Death troopers

By fiddybucks, in Painting

Finished my 800 point list.

pic Heavy. 7F5MTuN.jpg

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Edited by fiddybucks

These look awesome!

Can I ask how you intend to do the Snowtroopers in this style?

These are incredible. My rebels would be frightened of that force.

Wow those look great.

That’s impressive. The Legion kits are pretty tough to convert compared to other games.

Where did you pull the various other bits from?

5 hours ago, Indy_com said:

These look awesome!

Can I ask how you intend to do the Snowtroopers in this style?

Racking my brain. Hopefully I figure something out. I plan on running 2 squads of them.

23 minutes ago, Orkimedes said:

That’s impressive. The Legion kits are pretty tough to convert compared to other games.

Where did you pull the various other bits from?

Gw skulls. Zombie bits are from warlord games zombie kit.


Uh-oh, Darth Vader took his mask off. Now he'll die.

Of infection.