A situation arose in my past match where my opponent and I were unsure of how the rules broke down pertaining to said situation.
My opponent - using Luke Skywalker - charged a unit of my 74-Z Speeder Bikes. It was on his second movement so he used his "Charge" ability to then attack the bikes. My unit ended up suffering 3 wounds, killing one bike. That bike was then removed from the play area thus taking Luke out of base to base contact with the "unit"; the leader remained but some centimetres away from Luke.
Now, my opponent had that turn played the "Son Of Skywalker" command card, allowing him to make a second attack. I allowed him to continue attacking the unit (because I had wiped a good chunk of his army off the table and there was little foreseeable way he was going to pull it out of the fire) even though he was no longer in base contact with the unit. As vehicles can not be "engaged" he was not engaged with the unit either.
That said, in a more important situation, should he still be allowed to use Luke's second melee attack? I concede that he very well could have just shot the other bike, but should he be able to keep swinging with Daddy's Blue Stick?
Edited by Crawfskeezen