Next couple posts will be 327th-Centric. Buckle your Kamas on and bare your middrifts, let's go:
First up is the most simple change. I sawpped out Bly's helmet with a spare one from a friend's ARC trooper expansion so that he now has the mounted electrobinocs. I think it helps, but I'm curious to know if anybody actually would notice without it being pointed out.

Next up will be my stand-ins for Echo and Fives. I painted my actual minis up like Coruscant Guard, and I didn't like how they looked on the table with my Star Corps units, so let me present Commander Deviss and... another clone? Dunno that I have a good name for this one yet. Oh well.

They were made using Dark Fire Design's Battlefront II heavy option and Commander Cody analog respectively, with some helmet swaps. (like Bly, Deviss has a spare ARC helmet, just with the fin shaved off)
To bring my Star Corps armies up to par with my Coruscant Guard options, I also picked up a third Phase II squad. These were a bit disappointing, with several printing errors in them (one guy is missing his heel, several of the details look like they're melting into the body, and several of their helmets have odd depressions and missing chucks around their base) but they're servicable.

And to go with them, I of course had to have my all time least-favorite, only viable heavy weapon option, the Phase II Z-6, with Dark Fire Design's patented sawn off Z-6.

And all together, my infantry troops from a game last night:

Next up will be my 327th AT-RTs, which sadly missed out last night because of drying paint.