Hello designers, this is not (or was not) magic

By msommi, in General Discussion


as a long time player since first edition came out I would like to point out that in my opinion the state of the game right now is at its worse ever, that including some dark periods of 1st edition (see masters or guess who ? martell recursion ). I remember distinctly when 3 or 4 Martell cards hit the restricted list in one call and still.... here we are again..... You started with meaningful purpose of limiting economy and power creep and then, after 3 years here we are where 2 houses break every possible rule of the game. Events costing 1 that score potentially 8- 9 -10 power, unlimited draw, unlimited economy , unlimited strenght, tons of resets and challenge phase (in my opinion central to the game) that becomes meaningless. This only after 3 years from core. Maybe you have in mind another massive reset with a little apology like it happened before . But I don't see much of a future in this game right now.

Edited by msommi