folks, I am having a few hanging chads on some of the rules from the BRB, and would like yout input or thoughts.
Recover Actions (pg 18) Is recovery an action you can take after your rally attempt to remove all of your suppression tokens?
Standby Action (pg 18) Are actions that are held in reserve usuable in the next activation? i.e. I move troopers then standby; next activation I move shot and move.
Line of Sight (pg 18) if a vehicle partially blocks LOS to a defender, does the defender recieve any benift from that? i.e. an AT-RT obscures a mini from an attacker, does that confer light cover to the defender? cover, as explained on pg 16 only talks about terrain being able to obscure...
If a troper unit uses a grenade, is it one single dice, or is it per mini? as in 5 minis are armed with grenades and would all throw them.
those are all I have for now. they may seem silly but I appreceiate your thoughts. If there is an FAQ I overlooked, please let me know.