First Time GM Need Players

By Greeata, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

I really hope this isn't violating any rules. I'm looking for players who're interested in roleplaying for Star Wars Rebels. The forum is based off of Dawn of the Rebellion, or Star Wars Rebels in general. It used to be free form, but now I thought it would be a lot more interesting if it were stylized as a Tabletop RPG, so there was some major tweaking. No dice pool needed, it is just in storytelling format.

There are slots available for the crew on board the Ghost. So if you are looking to play Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, or Zeb they are open and put on reserve for anyone interested, please message me so I can give you the link.

Edited by Greeata