I haven’t seen a rule, yet, but is there a rule in Legion that allows squads that have all but been removed from the board, to coalesce into a new unit?
If there isn’t a rule like that, should there be?
In real life, if a unit only had 1 or 2 in it, I would think they would rejoin another bigger unit, but would that be good for the game?
When you’ve whittled down a unit, it might be detrimental to suddenly have that unit reform and now you have a whole unblemished unit to deal with. Mind you it doesn’t really change the amount of dice you throw, but if you have three units with only 2 troopers each, even on 2 successful hits, they can’t get past heavy cover. So if those troopers could reform into a single unit, they can now potentially have 6 or more hits and easily get past cover. I’m just not sure if that’s a good thing or if regrouping is even a rule.