Jedi Star IC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

17 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

startled awake by your shouting the child lands in front of you shoots you a glance then runs further into the ship

You feel a sudden tug as you momentarily freeze before you break free.

Bind (opposed) : 3eP+4eF+1eD+2eC 1 threat, 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
p--.png p-s.png p-s-s.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls.png d-th.png c-f.png c-f-f.png

he spins around with a look of awe and says "how do you use the awesome to do that?"

Edited by Stormbourne
19 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

he spins around with a look of awe and says "how do you use the awesome to do that?"

Looking quizzically at the lad, Korath replies, "I'm surprised you could break free."

Then more sternly, he adds, "Now, tell me, what are you doing on my ship, how you managed to get by the security and my droids, and explain to me why I shouldn't turn you over to the authorities?

Edited by Tramp Graphics

'Stowaway? I don't know nothing about no stowaray the little droid would shout from somewhere in the ship. 'Are you sure you turned on your security?' There'd be a pause as it seems that Hacker is making a decision. 'You know what, your ship, your problem!' R7-D7 would be nowhere to be seen either. He had been virtually inactive since the death of his master.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Looking quizzically at the lad, Korath replies, "I'm surprised you could break free."

Then more sternly, he adds, "Now, tell me, what are you doing on my ship, how you managed to get by the security and my droids, and explain to me why I shouldn't turn you over to the authorities?

"I wanted a place to sleep" he says interrupting you

"you'll have to tell me how you did that " again cutting you off

the youth remains silent as if waiting for your response

Edited by Stormbourne
2 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

"I wanted a place to sleep" he says interrupting you

"you'll have to tell me how you did that " again cutting you off

the youth remains silent as if waiting for your response

Turning towards the cockpit, Korath looks back over his shoulder. "That you must learn for yourself."

1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Turning towards the cockpit, Korath looks back over his shoulder. "That you must learn for yourself."

"well i'm not leaving till you do"

8 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

"well i'm not leaving till you do"

"Well then, you'd better buckle in."

Switching on his comlink, Korath calls to Hacker and the other droids, " Hacker, S3, 77, I want a full preflight check done, You know the drill, look for anything out of the ordinary. I don't want another situation like on Kamino."

after introducing himself, avalon raids the mess hall devouring everything in his wake, though you can't really blame him looking like he an't been feed in a month

8 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

after introducing himself, avalon raids the mess hall devouring everything in his wake, though you can't really blame him looking like he an't been feed in a month

"Where do you think you're going? We're about to take off! Sit down and buckle in!!!!

14 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

"Where do you think you're going? We're about to take off! Sit down and buckle in!!!!

caring what seems to be a few days worth of food over to the galley avalon straps in an chows down

Edited by Stormbourne

Ro'Ka mumbles quietly in her chair, "Mr. Korath, you have the con. Wake me when we get there." Her body goes limp as she loses conciousness. An empty vial falls from her hand and shatters against the floor of the bridge.

24 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

Ro'Ka mumbles quietly in her chair, "Mr. Korath, you have the con. Wake me when we get there." Her body goes limp as she loses conciousness. An empty vial falls from her hand and shatters against the floor of the bridge.

Korath kicks her chair to wake her up.

"I don't think so, I need you awake and aware in case of trouble. We also need to talk after we get into hyperspace. So stay awake."

Edited by Tramp Graphics

After a few minutes Hacker would roll into the cockpit to join the others. That was not before staring for a while at the new stowaway. It was impossible to figure out what the droid was thinking about all this, but he kept those thoughts to himself. 'Alright, nothing on the hull or anything like that. If you want to get out of here before the order swipe us, time to go'.

"Engines powered up. Jedi Star to Control, requesting clearance for departure."

Edited by Tramp Graphics

There would be a few moments of silence before a crackled response would come back on the coms. 'Jedi-Star, this is spaceport control. You are cleared for takeoff. Hurry up about it alright? We've got a line of ships waiting to dock here'. With that the voice would disappear, and the vessel was ready to leave. The next port of call would be Manaan, but after that, it was hard to say. What they would find on the watery planet would be equally unknowable, but it would be quite the journey to find out.

“Rodger that, Control.”

The Jedi Star slowly lifts off from the hangar tarmac before the thrusters kick in gently accelerating the ship forward and out into open space. Once clear of the asteroid field surrounding the station, Korath pushes forward on the Hyperdrive levers, accelerating the Jedi Star into hyperspace.

“Next stop, Manaan.”

Turning to Ro’ka, Korath jostles her chair once more to wake her up. “Follow me,” he says, standing up. “We have much to discuss.”

An electronic message from Ro'ka's armor beeps inside her ear, "Theat Detected!". Without lifting her head, she raises her hand as its fingers fold back revealing a blaster barrel inside. It is pointed inches away from Koraths face. "You do not want to go down this road, flyboy.", Ro'ka mumbles before retracting her outstretched arm and placing it under her head as a pillow.

“You do realize that this ship has plenty of cabins with actual beds. Also, aren’t you curious why I was so ‘accommodating’ in allowing you passage? It’s no accident that we met when we did.”

11 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

“You do realize that this ship has plenty of cabins with actual beds. Also, aren’t you curious why I was so ‘accommodating’ in allowing you passage? It’s no accident that we met when we did.”

"Wrong choice flyboy." Ro'ka scowls at Korath as she grabs her Blaster Cannon with her free hand. She points her arm blaster at him and opens fire!

Blaster hand shot : 7eF+7eA+2eD 2 successes, 5 advantage, 5 Light Side, 4 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png a-s-a.png a-s.png a-a-a.png a-a-a.png a-a.png a-a.png a-s.png d-th-th.png d-f.png

5+7 damage and a critical injury

The trip to Manaan was short, only a few days at most. It was difficult to say in space, the endless blackness or the swirling blue of hyperspace. It could send some insane. Fortunately these were not those people. Korath and Ro'Ka was veteran travelers, and the young stowaway was not so easily broken by the void of space.

Before too long, the jedi vessel would exit hyperspace, and they would be faced with the oceon world of Manaan. Home of the selkath, kolto production and all manner of unknown secrets, treasures and mysteries hidden beneath the watery depths. One had a mission to uncover jedi treasure, another simply searching for jedi. The third, it was difficult to say what he wanted, but it would most likely be revealed soon enough.

Meanwhile, far across the galaxy, there was a gathering of the force on another planet, Dantooine. A peaceful farming world that has a surprisingly important role in the history of the jedi and the force. It was here that exiles, mercenaries and all manner of people have flocked here to hide, to begin a new life.

Despite the history and many of the residents, Dantooine was a calm and peaceful planet, that most people lived comfortable and happy lives on. Of course, life was not without its risks. The biggest risk to the farmers and homesteaders was the kath hounds, viscous beasts that rove over the fields and attack those that are not careful.

Recently, steps have been taken to try and reduce the animal attacks by the gal attacks by the locals. An early warning system, towers set out in the outer fields. It had been a large undertaking, that many people had worked hard to make happen. Exla'ure had been one of those people. He had worked on the project almost from the beginning. From talking to local government to organizing deals with workers, he had been crucial. Nothing less was expected from such a man. Few could remember when he arrived, but he had done a lot of good for his community.

Now the final days of the work were being completed. The last few towers were being set up by the Verpine work force, and Exla'ure had been asked to oversee the final stages, to ensure everything was working properly. It had become a bit of an event, even a few locals and even some travelers gathering in the field to watch the work with a drink and some friends.

...on Drall

After a few nights among the snow capped peaks without another successful vision to clarify the future, Drez'n descends to the tree line and encamps. He shakes off the chills with a roaring campfire. He leans back against a fallen log and ignites an old Alderaanian cigar.

He takes a few puffs and then the feeling hits him.

Forsee to sense the jedi star is near : 5eF 2 Light Side, 4 Dark Side
f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

It starts to fade but he grits his teeth.

No! For frakes sake! Not again! This is not going to slip away again!

(I'm gonna flip the Destiny point if no one objects, and take the conflict to use the dark side pips. This is too important for Drez'n to let go of. This conflict represents him "brute forcing" the force, keeping the "window" open to forsee through)

"The window, hole, portal... Pour sift and sieve, events and tenses, mingle mix, oar the if's and or's over before's lore and future's flowing chance dancing rapids....

Ahhh frell... Frak it!

When that **** thing tries to close...

His brow furrows he frowns, his muscles tense in isometric flex against some unseen obstacle.

Feeling progress he smiles.

...hold that frakker open!

Visible only to Knight Bercilak, a rift in the sky opens tearing down to his feet. It widens...

Edited by TheShard

Crouching, Akua crawled into the old Rebel base on Dantooine.

Well, this brings back memories...

She sighed, remembering the times long ago where she fought against the Empire with the Rebellion. Looking around, she found a nearby console, kicking it a few times to activate it, before starting to search for her files.

Edited by player3333902

On Dantooine, two hooded figures descended from the boarding ramp of a beat up old YT series freighter. The slightly shorter one tarried to speak with the ship’s captain.

Elias: Thank you for your hospitality captain Reynolds, here is your payment in full [reaches into a belt pouch and hands over a few reasonably large denomination new republic credit chips]. However, in this case I would recommend you avoid your usual inclination to celebrate a paying job with a class of corellian whiskey at a local cantina, and instead immediately refuel and prepare for a quick departure.

Reynolds: What… did Inara put you up to this? (yells back into the ship) Ha Ha very funny Inera (the turns to address the hooded figure) unless you’re going to tell me you’re some kind of Jedi this joke is over, I’m not buying it.

Elias: “Some kind” would be an accurate description captain, we are ysanna, long ago our ancestors were Jedi in the traditional sense, I have a foot in both worlds. He unslings his back pack tosses it up slightly, levitates it using the force for about 5 seconds then catches it and reslings it. Although Inara does disapprove of your drinking, it’s not something she discussed with us and my advice is in earnest, something big that you don’t want to be a part of is going to happen here shortly.

Reynolds: Yeah thanks for the tip, mister, umm…

Elias: not that it matters but my name is Elias Windrider. May the Force be with you.

Chemdat: what’s with giving that guy the heebie jeebies freak show Elias, and where’s Korath.

Elias: Korath’s not here, he isn’t coming, and my warning to captain Reynolds was sincere. Can’t you feel it? Something big and bad is going to happen here, and a lot of people are going to want to leave in a hurry.

Chemdat: then what the sith are we doing here, we should be leaving with them.

Elias: we don’t have money for passage and we are where we’re suppose to be…. Someone nearby is planning on stealing a ship. That in itself is not unusual, a universal fact of the “civilized” galaxy is that someone is always trying to steal a ship, but this someone has a connection to the force like you and I do, although they’re not ysanna. When the proverbial poodoo hits the fan, we will hitch a ride with them, and as a group we will eventually encounter Korath.

Chemdat: So how do we find them? What do they look like?

Elias: I don’t know, foreseeing the future was never something I fully mastered, never needed to, Korath could teach you a bit more about it than me, he dabbles in a little bit of everything without really focusing on anything, but what he lacks in focus is makes up for in stubbornness, so he’d probably keep at it until he got a clearer picture or until whatever is coming showed up on his doorstep. But I’ve found that we really don’t need to worry about it, as long as we follow the will of the Force, we’ll end up at the right destination.

Chemdat: [sarcastically] that’s so reassuring big brother, what are we supposed to do in the mean time.

Elias: I’d recommend we look for someone casing for a ship to steal, or a ship worth stealing, I’m getting a vague notion that the force sensitive ship thief likes fast ships, preferably Corellian ships, but that’s not solid enough to depend on, so just look for something that looks fast. We ought to get a good home cooked meal while were at it.

Managing to get her files, Akua noted the list of force sensitives she had known, feeling a pang of guilt and regret, realising alot of them had died fighting the Empire.

What's this...? I just felt a strong force presence arrive here on Dantooine. And it doesn't feel evil... Maybe I should check it out.

As she headed to her small speeder, Akua sent a small prod to the person through the force, seeing how they would react