
By JediPartisan, in Rules

I haven’t seen a rule, yet, but is there a rule in Legion that allows squads that have all but been removed from the board, to coalesce into a new unit?

If there isn’t a rule like that, should there be?

In real life, if a unit only had 1 or 2 in it, I would think they would rejoin another bigger unit, but would that be good for the game?

When you’ve whittled down a unit, it might be detrimental to suddenly have that unit reform and now you have a whole unblemished unit to deal with. Mind you it doesn’t really change the amount of dice you throw, but if you have three units with only 2 troopers each, even on 2 successful hits, they can’t get past heavy cover. So if those troopers could reform into a single unit, they can now potentially have 6 or more hits and easily get past cover. I’m just not sure if that’s a good thing or if regrouping is even a rule.


You would run into the problem of having a unit that would have multiple heavy weapons and I feel that would throw the balance off.

Units are often reconstituted that way - but the battlefield game is representing such a short passage of time that it doesn’t seem to happen that quickly...

4 hours ago, JediPartisan said:

I haven’t seen a rule, yet, but is there a rule in Legion that allows squads that have all but been removed from the board, to coalesce into a new unit?

If there isn’t a rule like that, should there be?

In real life, if a unit only had 1 or 2 in it, I would think they would rejoin another bigger unit, but would that be good for the game?

When you’ve whittled down a unit, it might be detrimental to suddenly have that unit reform and now you have a whole unblemished unit to deal with. Mind you it doesn’t really change the amount of dice you throw, but if you have three units with only 2 troopers each, even on 2 successful hits, they can’t get past heavy cover. So if those troopers could reform into a single unit, they can now potentially have 6 or more hits and easily get past cover. I’m just not sure if that’s a good thing or if regrouping is even a rule.


This would also give an unfair advantage to the person regrouping. Even if they are stock troops, 1 group of 4 is much stronger than 2 groups of 2. They are throwing the same number of dice, but if the target is in cover the smaller groups are at a significant disadvantage. If it is 2 groups of 2 and the target is in heavy cover, the only way they could even hit is if they roll crits. Where as a single group of 4 could overwhelm a target in hard cover with standard hits. Then, as Patteous mentioned, you bring special units into play. Imagine 3 groups of snow troopers down to just a flame thrower and a commander forming up.. 3 flame throwers throwing 1 die per unit in a group. They could throw as many as 18 dice! .. and that isn't including the 3 dice the commanders (2 of which presumably turned into standard troopers) throw.

In many games focus fire is the only way to play. X-wing for example, a ship at full strength does just as much damage as a ship down to it's last hull point. But in Legion there is a definite advantage to spreading fire. You don't need to completely eliminate a unit to remove it's effectiveness on the field. But you take that strategy away if you let groups merge and reform.

Good points guys. I love the idea of regrouping, but thought it may be op.

Guess i’ll Just have to keep attacking till I can’t attack no more. ?

Another thing to note is that while a two man unit may not deal damage through cover, they may still assign the odd suppression token, will be actively avoided by your opponent in favor of more threatening targets, and can still hold objectives. I wpuld rather have 2 units of 2 spread over multiple objectives to win me the game than have 1 unit of 4 that can't hold them all.