GenCon Event - Wedding at Kyotei Castle

By sndwurks, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

So, the GenCon Event Calendar just went up for preview, and the Fantasy Flight Games line up did feature this little gem.

Taken from:

Wedding at Kyotei Castle
You have been honored with an invitation to a wedding uniting 2 prominent families of different Great Clans. However, not all of the wedding guests have arrived to congratulate the honored couple.
Pre-generated characters and all materials required to play will be provided.
System: L5R RPG 5th Edition
Seats: 15 per timeslot
Price: $6
Length: 4 hours

Thursday - 10 AM, 3 PM
Friday - 10 AM, 3 PM
Saturday - 10 AM, 3 PM
Sunday - 11 AM 

Based on the announcement today, I would expect the Beginner's Game for the L5R RPG will be released alongside this at GenCon 2018, with a pre-release of the final game at Winter Court / World's Championship and the open release in December / January. Due to the price point of this event, I would not expect anything too fancy as take home swag.

Due to the Beginner's Game components, I would almost guarantee that this ticket will give you a character folio and maybe a map of Kyotei Castle, which would be AWESOME, personally. The Kintani Valley and Kyotei Castle are two classic locations for me, along with Tsuma Village in the Beginner's Game. The direction this seems to be heading has me excited.

And, despite my criticism in other places, I intend to secure a ticket to this. I would like very much to play it, and see what improvements have been made since the Beta.

I hope this becomes available for download eventually as I won't be able to attend the convention. It sounds like it would be a good companion for the Beginner Game . I know that the Genesys adventure from last year is available so I have high hopes that this will be, too.

Edited by JSM3050

Give us all sorts of premade stuff! I'll buy it all!

Well, at the moment, this looks like it is not happening. I was unable to get a ticket during the mad rush at Wishlist processing. Now I am in the pool of hoping either more tickets get made available (unlikely) or that I can use being an L5R journalist to my advantage and see if FFG will take notice.

1 hour ago, sndwurks said:

Well, at the moment, this looks like it is not happening. I was unable to get a ticket during the mad rush at Wishlist processing. Now I am in the pool of hoping either more tickets get made available (unlikely) or that I can use being an L5R journalist to my advantage and see if FFG will take notice.

Good luck!

Yeah, definitely good luck! That was the only reason I was considered grabbing a 1-day GenCon pass. I live within driving distance (a long drive, but still, wouldn't need a hotel), but I'm gonna have to skip it this year. Hope the event is awesome!

So, as a veteran of running RPG games for FFG at GenCon, I can tell you that these time slots appear to be the standard ones we've used in the past to run Star Wars, Genesys, and End of the World. If you couldn't secure tickets, but still want to get in a game, have hope! The best way to secure yourself a seat is to do the following:

Step 1: Acquire generic tickets totaling 6 dollars.

Step 2: Arrive at the FFG RPG Organized Play Room about 15 minutes ahead of the listed game-start time, making it clear to whoever is at the front that you have generic tickets and were hoping to get into an L5R RPG game in case someone no-shows or a spot otherwise opens up.

Step 3: Wait patiently until 15 minutes after the registered start time, perhaps getting into a game.

The morning games tend to have this happen more often than the late afternoon games (especially after people stay out late Friday and Saturday). It might take a few tries to get in, but a lot of people have success with this method. It also appears they are only selling 5 tickets per table. We can typically accommodate 6 players, so they might be holding 1 seat per generic ticket-holder per table to move on a first-come first-serve basis. This has been suggested to them in the past by those of us that run the games.

Anyway, it might take a couple of tries before you get into a game, but if you really want in, this is the best approach.

Good luck! Not sure what they'll have me running this year between Star Wars, Genesys, and L5R, but this adventure sounds cool!

Edit: For the record, the FFG free play room is usually room 125 or something like that, along that long, long hallway on the Westin side entrance.

Edited by KRKappel

I am going to GENCON but all the tickets were sold out quite fast.

I wasn't fast enough on my click I guess

Hopefully I can get in with generic tickets.

Does anyone know if someone is planning on doing something similar at DragonCon? (Just being hopeful, DC is also large, but not gaming focused).