Which Xenos race are you itching to crush?

By peterstepon, in Deathwatch

Lightbringer said:

Not at all, Sister Cat, it's all good! gui%C3%B1o.gif I must admit I'd only watched a few episodes of Babylon 5, so I probably wasn't on a sound footing with my metaphor! happy.gif

Well, the Shadows were my B5 heroes ... coolness in a can. I mean, they created the Techno-mages for crying out loud! lengua.gif

So, I probably got a little overly-defensive on their behalf. gui%C3%B1o.gif

But I really can see the correlation that Adam pointed out, the ancient, hidden menace to all right-thinking folk everywhere. And ones that turn up in the darnedest places. happy.gif


I just want to crush Tau.


H.B.M.C. said:


I just want to crush Tau.


"Crush the enemy. See them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."

- Conan the Barbarian

While I don´t understand exactly WHY, the idea of exterminating some Tau pleases me too. It just feels...right gui%C3%B1o.gif .

( After I introduce the Levitating Trash Cans aka Daleks to the Kill-Team. )

Chapter Chaplains General Warning:

If your answer to the question above is anything else than "Whichever I am ordered to" or "All of them" you should immeadeatly report to your local chaplains office for purity-councelling. Do not let the heretical thoughts grow in your mind in absense of light. Purge the unclean doubts from your heart. Seek enlightenment and attend to regular prayer services.


Orcs... I'd like to crush lots and lots of orcs.

Give me a powerfist or T-Hammer and pitch me a couple of Deff Dreadz or a Killer Kan.

Hmm... Tough one.

Tau: For being too **** upstard for their own good

Eldar: For failing to die out in due time

Tyranids: For being ugly and eating worlds

Necrons: **** machine things

Orks: It's fun to shoot them and watch their limbs twitch

Mmm, love all the Tau jealousy in here. It is ok, you'll eventually go from jealousy to acceptance and humanity will enter a new golden age of prosperity aided by the Greater Good :)

BrotherAtrox said:

What a silly question:

All of them of course!

Good answer, good answer!

But seriously though, if I ever get the gumption to run a pure 40k RPG instead of my homebrew disaster; the races I would send the PCs after the most would be the following:

- Orks: Cause they're big, stupid, and their ridiculous populations ensures you can always have a random Orky warship show up when it's the least convenient. Plus if I get enough of them together, I can have a battle that could go on for days.

- Dark Eldar: Because they're pyschopaths, pirates, and all sorts of things that make for good, utterly repulsive villains.

- Those Slaught dudes: They're certainly interesting enough in a Lovecraftian sort of way and I certainly could have a great deal of fun making the party filter through "plots within plots."

- Necrons: Not a major contender for something I'd throw at the party when I'm feeling sadistic but definitely an option if I want to teach them a lesson in futility.

For a game of intrigue and horror I would do: Slaught (I'm actually doing up a campaign for them right now)

For a fighty campaign I would do: Necron (zombie/lich-like machines are just fun. And they are a pain to take down. Sounds kind of fun)

For a RPing heavy campaign I would do: Tau (played right against the natural ingrained moral values of the PC's you can do some fun with this)

For a space-based campaign I would do: Eldar (invading and destroying Craftworlds is just too much to pass up on)

For a silly and humor based campaign I would do: what else? ORKS!! (and yes they would pain the Emperor red to make him go faster)


Firstly, they've got all kinds of grody biomechanical body-horror potential. If you've never read up on critical analyses of the first Alien movie (I recommend either feminist or marxist analysis, or preferably both), you're missing out. I will rewrite the fluff on 'nids to make them much more like the original xenomorphs, and they will leave my players feeling disgusted and horrified. Did you know that in the original scripts, there wasn't an alien Queen? When the bog-standard xenomorphs cocooned people to the walls, enzymes or retroviruses or something would actually transform that person slowly into a face-hugger egg, while they were still alive. This is why the face-huggers appeared to be sort of cobbled together out of bones and organs.

Further, you can use gene-stealer cults to do all kinds of hidden-heretical Shadows over Innsmouth type stuff. And you can have real holy-**** serious bug-hunts with some of the more gigantic tyranids as well. Oh, yeah, guys, you better track down that gigantic sonofabitch and kill it before it starts laying eggs in people.

Also, there are a lot of Tyranids that are actually quite intelligent while still being utterly inhuman and alien, so there's that possibility.

To sum up: The Tyranids are a cross between Xenomorphs and lovecraft's Great Old Ones. You can do cult/heresy investigations, desperate time-pressured bug-hunts, cosmic and body-horror, basically whatever you want.

The Eldar.

My brother's Eldar have been nothing but a constant source of pain for me in 40k. It's time to balance the scales.

Besides, pulse lasers, bright lances, star cannons, and the utterly reviled scatter laser are all the reason I need to hate them.

The Wyzard said:


Firstly, they've got all kinds of grody biomechanical body-horror potential. If you've never read up on critical analyses of the first Alien movie (I recommend either feminist or marxist analysis, or preferably both), you're missing out. I will rewrite the fluff on 'nids to make them much more like the original xenomorphs, and they will leave my players feeling disgusted and horrified. Did you know that in the original scripts, there wasn't an alien Queen? When the bog-standard xenomorphs cocooned people to the walls, enzymes or retroviruses or something would actually transform that person slowly into a face-hugger egg, while they were still alive. This is why the face-huggers appeared to be sort of cobbled together out of bones and organs.

I have to agree that the original life-cycle (sans queen) is so much better. The idea of people being transformed into face-hugger eggs is terrifying.

Hmm...orks and eldar since I play those T-T.

Of course I have access to other models as well..'nids, tau, etc.

All of them. Or whoever dares to question the authority of Imperium and Emperor.

To be Unclean
That is the Mark of the Xenos
To be Impure
That is the Mark of the Xenos
To be abhorred
That is the Mark of the Xenos
To be Reviled
That is the Mark of the Xenos
To be Hunted
That is the Mark of the Xenos
To be Purged
That is the fate of the Xenos
To be Cleansed
For that is the fate of all Xenos

Necrons, because our GM is a massive Necron fan, so we can expect to fight them more than once, and I'm really looking forward to taking a Relic Blade to a Necron Lord and stamping his remains into a fine metallic powder under my mighty boots, Uriel Ventris style.

And on a side note, someone mentioned Aliens, as in egg-laying, face hugger making, chest bursting Xenomorphs? I had an interesting and criminally nerdy discussion a few years ago about how Xenomorphs would be more an Imperial Guard or PDF thing than a Deathwatch concern. Sure, the infestation would have to be purged, but the standard issue weapons in the Imperium, the humble Lasgun and mighty Flamer, are the ideal weapons to deploy agaisnt Xenomorphs and while they are scary little buggers the Imperium routinely faces monsters that are much higher on the terrifying-$#@*-o-meter, not to mention even more insidious. I submit to you Genestealer Cults, Necrons and an array of lesser known species such as the vile Slaugth, the Enslavers and, my favorite, Daemons straight from not-hell-but-kinda-is.

I'd *love* to see Aliens featuring Ciaphas Cain and the 597th Valhallan instead of the Colonial Marines.

"I say we take off and order Exterminatis on the Planet, it's the only way to be sure..."

Tau. They fit just fine in 40K, but their delusional fanboys are annoying (hint: when your empire has the total population of a moderate sized hive world and sucky FTL, you're living on borrowed time) so they must die.

Humans of the Imperium. ;)


Azraiel said:

ntioned Aliens, as in egg-laying, face hugger making, chest bursting Xenomorphs? I had an interesting and criminally nerdy discussion a few years ago about how Xenomorphs would be more an Imperial Guard or PDF thing than a Deathwatch concern. Sure, the infestation would have to be purged, but the standard issue weapons in the Imperium, the humble Lasgun and mighty Flamer, are the ideal weapons to deploy agaisnt Xenomorphs and while they are scary little buggers the Imperium routinely faces monsters that are much higher on the terrifying-$#@*-o-meter, not to mention even more insidious.

Ah, that was me (I should really set up a user icon, I think it makes one much more recognizable.) I was saying more that I'd like to use a Xenomorph vibe to make the genestealers/tyranids more horrific and vile, though, than that I'd have the PCs fight straight-up Xenomorphs.

Tau, deffinately Tau. I want a dose of manga-meets-melta!

What am I most looking forward to? Pitting my players against Fabius Bile and his Chaos-Engineered Tyranid hivefleet. Basically he's going to do some wacky experiments on a Norn Queen, and the fun gets rolling from there.

No-one's keen to fight the Demiurg? The Nicassar? Let's see a little bit more of the Tau Empire in action!

of course tyranids.

eldar would be fine too.