Now that I've settled into some Legion creativity after my time painting Armada I thought I would create a thread here.
I won't be posting too many paint jobs as mine aren't terribly impressive, but I've begun lending my hand to converting the mini's to make my arms unique.
Plenty more to come (I have some bigs plans for my AT-ST) but here's a taste for now. Stay tuned
Celebration Luke (WIP)
Pretty surprised I haven't seen a rendition of this out in the world yet.
One my my favourite outfits. Luke's award ceremony jacket from ANH, and his main outfit in the new Marvel comics.
The lightsaber blade will be replaced with the neon plastic transparent rod which why it is mostly unpainted.
In order to get Luke's existing outfit to look like the jacket, I built up an overhanging section to extend past the tucked in belt section, and built up the collar and shoulder ribbing jacket details with Green Stuff. This was done after priming as I am indecisive haha
Converted Squad Leaders
Just a basic head swap for my Durosian friend.
For my Veteran Stormtrooper Captain I removed his head and hollowed it out, and repositioned his arm to be holding it as a helmet (painted battle damage).
The head was a spare from a friends 40k Marines, and I picked the most Star Wars-y head available ( a little bit of Lobot cybernetics).
His squad will be a heavily converted squad of veterans left deployed planet-side without support for too long, and gone a little war crazy.
Upcoming are decorated heavy weapons specialists, poncho wearing stealth troopers and heavily laden supply experts.
Pre paint for the Stormtrooper:
Edited by Themodalnodes
Update title