Jedi Star IC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

2 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

while the two of you are distracted avalon sneaks into the seat with all the cool butons

“I don’t think so,” Korath says sternly. ”Back seat, buckle in, and be mindful. We’re not going for a joyride.”

9 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

“Then please, point out the proper location. I’m sure your boss would be quite disappointed if her competition claimed whatever it is you’re after. And, apparently, they already have an hour’s head start.”

"Can you not use the force to figure out where we should go? Is that not a thing you jedi can do?"

11 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

"Can you not use the force to figure out where we should go? Is that not a thing you jedi can do?"

Korath looks at Ro’Ka with a look of patient exasperation, one eyebrow raised. “ Sure, if I knew what we were looking for. However, since you refused to brief the rest of us on the details of this mission, where we’re supposed to be going, what we’re looking for, even refusing to look over the information I researched during the voyage here, I have nothing to go by. This is your chance to lead, so lead.”

Edited by Tramp Graphics
3 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Korath looks at Ro’Ka with a look of patient exasperation, one eyebrow raised. “ Sure, if I knew what we were looking for. However, since you refused to brief the rest of us on the details of this mission, where we’re supposed to be going, what we’re looking for, even refusing to look over the information I researched during the voyage here, I have nothing to go by. This is your chance to lead, so lead.”

"All you had to say is you can not do it." Ro'Ka begins pressing the buttons to start the engines and close the dome. In no time at all the sub is desending deep into the Manaan ocean. "Avalon if you would be so kind back there to hit buttons until you find the weapons on this thing? I have a feeling we might need them."

"are we there yet"

3 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

"are we there yet"

“Patience young one.”

So, you guys ready to go?

Akua asked Teetoe and Excal'ure as she briught her speeder towards them

"we're good to go if we can get this off the ground"

13 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

"we're good to go if we can get this off the ground"

The Sathari Teetoe would look the ship up and down, the anticipation of flying it exciting him very much. "Lets jump in! Wrats the worse tring thrat could rappen?"

13 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

The Sathari Teetoe would look the ship up and down, the anticipation of flying it exciting him very much. "Lets jump in! Wrats the worse tring thrat could rappen?"

You sure you can fly this thing? Even I don't know how.

Akua asked the young boy sceptically

13 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

The Sathari Teetoe would look the ship up and down, the anticipation of flying it exciting him very much. "Lets jump in! Wrats the worse tring thrat could rappen?"

Check the fuel first teetoe

21 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

The Sathari Teetoe would look the ship up and down, the anticipation of flying it exciting him very much. "Lets jump in! Wrats the worse tring thrat could rappen?"

8 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

Check the fuel first teetoe

Foresee : 4eF 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

Elias: You have good instincts, I believe the ship is unfueled , but accessing the ship even to check the fuel could also set off an alarm and get us all captured by the first order.

Walking over to Akua: I believe you were the one who contacted me through the Force, I was hoping to greet you when you first got to Garang but my timing seems a little off... the future is always in motion. Hello, I'm Elias Windrider, and that brooding fellow over there is my younger brother, chemdat.

Chemdat nods and says "hello"

We are Ysanna, and were looking for my former master, Korath Lorren, who is at least as stubborn as my brother to help train Chemdat in the ways of the jedi. The Force led us here to you, in particular I believe to you (motions toward Teetoe) who I believe has experience with stealing starships. We need a ride off planet before something imminent and bad happens, something likely involving the First Order who's troops are now common throughout Garang. Let's discuss this over dinner... I was only expecting one but you are all welcome to join us. When I was exploring Garang earlier

streetwise : 2eA+2eD 0 successes, 1 advantage
a-s.png a-s-a.png d-f.png d-f.png

I've found a nearby cantina with reasonably priced food that smells good. Maybe we can start with introductions.

Edited by EliasWindrider

You guys do have my payment... right?

Tino chuckled nervously at the 2 weequays

Edited by player3333902

Hello, nice to meet you Elias and Chemdat Windrider. My name is Akua. Akua Serendine. I'm sure we'll all be glad to join you for a meal.

The female Miraluka smiled as she bowed slightly to the 2 brothers.

Edited by player3333902

Chemdat grunted an acknowledgment.

Elias replied nice to meet you as well

As the three explorers on Manaan begin the descent into the watery depths, Avalon's exploring of the controls in front of him would produce a dull pinging noise, emanating out from the vessel. It appeared that the young boy had discovered the selkath equivalent of sonar. The screen in front of him would light up with blips and lights as they pass by various lifeforms on their way towards the ocean floor.

The view about them was stunning as the water shifted through various shades of blue and green, and here and there great shoals of fish pass by. Every so often as they go lower they see one of the planets giant sharks lumber across the path of the ship.

Avalon would notice something on his screen as the submersible descends. On the edge of the screen below them there seems to be a heavy concentration of, something. Perhaps it was the submersibles that were ahead of them, perhaps it was something else?

In the hidden jedi enclave below the surface, Jonas would find himself yanked roughly to his feet by a pair of hands. The pair would drag him across the room while the voice moves with him. 'Here's the problem grateful jedi, I don't need teaching, I need jedi relics. Relics I can sell for; as you say, a planet load of money. Jonas would be pushed into a chair, and there would be the sounds of computers running in front of him. He must be near the rooms console, being blind it was difficult to tell.

'So here's what's going to happen. You're going to tell me where I'm going to get my credits, or I'm going to throw you back in that freezer and sell you as a wall fixture'.

On Dantooine, while the gathering of force users were discussing their plan and introducing themselves, they would here a commotion outside. It sounded like a lot of talking and shouting from outside of the small hanger. No doubt this was going to be an inconvenience to the rapid escape of the group.

On Tatooine the two weequay would glance at one another for a moment before looking back at the courier. 'Bring the crates over here'. one would shout out to him. There was only two crates to move, but the pair would not move to help him.

Edited by Rabobankrider

I wonder what's with the commotion...

Akua said as she looked towards the door.

With a sigh, Tino turned back and pushed the crates forward, hoping this would be done with so he could get off the planet.

Elias briefly closes his eyes and peers into the immediate future to try to answer Akua's question

Foresee what's about to happen : 4eF 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png

( @Rabobankrider what does he see?)

Elias then immediately commits a force die to the sense defense upgrade.

Edited by EliasWindrider
Left off an "n" on then

On drall...

The effect of weight and its motion, tosses and turns, its commotion... rippling through an endless ocean.

It dips, troughs... Filed with feed for thought, also absence... Loss...

It peaks and caps, lifts, progress, much mass gathered...

but also highs that collapse and break, but also tips that bask in shimmering sunlit glory...

mastering the motion's undulations, is the story, bobbing, surfing, sailing, soaring but always of the rider... And the journey forward...

Then mutters to himself:

"**** thing certainly loops back alot before it does finally move ahead..."

He prepares dinner and a hot kettle for tea.

He puts out his cigar and eats.

Relighting it and pouring the freshly boiled and steeped beverage into a large hand smelted mug from the kettle, he retires to a mossy glade. Its chilly but not the artic conditions in which Drez'n descended from.

Is it finally time... To try again?

"Relics? You are thinking to small, my Nikto friend. I can -make- relics! Lightsabers are always a hot item, I bet. Get me some crystals and I'll make some **** fine lightsabers for you to sell. All in joyous thanksgiving for you getting me out of that cabonite. You feel me?"

Inbetween mimicking the sounds of the senor avalon informs the sub of the nearby objects

9 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

Inbetween mimicking the sounds of the senor avalon informs the sub of the nearby objects

“What’s the heading?” Korath calls back to the boy.

"Ping. That way. Ping"

he says pointing in the current heading

Elias would find himself struck with a vision of the hanger that they were currently in. He saw himself and the others there from above, before the vision swivels around to face the hanger exit. The great double doors suddenly disintegrate and a sea of white rushes forwards as if a dam had broken. The wave would pick up Elias and the others, flinging them across the hanger as the levels of the tide continued to rise till it filled the room. However just before it did, he would see a red light that hovered in the hanger doorway. The centre of the light was dissected by what looked like a black 'T', but was quickly covered by the white. With that the vision would end, and the movement and voices from outside would grow louder.

Noticing Elias' conflicted expression, Akua asked


As she asked him the question, her hand slid to her lightsaber, ready to activate it to protect herself and the rest here.