Just now, xbeaker said:But you must be in base contact with a unit to damage it with melee. The range damage precedent doesn't count as when the attack is initiated you determine the eligible targets. The rules state that you are only in melee combat if you are in base contact "When two miniatures from opposing players’ units are in base contact, those units are in a melee." As the second speeder is not in melee, so it is not an eligible target. Even Luke can't hit a guy so hard that his parnet feels it, unless he can position himself such that he is in base contact with both bikes at the same time of course.
So functionally, yoi can have it so a member of a unit of 2 speeder bikes will be functionally immune to melee despite dice rolls?
I don’t buy it.
The Rules precedent already exists... why ignore it? Especially since we already seem quite content to consider our static models “dynamic”... Luke can hit a bike so hard it crashes into the other...