Has anyone else experimented with custom Heroic Abilities? Our GM approved this ability, which I suggested because I wanted to create a "battle bard." Some may say that it crosses over to other types of magic too much, but I really like the flavor. How about you guys? Have you made anything?
Your character has a mystical connection to the Turning, which they access through their prowess in singing or musical ability. Whether through playing the bell lyre, horn, pipe or through singing ancient melodies of arcane origins, the character can summon ancient magic in a way few bards or troubadours have ever achieved.
Base: When choosing this Heroic Ability at character creation, pick either Attack, Barrier or Conjuring. While the Heroic Ability is activated, the character may use Verse to cast spells within the type he has chosen with an additional rank in Verse. As a maneuver, the character may also chose one minion group within medium range. That group will not make a combat check against the character for the duration of the ability, unless attacked first.
Improved: The character may choose an additional type of magic, above the one chosen for the Base ability (Attack, Barrier or Conjuring). As an incidental, the character may also chose one minion group within medium range. That group will not make a combat check against the character for the duration of the ability, unless attacked first.
Supreme: The character may choose an additional type of magic, above the one chosen for Base and Improved Tuneweaver (Attack, Barrier or Conjuring). As an incidental, the character may also target all minion groups within medium distance. Those groups will not make a combat check against the character for the duration of the ability, unless attacked first.
Edited by lecudas