Various questions needing clarification:

By Lancezh, in Rules

Couple questions from the tournament we are running right now:

Can panicked units contest Victory Tokens if they are still within Range 1
Vehicles like Speeders with their compulsory movement, if they end their movement inside the map but the movement tool is lying in parts outside do they get destroyed ? I ruled no, as the RR says only if they end their movement outside they get destroyed.
Vehicles like the AT-RT if they stand sideways next to a building and they climb / clamber, do they keep their Facing

19 minutes ago, Lancezh said:

Can  panicked units contest Victory Tokens i  f they are still within Ra  ng  e   1

Looks like they can. There is nothing that excludes panicked troops.

19 minutes ago, Lancezh said:

Vehicles  like Speede  rs with their compulsory mov  ement, if they end their movement inside the map but the movement tool is lying in parts outside do they get destroyed ? I ruled no, as the RR says only if they end their movement outside they get destroyed.  

You got it!

19 minutes ago, Lancezh said:

Vehicles  like the AT-RT if they stand sideways next to a building and they climb / clamber, do they keep their F  acin  g

Well, word is that devs commented (at a convention I think) that the intent was that they keep their facing and that this will be updated in the RRG. But I can’t find anything to point to, like an email.

Point 3 is iinteresting. My group has ruled that not only must it keep its facing but cannot move sidways up the terrain. Basicaly has to be facing it or back to it.

That's a logical approach (and might get clarified into the RRG), but the rules as written simply say the unit is "treated as a trooper for the purposes of vertical movement," and troopers do not have any facing restrictions on moving onto terrain.

Not sure about point 2.


» Full: Holding the movement tool in place, the player lifts up the unit leader mini and moves it along the path of the movement tool, keeping the mini’s base centered in relation to the width of the tool. Then, if the mini has an unnotched base, the player places the mini’s base flush against the other end of the movement tool; if the mini has a notched base, the player places the mini so the other end of the movement tool is inserted into the rear notch of the mini’s base.


• If a unit leader performs a move that causes any part of its base to leave the battlefield, that unit is destroyed.

17 minutes ago, mini78 said:

Not sure about point 2.

Yeah, but under Compulsory Move on page 21 we have:


If the unit leader ends this movement with any part of its
base outside of the battlefield, the unit is defeated.

Generally, I think the specific (compulsory movement rules) overrides the general (common movement rules).

So this is how i ruled yesterday:

1. Yes they can

2. Only destroyed if they END their movement outside of the table as per page 21 of the RR

3. They can climb but they have to retain their facing (otherwise if they have to pivot to face the building and then pivot back to whatever they shoot you lose to many actions)