On page 6 in the arkham rule book under the heading [ arkham movement ] it says ........ he receives movement points equal to his speed ......and on page 13 in the arkham rule book says , under the heading of [sPEED ] ........ ... also used to determine an investigators movement .So according to page 6 if my speed slider is set on 4, I would receive 4 movement points. Furthermore according to page 13 if my speed slider is set on 4 then my movement is determined to be 4 space. So my question is if my speed slider is set on 4, and I deside to move in Arkham , do I have to move the whole 4 spaces or does this mean that I can move from 1-4 spaces it is up to me? The rules dont say one way or the other. please reply
movement clarification ?
If your Speed is set at 4, you can move 0-4 spaces. On page 6 it says "A player may...", may means you can if you want, but don't have to move. OW movement isn't optional, but that's probably more due to the fact that you're wanting to get the hell out of there, fast .
thank you for your reply. I understood the word , [ May ] on page 6 to mean that I could move my movement of 4 spaces or I could stay were I was it is up to me. And then it goes on to explain were you can move and finishes up by saying that it cost 1 movement point per space .It never say that you can move however many you want to move from 1-4. So it not real clear on the subject
thank you very much