I just discovered this forum--after posting in the wrong one! I'm a longtime RPGer (30+ years) who got Genesys as a gift last year, and I have put together a setting that I am very excited about. Although I could go into a long-winded explanation of the way I've cribbed my favorite science fiction and fantasy tropes into the same campaign idea, suffice it to say that my players describe Moons of Galtorus as a "Thundarr the Barbarian" setting. I'm posting this thread in the hope that my work will be added to the master list up top! As with everything home brewed, it is a labor of love and a work in progress.
Here is the link to the Dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/760259kzkhogo6o/AABIz9N0EEblI1Dw6k4qrrIKa?dl=0
In the folder you will find a player guide, four sample characters, a map, a GM screen, and a Despair/Threat chart for Arcane spellcasters. Enjoy!