Seattle Gaming(possibly Lynnwood too)

By Tisroero, in Player community

There's a wealth of gaming shops in Seattle, and I'm more than willing to go to Lynnwood's AroundTheTable or any other gaming store I may have missed there.

Looking for other LoTR players so as to delay going into adventures two-handed(merely an eventuality, I'm sure). I'm typically free anytime after 1700 on the weekdays and free whenever on weekends, but prefer after-work game nights. Willing to stay out until the chosen shop closes too, so I'm pretty flexible there. Will probably have someone with me, so adventures will likely be 3+ players.

As an aside, I have a good amount of cards and I read blogs pretty often but definitely consider myself to be new to this game, even if I bought it the release month. Hopefully some lurkers see this post!

Definitely check out that Facebook group. We have a standing game night on the 1st and 3rd Saturday at 6 pm at Uptown Espresso and Gameporium in West Seattle (3845 Delridge Way SW, Seattle, WA 98106).

We typically have 3-6 people for a typical game night and play mostly 3-4 player games. The Fellowship Events often attract around 20 people.

If you're looking to play on weeknights, you could hit up that group and see if anyone is interested/available.

Well, dammit. I hate facebook but a regular game night would be worth it I suppose.

Thanks for the info, folks, all things considered this is fantastic news :D

Some people make a fake Facebook account just for participating in gaming groups like this. That's always an option - you don't need to go all in.

Or you could just show up on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays and skip Facebook altogether.

Oh no, I've had the account for far too long, I just like avoiding it. Either way I just got in the group and now I'm waiting until the next meetup.

Be advised the next one is a cube draft hosted by WingfootRanger! Bring your deckbuilding shoes... err, gloves. Hat?