Alpha's Army (Now with Jedi Temple Guard! Pg 7)
Nice! It is too bad that the Imperial is so shy, though. 🙂
15 hours ago, Sharkbelly said:Nice! It is too bad that the Imperial is so shy, though. 🙂
Whoops. Should be fixed now.
Looks great! I love the detail work on the backpack. Very nice.
Fantastic work Alpha17! Great Looking groups...keep them coming
Nice scene!
How did you make the snow trenches?
7 hours ago, Jabby said:How did you make the snow trenches?
I loosely followed the guide at this link. The major differences were the colors used, wall construction, duckboard, and finishing it off by sprinkling snow basing material on it.
I've got a bigger thread about my various trench building activities in the Terrain Building section.
Finally getting around to taking pictures of units I've had painted for a while. First up is the Senate, err, Emperor Sparky, I mean, Palpatine. A very simple and boring paint job, but it turned out OK:

And more interestingly, more Shocktroopers. I decided to put these guys on premium bases for the added uniqueness. Wish I had thought to do the same with Sparky, but oh well. The Officer is a recent addition and is my second generic Imperial officer.

A while back I traded off my rebels to a new player for his unpainted minis. He's a friend, and between 3 kids and a full-time campus ministry, and doesn't have time to paint. While I did this to help him, it gave me a chance to re-theme my Rebels in Jabiimi fighters, based on the appearance of Jabiimi soldiers from Dark Horse's Clone Wars comics. Instead of painting the Duros like normal, I tried to do them as "Nemoidian Advisors," to justify their presence. Overall, I like how they turned out.

I also picked up Donald Trump, I mean, Luke here from Skull Forge, and absolutely love having an actual flight suit for Luke. I didn't see the semblance between this figure and the current American president until I sent a friend a picture, who immediately wanted to know why Donald had a lightsaber. Now I can't unsee it.
Edited by Alpha17
Picked up some more minis from Skull Forge, so my army has been bolstered by Mudtrooper reinforcements

I'm really pleased with the quality of the mini and how the paint job turned out, but their combat debut wasn't the source of legends; proxied them in as Snowtroopers, and some Wookiees were not nice to them!
Amazing! I am a real fan of your work. Really looking forward to seeing your Republic Army when it arrives! I am actually going to get into legion, now that they added clone wars... I was so waiting for them, but I really need them to release Clone Commandos
14 hours ago, BlueSquadronPilot said:Amazing! I am a real fan of your work. Really looking forward to seeing your Republic Army when it arrives! I am actually going to get into legion, now that they added clone wars... I was so waiting for them, but I really need them to release Clone Commandos
Thanks! I'm certain they'll release a Clone Commando unit pretty early in the schedule, but if they don't, there are always 3D print options! Probably what I'll do if they mess up and make ARC troopers an SF team rather than operatives.
Decided to turn my "extra" Deathtrooper into an Airborne ARC Trooper. I present Alpha-82, Falcon. Bonus points if you can figure out his name, and not just the number.

The picture is probably a little too close up for him to look good, but I'm pleased with how he turned out. Not sure what I'll run him as until we see actual ARC troopers/Clone Commanders released, but I'll figure out something. The Clone Paratrooper helmet was from Buckethead Bits, and the DC-15 on his back (barely visible) is from Skullforge.
Latest work is a team of Republic Commandos from Skullforge. Debated painting these guys up like Delta or Omega squads, but decided to save that for their ultimate official release. Ended up making up my own squad, consisting of a LT, and three SGTs in the original color ranking system.

(Notice that they're being assisted by Alpha-82)
Into the trenches:

4 hours ago, Alpha17 said:Latest work is a team of Republic Commandos from Skullforge. Debated painting these guys up like Delta or Omega squads, but decided to save that for their ultimate official release. Ended up making up my own squad, consisting of a LT, and three SGTs in the original color ranking system.
(Notice that they're being assisted by Alpha-82)
Into the trenches:
Those look great. Cannot wait for the official release. Think I will do some plain white, Delta, and some black ops Omega
Great work on the Commandos!
FFG is going to be releasing some officially?
9 hours ago, MajorTalon said:Great work on the Commandos!
FFG is going to be releasing some officially?
That's a guess on my part. I would be beyond shocked if they don't release them as either the Republic commando/scouts analog, or as something similar to the death troopers. Maybe a mix of the two, where they have the capability to snipe, as well as solid defense die and a good attack, but can't be deployed as anything less than the 4 man squad?
Anywho, ran them in a game last night as Deathtroopers (with Alpha-82 filling out the squad) and had a blast with them.