EA abandoning battlefront 2

By Hobojebus, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Wish we could say it was good while it lasted but...

Knew they'd abandon ship as soon as they found out we wouldn't stand their lootbox practises. They just had to try to save face first.

1 hour ago, dtenchi said:

Knew they'd abandon ship as soon as they found out we wouldn't stand their lootbox practises. They just had to try to save face first.

Funny thing is that they are still going through with loot boxes in their other games despite newer legislation. Have to wonder if they make a Battlefront 3 if they won't just go for doing the same crap again, expecting us to thank them and pay them to smack us all in the face. The sooner that EA loses its monopoly on Star Wars games the better.

46 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

The sooner that EA loses its monopoly on Star Wars games the better.

EA needs to be broken up and sold off a la carte. I'd be game for Activision/Blizzard taking a slice. Maybe then we could get Call of Duty: Battlefield and set the world of FPS games on FIRE. :-P

I'd prefer more games that weren't lazy fps clones.

I watched the video but I'm still unclear on how what's happening with SW Battlefront 2 any different from what already happened to SW Battlefront 1. I'm assuming that they are stopping work on SWBF2 in order to start work on SW Battlefront 3.

Whatever... I abandoned the game months ago.

3 hours ago, Hedgehobbit said:

I watched the video but I'm still unclear on how what's happening with SW Battlefront 2 any different from what already happened to SW Battlefront 1. I'm assuming that they are stopping work on SWBF2 in order to start work on SW Battlefront 3.

Well they've failed to deliver new ships, new characters and new maps they promised thought that was pretty clear.

And after two less than stellar games you think a third games sales would be any better? No they've soured the backed audience by phoning in the first game then destroying progression in the apology game with loot boxes.

Star wars fans have long memories.

Bit of half reporting going on here. It's not entirely confirmed but...

Battlefront II 2 ain't doin' great, small staff working on it.

It's probably going to be a battle royale type game with zombie-ewoks.

This is why I play more indie games these days or stuff from Kickstarter they provide more variety that AAA titles.

Side benefit of being a Nintendo fan, I don't have to be tempted by EA's bull...

20 hours ago, Hobojebus said:

This is why I play more indie games these days or stuff from Kickstarter they provide more variety that AAA titles.

I have been replaying Mega Man, some fan customs, and Mech Assault, I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 7:41 PM, Sithborg said:

Side benefit of being a Nintendo fan, I don't have to be tempted by EA's bull...

EA: Loot boxes.

Nintendo: Cardboard boxes.

Winner: Nintendo.

On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 1:11 PM, Hobojebus said:

This is why I play more indie games these days or stuff from Kickstarter they provide more variety that AAA titles.

Every time I get a new PC I'll install Diablo II.

And play Necromancer.

And every time I tell myself: this time I'll play a different class...

... But then I remember how many enemies come at you, and I rather let my summoned minions handle them rather than having to kill all of them myself.

No surprise here. Business model tanked. No business no support, that has been the case with EA since decades.

shame really, i was syked for BF2015, but then decided to not buy it , then i jumped on BF2 and it's a failure. I don't know if they make a BF3 but if they do i ain't biting.

Replace it with a TRUE X-Wing game:

High-fidelity flight engine. Use a model like Star Citizen, where flight is based on real physics, however the ship's on-board flight computers compensate and allow you to "fly" like in the movies. An option to temporarily cut the flight coordination system so you can go full Newtonian (they did this in the X-wing novels from time to time) would be awesome (the description I read of how the Koigan Turn is actually performed in-universe utilizes this). Toss in a detailed damage model (blow off wings and engines which affects performance and handling, hitting the fuel tank could destroy the entire fighter, etc.) as well.

Also include atmospheric flight modeling.

Story-based missions as in the classic games.

Fully dynamic campaign mode a'la European Air War.

MOD SUPPORT. The old X-Wing games (especially XvT and XWA) were actually pretty flexible, but it would be great to see the developers openly support the addition of new ships.

Battlefront 2 isn't dead yet. Maybe on PC but console matches are always full.

What people want is new maps. The developers have said they have a few they want to release and are going to.

As for the game itself I don't understand the dislike. We already have a ton of content, equivalent if not superceding the original Battlefront 2, the gameplay is better then the original so I don't get it. The pay to win system is gone.

Ptw is gone for now but EA made it clear pair content was returning at some point in public statements.

But honestly given there's now just one small studio finishing up final projects the games going to get repetitive and stale quickly without new maps and content.

Publishers drastically over reached putting fremium style content into games you have to pay for, EA just took it to the point no one could accept.

On 5/17/2018 at 5:45 AM, Hobojebus said:

I'd prefer more games that weren't lazy fps clones.

I’m a total ally with you on this one sir - Star Wars is an expansive and varied universe, and it could use so much more than just a limited FPS game.

I don’t have personal beef with EA, but I also feel like they’re not doing as much with the license as they could, and what they are doing is pretty and shallow in the extreme.

On 5/26/2018 at 6:02 AM, Ambaryerno said:

Replace it with a TRUE X-Wing game:

High-fidelity flight engine. Use a model like Star Citizen, where flight is based on real physics, however the ship's on-board flight computers compensate and allow you to "fly" like in the movies.

Terrible Idea. Newtonian physics mean degrading the game to a chopper game, instead of a classic X-Wing game. It's imho the one thing which is really holding back star citizen and would be out of place in a galaxy, far, far away especially considering that they have ether rudders,etc to just not have to deal with real world physics. So embrace that and make it like a proper "space" ether combat simulator with maximum top speeds and non-newtonian flight model. It's easier to balance as well.

The thing why this is not a thing is mainly because space sims are most fun to fly with joysticks or at least game pads. And that is not a very popular thing on PC. Especially joysticks have become rare outside of my house hold. ?

On 5/28/2018 at 12:57 PM, Hobojebus said:

Ptw is gone for now but EA made it clear pair content was returning at some point in public statements.

But honestly given there's now just one small studio finishing up final projects the games going to get repetitive and stale quickly without new maps and content.

Publishers drastically over reached putting fremium style content into games you have to pay for, EA just took it to the point no one could accept.

EA has been putting loot boxes in other games for ages: FIFA Ultimate Team is the loot box model pushed to its extremes (full on TCG model) and the Need For Speed game released alongside Battlefront 2017 used the same model as Battlefront did.

These games weren't met with total outrage, they were met with indifference and dismissal. People who dislike loot boxes simply didn't buy those games, hence the only people playing them were the people who were fine with it.

If loot boxes appear in a football game or a racing game you can just buy a different one. With Star Wars games you don't have that option, hence the outrage from people who wanted a new Star Wars game but didn't want egregious post-release monetisation.

On 5/29/2018 at 11:51 AM, SEApocalypse said:

Terrible Idea. Newtonian physics mean degrading the game to a chopper game, instead of a classic X-Wing game. It's imho the one thing which is really holding back star citizen and would be out of place in a galaxy, far, far away especially considering that they have ether rudders,etc to just not have to deal with real world physics. So embrace that and make it like a proper "space" ether combat simulator with maximum top speeds and non-newtonian flight model. It's easier to balance as well.

The thing why this is not a thing is mainly because space sims are most fun to fly with joysticks or at least game pads. And that is not a very popular thing on PC. Especially joysticks have become rare outside of my house hold. ?

The problem with controllers is the lack of keys if you want a proper flight sim. Only the steam controller really gets around that with its 40+ emulated keys (works really well for TIE Fighter), but well, it is not like that increases the user base significantly...

On 5/28/2018 at 7:57 AM, Hobojebus said:

Ptw is gone for now but EA made it clear pair content was returning at some point in public statements.

But honestly given there's now just one small studio finishing up final projects the games going to get repetitive and stale quickly without new maps and content.

Publishers drastically over reached putting fremium style content into games you have to pay for, EA just took it to the point no one could accept.

Paid content has returned. Cosmetic items (character skins only) are now available in the game and these can be obtained with either credits earned in game or via crystals which can be earned in a limited amount in game or may be purchased with real world money.