Imperial activation and 88Z

By thegamecrawler, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hey having trouble defining an "Imperial activation" for 88Z

Ok so the scenario is; Imperial player has no units left on the map but wants to activate the 88Z droid companion. The droids card reads "88Z activates at the start or end of an Imperial activation" does "Imperial activation" mean an Imperial units activation or does the Imperial player still have it's activation even with no units on the board?

Basically I'm asking if The droid can activate without any other Imperial units on the map. Cheers!

No it can't. 88z is attached to a deployment group and when the figures from that group are defeated, 88z can't do anything. However you can redeploy 88z with another group during an optional deployment if i remember the xp card correctly.

(88-Z is not attached to a deployment group in the way rules use attached . 88-Z is also not associated with any group.)

Anyway, 88-Z always needs an activating group/figure to activate. If there is no ready group, 88-Z cannot activate. (It isn't enough to have Imperial's turn to activate.)