other possible target. Simple to solve: I HAVE to shoot the DLT on Han, and can make additional attack pools however I see fit.
ST with DLT at range 3 from han with faceup, other targets at range 2-3, a target at range 4, and a target at range 1: Do I have to pour all my shots on Han? Can I only shoot with regular weapons at han and DLT the guys at range 4? Can I decide to shoot the DLT at han, a single E-11 at han, and the grenades at the nearby unit?
Get ridiculously complicated, because it says the unit, not all models of the unit. By making a pool of a single E-11, I abide by the rule of "attack the trooper with the faceup token, if able". Is my understanding correct?