On 9/12/2018 at 11:54 PM, Jedhead said:I am not an imperial player, but man, I suddenly want to buy some speeder bikes and give this a go.
Maybe convert rebel or ganger speeder bikes?
On 9/12/2018 at 11:54 PM, Jedhead said:I am not an imperial player, but man, I suddenly want to buy some speeder bikes and give this a go.
Maybe convert rebel or ganger speeder bikes?
@Lord Ashram
Thanks so much. Really appreciate it and glad you enjoy looking at the whole collection.
Really happy with the result on the recent conversions. The Rebel Emplacement is coming soon and that was a beast of a task
Mate you never fail to impress with your conversion and these newer ones looks awesome.
Thanks a lot mate! Appreciate muchly. Definitely improving over time. Looking forward to showing off my Rebel 1.4FD and converted scouts when finished
Amazing work on the Jedha E-Web! Looking forward to the Scariff 1.4FD!
Edited by ThevshiQuick set of Jedha based Royal Guards while I figure out my Gunner for the 1.4FD.
No conversion here, but they were a delight to paint!
Great squad. Solid reds aren't easy.
Well I'm calling it complete!
Inspired by Pacific Weapon emplacements from WW2.
Dug-in Scarif Flak Tower
Smuggled onto Scarif by a willing cargo pilot, two unnamed rebels infiltrate deep into the jungle with a dangerous cargo and a one way mission.
Forging their way into the thick undergrowth the solitary men find a vantage point on a jungle atoll overlooking the Landing Pads & the Citadel itself.
Under the cover of darkness they begin digging & disguising their location as the Bloodgnats lay thickly buzzing in the air above their head.
As the sun rises above the once beautiful tropical landscape their mission begins; the target & destruction of Governor Tarkin's personal shuttle, due for arrival at the Citadel any day now..
Nice work!
Excellent job as always! Nice to see a Gran, don't see those often
@Force Majeure
Thanks a lot guys! Appreciate it!
On 12/3/2018 at 9:24 PM, BlueSquadronPilot said:Excellent job as always! Nice to see a Gran, don't see those often
The conversion looks sweet!
I noticed the Gran is not looking through his macrobinoculars. Perhaps he needs macro tri noculars to use them properly?
Now I won't sleep tonight as I lie awake pondering this problem... 🤔
Edited by Jedhead10 hours ago, Jedhead said:The conversion looks sweet!
I noticed the Gran is not looking through his macrobinoculars. Perhaps he needs macro tri noculars to use them properly?
Now I won't sleep tonight as I lie awake pondering this problem... 🤔
If he closes 2 eyes is he winking, blinking or dwinking
Been a while between posts! Apologies everyone. I have been languishing on a veteran Scout squad on Jedha for far too long, and almost knocked out my Wookiee Warriors.
Until I have some progress of those guys to post, here's a quick little Chewie conversion.
Vandor Chewie
He's dusted off his double bandolier & goggles from the storage hold in the Falcon.
Love the Chewie sculpt (and playing him!)
Did you green stuff the extra bits?
@Dark Don
yep! using Blue Stuff I took molds of Veers' goggles & Chewie's Bandolier, and made Green Stuff copies of them both, before working them onto the figure
Unfortunately my Specialists order with the local FLGS is delayed, but I was gifted one pack of Imperials from my lovely partner.
haven't snapped a Lightbox photo yet, but I thought this was ok to post.
Imperial Specialists
As usual I've tried to give these guys a little conversion touch. I've got a couple of awesome Generic officer proxies earlier in this thread, so didn't feel the need to change up the Officer too much.
I've changed the R5 units stance to be in mid-repair, and slightly changed the stances of the officer and Comms specialist.
I also nabbed some excellent Jedha city style wrecked city bases from Anvil Industries for my Deathtroopers, and had enough spare to use here on these guys.
Looking forward to getting these guys on the table soon!
Rebel Pathfinders & Jyn
Finished up these guys & Jyn, ready to infiltrate Scarif!
The sculpts on these are absolutely FFG's best to date! Picked up two squads so I could push right out of the deployment zone (and feel good about converting a squad).
Super happy with how the paint jobs turned out, especially the weathering and eyeballs on them all haha
As this is the Conversion Cantina, gotta show the converted squad first, with a few arm swaps and a Duros!
The second squad I've tried to keep as accurate to the on screen representations as possible.
Led by Sergeant Melshi and with some heavy back up from our boy Bistan!
And finally Jyn. She looks way too cool for me to think about converting the sculpt.
And the whole gang!
Got Imperial and Rebel Specialists underway at the moment, as well as another Scarif bound AT-RT with converted rider and stance.
Stay tuned (and bring on the Deathtroopers!)
Krennic & His Finest Troops
Once again, the sculpts for this new wave are incredible, and I didn't really feel the need to convert these guys too much.
I did put extensive work into sourcing and prepping the details for their wrecked Jedha bases, and I'm stoked with how both Krennic and the Deathtroopers came out.
Scarif Ready AT-RT
I'm a little late on the upload for this one, as had been caught up with Specialists and forgot I'd finished it.
It was quite nice to return to an AT-RT almost a year after release and have another go at it.
I cut off the toes on the right foot and repositioned them and the rest of the leg so it appeared in more of a mid-run pose.
I've also done a cheeky headswap with a Weequay head from Mel Miniatures, and built some goggles, and a rolled pack out of Green Stuff to make him look ready for those fast walker speeds and camp outs haha
I've also started experimenting with some more detailed weathering methods, which I'm really happy with!
Dude, This is the stuff of legends.
On 4/10/2019 at 7:27 AM, Alphabonnie101/TheHeroking said:Dude, This is the stuff of legends.
Haha thanks so much dude. Gradually improving and really happy with all of it.
Have some big plans for the TX Occupier!
Some WIP work on my stranded Occupier
Finally got my hands on the Occupier and have been tooling it up.
As with my AT-ST many moons ago I wanted to set the vehicle up to be left behind on Jedha, a mobile base station for the troops who pilot her.
I'll detail the conversion more when I've got some painted up shots for now, but there are a variety of resin stowage, tank parts and FFG bits gone into this so far
krennic has black pants, not white
1 hour ago, Thalandar said:krennic has black pants, not white
Yeah I'm aware. I didn't want to paint them black.