The Modal Nodes Cantina - Rebel Desert Veterans & Mimban Table Progress

By Themodalnodes, in Painting

@C3POFETT Thanks a lot! Really appreciate the kind words. Loving the hobby side of this game :)

@devin.pike.1989 go for it! I was completely winging it and I'm really happy with out they came out. not too stylised but certainly not realistic

Well I finally pulled my finger out and completed my Jedha veteran Scout Bikers. Was a bit slow going as I didn't have all the shades of brown I wanted, but got there in the end!

Survivors of Jedha - Ranger Scout Bikers

Deployed deep in the Jedha mountainous regions when the Death Star demonstration occurred.
I wanted it to appear as if the binocs guy was perched on the edge of an outcropping, surveying everything below him. I was able to create enough base to have him "standing" at normal speeder bike height to not effect play.


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Great solution!

I am not an imperial player, but man, I suddenly want to buy some speeder bikes and give this a go.

These are amazing, especially the "surveying" trooper--probably my favorite conversion I have seen to date.

Fine work!

@Jedhead Thank you so much. That's a huge compliment coming from someone putting together such amazing conversions yourself.
Really appreciate it, and can't wait to see more of yours.


Battle Damaged Lord Vader (WIP)

I've had a second core set Vader waiting in the wings for a while, although I shelved him for a bit after slicing myself open trying to chop half of his head away.
I was finally hit with a bit of inspo over the weekend, and have continued my work on a battle damaged and very angry Vader.
I've completed changed his upper body posing, cut his helmet away and shaved a Skywalker looking 40k head to fit in the bottom of the cowl, and changed the shape of his cape with some boiling water.
Really happy with him so far. Paint to come!

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Vader looks great. Can’t wait to see him with paint, I’ve been debating on doing a Helmetless Vader.

The Jedha Scout Trooper perched on the rocks is AWESOME!!

The AT-ST really screams WWII with the storage bags.

The Luke with his yellow jacket is so cool, looks just like in the comics. I’m behind a year so I didn’t know if he’s still wearing it not.

@Omegaclone thanks so much! I' a few issues behind on the Comic myself but I believe he's still wearing it. It's absolutely my favourite look for him!

Really happy with how all the Imperials are coming out. I've got two units of Scout Troopers incoming with the release next week, and I'm at the point of trying to figure out just how the Jedha unit should be converted :)

@Themodalnodes I’ve not yet decided how I’m going to customize the Scouts. They’re may favorite trooper type/style.

I’ve thought of adding ponchos to a couple of the Scouts. I’ve always been curious if it was a nap sack or poncho on the back of the Speeder Bikes.

I’m a ways off from painting my miniatures or designing a theme, I kinda wanted to get a complete force/army then go from there.

I’m making a modular Desert board, that could be both Tatooine and Jedha just buy changing the Architecture.

Edited by Omegaclone
9 hours ago, Themodalnodes said:

@Omegaclone thanks so much! I' a few issues behind on the Comic myself but I believe he's still wearing it. It's absolutely my favourite look for him!

Really happy with how all the Imperials are coming out. I've got two units of Scout Troopers incoming with the release next week, and I'm at the point of trying to figure out just how the Jedha unit should be converted :)

He hasn’t worn it for a couple issues cause its been more focused away from him.

Battle Damaged Vader

Finally painted him. Really happy with his burnt up head haha

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Anybody else smell bacon?

On ‎9‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 1:20 PM, Themodalnodes said:

Well I finally pulled my finger out and completed my Jedha veteran Scout Bikers. Was a bit slow going as I didn't have all the shades of brown I wanted, but got there in the end!

Survivors of Jedha - Ranger Scout Bikers

Deployed deep in the Jedha mountainous regions when the Death Star demonstration occurred.
I wanted it to appear as if the binocs guy was perched on the edge of an outcropping, surveying everything below him. I was able to create enough base to have him "standing" at normal speeder bike height to not effect play.


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What is the colour scheme you've used on these? Loving the dark khaki colour

On 9/28/2018 at 10:15 PM, ThumperLOLZ said:

What is the colour scheme you've used on these? Loving the dark khaki colour

Thanks a lot! The primary armour colour is Tallarn Sand from Citadel, and the speeder colour is Baneblade Brown :)

Mate you did an outstanding job on the conversions and the paint apps are brilliant.


@hemblecreations Thanks so much! Appreciate it!

Picked up a couple of amazing Imperial Army Officer sculpts from 'Alternative | Gaming Miniatures' during his Facebook sale (check out his work!).

These figures are awesome renditions of the Mimban style Imperial officer garb.
I'm super happy with how the Captain and the Major came out. I'll be using these to replace the pauldron trooper leader in the Stormy squads, and they may even see use as Generic commanders when the Personnel expansions arrive.

Mimban Imperial Officers

Of course I had to give them mud bases ;)

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Edited by Themodalnodes

Any chance of a non-Facebook (I won't use Facebook on ethical grounds) link to his website or shop? I'd love to get one of those. Great job on the paint job - very nicely done!

On 10/23/2018 at 12:09 AM, stainsbury said:

Any chance of a non-Facebook (I won't use Facebook on ethical grounds) link to his website or shop? I'd love to get one of those. Great job on the paint job - very nicely done!

Unfortunately, Facebook is his shop.

He does have an Instagram account if that is more acceptable to you, you could PM him there instead of on Facebook.

I'm not sure how I missed this thread, but your work is fantastic. I love the conversion work on Vader. Brilliant stuff.

@stainsbury Sorry for my delayed reply. @aniron is exactly right. He only operates via Facebook and Instagram. You could drop him an Instagram message and ask for an email address?

@Abwehrschlacht Thank you very much. Really happy with the Vader, even after i took a giant cut to the finger trying to shave that head down haha.

WIP Emplacements

Just a quick entry on my WIP converted Emplacements!

For my Jedha Imperial force I've swapped out the snowtroopers with some classic Stormy gunners.
I'll be basing this guys in as close of a ruined Jedha city situation as the base allows (didn't realise how much room they gunners would take on the base).


And for the Scarif Rebels I've been working on a WWII Pacific style hidden AA emplacement.
I'll be swapping both the troopers out for non-Hoth troopers (I only have one spare body right now), and I have some camouflage netting for draping over the top of the dish as camo.



The larger tree can be seen pinned to the base. I'll have this removable for storage. :)

Entrenched Jedha E-Web

As the survivors of the Empire's withdrawal and subsequent reactor test on Jedha City, the weapons emplacement teams of the cut off forces dig into the husks of blasted buildings in the once thriving city, ready to drive off any Rebel forces that return.

Converted from the E-Web kit and parts of several Stormtroopers. I had bigger plans for the base, but didn't realise how much of it the full team and weapon set up would take up.
Still I'm quite happy with the building corner this team of veterans have tucked themselves into to defend.

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@Themodalnodes Just awesome. I enjoy viewing your thread. Even when you add something new I start from page one and work my way to the latest post.

Edited by C3POFETT