Heroes of the Empire - PbP OOC

By Mychal'el, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

15 hours ago, Sincereagape said:

Do you guys have room for one more?

I think we have 5 people so far that have expressed an interest ( @Mychal'el , @SithArissa , @satkaz , @Shlambate , oops almost forgot about @Rabobankrider ), so I'd say yes. 6 is the maximum I'd want in the group, though. Any more than that, and getting everyone involved becomes an issue.

Edited by Kabal

You missed me out there.

Yeah, I noticed that and went back to update the original post.

Here's the invite link for the Discord server we'll be using:


Please update your server nicknames to your forum name at first, and then to your character name once we're ready to play.

Edit: I'm not sure if you can do that if you're using the mobile app, which I do a lot, but I can do it for you using the desktop or browser versions if you like.

Edited by Kabal

Aww well I wanted to be an inquisitor, I'll give my spot to someone else.

13 hours ago, Kabal said:

Sure, we can set the time period to the early rise of the Empire. Just note that my cannon follows the original (pre Phantom Menace) timeline.

Why not include the prequels?

If the prequels don't count then we are not playing in the canon universe.

That's a really big (not aforementioned) caveat!

I guess I didn't specifically stipulate that it had to be canon in the original post. I guess just I took it for granted that "Star Wars" might mean something different to each individual.

For me the purpose of this campaign was just to flip the good vs. evil narrative of Star Wars (canon). Growing up, I really enjoyed "The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!" and I just wanted to try that with Star Wars, tell the other side's version of the story. The movies still happened but with a different perspective. Rarely do people think they are the villains of their own story.

Edited by Mychal'el
6 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Aww well I wanted to be an inquisitor, I'll give my spot to someone else.

As long as your character was played as a "good guy" like everyone else and using the Duty mechanic like everyone else, I don't see any problem with it.

But I'm not GMing (no experience), and whoever is GMing has final say.

I'm planning to make an ace pilot (or a driver if the team prefers) called the Grandizer. He/She will probably be faceless; being a media creation developed by the Empire's propaganda division.

Edited by Sincereagape
2 hours ago, Sincereagape said:

I'm planning to make an ace pilot (or a driver if the team prefers) called the Grandizer. He/She will probably be faceless; being a media creation developed by the Empire's propaganda division.

Space Thunder!

That could be interesting to have.

5 hours ago, Sincereagape said:

I'm planning to make an ace pilot (or a driver if the team prefers) called the Grandizer. He/She will probably be faceless; being a media creation developed by the Empire's propaganda division.

Interesting! What do you mean by faceless media creation? Like an A.I. virtual pilot?

I'm at character creation with a Hotshot/Vanguard currently with:

  • Ygg - Charm
  • YYY - Piloting (Planetary)
  • YYg - Piloting (Space)

I hope that doesn't step on your toes too much

23 minutes ago, Mychal'el said:

Interesting! What do you mean by faceless media creation? Like an A.I. virtual pilot?

I'm at character creation with a Hotshot/Vanguard currently with:

  • Ygg - Charm
  • YYY - Piloting (Planetary)
  • YYg - Piloting (Space)

I hope that doesn't step on your toes too much

Ah okay. I should have viewed your earlier posts more carefully. I was thinking those exact skills! But I'll defer to you since you created the thread/game. I'm honestly open to filling out whatever role the team needs at this point. I can center a character around career/specializations.

An AI/Droid sounds fun actually! I was thinking more a clone created by Cylo or Thrawn or another scientist/brilliant mind type in order to boost moral of the fight against the 'evil' rebellion and their plans to destroy peace and order in the galaxy that has been set in stone by our benelovent leaders the Emperor and his loyal knight Lord Vader. :)

But I'll fill out whatever the team needs at this point if you guys can offer suggestions?

Also can you guys recommend a good character generator? I was going to do a pen paper character sheet and then scan it :P

31 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:

Ah okay. I should have viewed your earlier posts more carefully. I was thinking those exact skills! But I'll defer to you since you created the thread/game. I'm honestly open to filling out whatever role the team needs at this point. I can center a character around career/specializations.

An AI/Droid sounds fun actually! I was thinking more a clone created by Cylo or Thrawn or another scientist/brilliant mind type in order to boost moral of the fight against the 'evil' rebellion and their plans to destroy peace and order in the galaxy that has been set in stone by our benelovent leaders the Emperor and his loyal knight Lord Vader. :)

But I'll fill out whatever the team needs at this point if you guys can offer suggestions?

I think we still need a leader/face of the group. A female in a Phil Coulson type role would be great!

Edited by Mychal'el
1 hour ago, Mychal'el said:

I think we still need a leader/face of the group. A female in a Phil Coulson type role would be great!

LOL. I can do a leader/face.

This reminds me of a story from a few years ago. I used to run Shadowrun 4th edition and one of my players made a face....who happened to be an racist elf supremacist......you can say that the character was dead within one game session....

After reading AoR core there are so many things one can do within a diplomat. For some reason I keep picturing...either..

1.) IGN Assassin droid who happens to be an ambassador in the same vain of HK-47 from the KOTOR computer game RPG series...

Sarcastic Answer: "Why no master, charging into the den of horned kaths hound in your undergarments with nothing but a vibroblade was a great way to make yourself look heroic in front of the settlers."

Annoyed Response: "Once again master, I had to discharge the astro-mech with the Death Star schematics into the airlock because he beat me in pazzak."

2.) Blind Ithorian Imperial/Human sympathizer Agitator who hates his own people but doesn't realize that he is Ithorian (David chappelle black KKK member skit).


But I'll try and come up with something more competent that won't get the party in a FUBAR position by mid-story.

Edited by Sincereagape
5 hours ago, Sincereagape said:

But I'll try and come up with something more competent that won't get the party in a FUBAR position by mid-story.

While hilariously satirical, those characters would change the tone of this campaign dramatically.

Remember, the real-world Star Wars movies of Earth were told from the Rebel's perspective. But in this campaign, the Empire was actually good and the Rebels were the real bad guys. For example:

  • The younglings "drank the Kool-Aid" before Anakin could get there in time to save them from the jihadist cult known as the Jedi Order.
  • Anakin / Vader is like Superman or Captain America
  • Palpatine's speech to the Senate about the Jedi betraying the Republic was completely true.
  • The Sith are just the Jedi's version of the boogyman, and "turning to the dark side" is their version of "burning in hellfire" meant to scare their parishioners into obedience to their religious ideology.
  • The meeting of Moffs where Tarken talks about ruling by fear is fake news, sad.
  • Princess Leia was lying when she said Alderaan had no weapons, just like she lied about the rebel base on Dantooine. Alderaan was actually a major sponsor of terrorism and harboring intergalactic fugitives.
  • The Death Star is equivalent to the bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki and Pearl Harbor combined, just reversed timetable.
  • Palpatine is like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy combined.
  • Luke Skywalker is like the Red Baron crossed with Osama Bin Ladin
  • Non-Humans are treated similar to illegal immigrents for the most part.

Not that I actually believe all of this IRL, but it's how our characters should view their universe.

@Kabal ,

Can we play in this narrative of canon Star Wars? That was kinda the whole point of this thread.

Edited by Mychal'el
On 4/26/2018 at 9:47 AM, Kabal said:

Stormtroopers are just highly trained and indoctrinated soldiers

I don't know about the highly trained part, but I don't think any of the stormtroopers in Rebels were clones.

I'm pretty sure the Clones went into training stormtroopers then retirement sometime after Episode III

Solo is supposed to start 10 years before Episode IV A New Hope

Rebels is supposed to start 15 years after Episode III Revenge of the Sith

Edited by Mychal'el
On 4/26/2018 at 9:47 AM, Kabal said:

The Clone Wars were fought against an army of clones (which is why cloning technology is outlawed in the Empire)

The Empire has fixed a lot problems of the Republic.

Cloning human soldiers is morally wrong like biological warfare (now we know), so of course it's illegal now. Plus the Jedi Order and their "damnfool idealistic crusade" ordered the clones in the first place. But what were they supposed to do when Confederate Terminators invaded? Then a clone army shows up out of nowhere willing to fight off the killer robot horde instead of your sons and daughters? Sure, send in the clones!

If the leftover spot is still up, I might be interested. Is the party bond beyond all of us working for the Empire becoming a new imperial strike force? I was considering my character coming from Imperial Intelligence - Bureau of Operations or Imperial Stormtrooper Corps - Special Forces Command (Storm Commando) background. The idea being a stealth based character (Imperial Cadet/Assassin specs) which goes on covert ops and collects important intelligence or quietly eliminating threats.

6 hours ago, Vergence said:

If the leftover spot is still up, I might be interested. Is the party bond beyond all of us working for the Empire becoming a new imperial strike force? I was considering my character coming from Imperial Intelligence - Bureau of Operations or Imperial Stormtrooper Corps - Special Forces Command (Storm Commando) background. The idea being a stealth based character (Imperial Cadet/Assassin specs) which goes on covert ops and collects important intelligence or quietly eliminating threats.

It's up to the GM @Kabal

I think he specified AoR career then Imperial Cadet as a free second specialization

The obvious choice would be the Spy: Infiltrator

Edited by Mychal'el
On 4/27/2018 at 7:21 PM, Mychal'el said:

While hilariously satirical, those characters would change the tone of this campaign dramatically.

Remember, the real-world Star Wars movies of Earth were told from the Rebel's perspective. But in this campaign, the Empire was actually good and the Rebels were the real bad guys. For example:

  • The younglings "drank the Kool-Aid" before Anakin could get there in time to save them from the jihadist cult known as the Jedi Order.
  • Anakin / Vader is like Superman or Captain America
  • Palpatine's speech to the Senate about the Jedi betraying the Republic was completely true.
  • The Sith are just the Jedi's version of the boogyman, and "turning to the dark side" is their version of "burning in hellfire" meant to scare their parishioners into obedience to their religious ideology.
  • The meeting of Moffs where Tarken talks about ruling by fear is fake news, sad.
  • Princess Leia was lying when she said Alderaan had no weapons, just like she lied about the rebel base on Dantooine. Alderaan was actually a major sponsor of terrorism and harboring intergalactic fugitives.
  • The Death Star is equivalent to the bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki and Pearl Harbor combined, just reversed timetable.
  • Palpatine is like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy combined.
  • Luke Skywalker is like the Red Baron crossed with Osama Bin Ladin
  • Non-Humans are treated similar to illegal immigrents for the most part.

Not that I actually believe all of this IRL, but it's how our characters should view their universe.

@Kabal ,

Can we play in this narrative of canon Star Wars? That was kinda the whole point of this thread.

Yep, that's the tone the game will take. The heroic imperial special forces team, tackling the enemies of the noble Empire. Although, most of that is a few years in the future (the Death Star hasnt been completed yet, Luke Skywalker is still a young boy growing up on a desolate dustball near the end of space, Princess Leia is still a pre-teen growing up in a palace, etc)

Edited by Kabal

Probably going to bow out of this game and remove my hat as a PC.

Being a new player, I feel a little overwhelmed with the knight level of play. Thanks for considering me and looking forward to reading the IC thread/stories you guys come up with.

I'm planning to jump into a future game after getting more experience with the system.


15 hours ago, Sincereagape said:

Probably going to bow out of this game and remove my hat as a PC.

Being a new player, I feel a little overwhelmed with the knight level of play.

Sorry to hear that.

I'm relatively new to the system as well. But I'm sure our GM @Kabal would take that into consideration.

My sincere agape to you @Sincereagape , and may the active force be with you, always.

If there is space with Sincereagape dropping out then I'd happily fill that particular void.

Depending on what the group needs (seems fairly well rounded atm) then I'd like to play either: Sharpshooter/Pathfinder or an Officer specialised in Intelligence/Counter Intelligence (still working out Career/Specialisations I'd take for that)

6 hours ago, Brutoni said:

If there is space with Sincereagape dropping out then I'd happily fill that particular void.

Depending on what the group needs (seems fairly well rounded atm) then I'd like to play either: Sharpshooter/Pathfinder or an Officer specialised in Intelligence/Counter Intelligence (still working out Career/Specialisations I'd take for that)

If open to an Intelligence/Counter Intelligence officer I'd consider Analyst for information gathering slicer, knowledge base talents, and a great set of social career skills (Diplomat) route. As imperial interrogator gathering information through coercion, Agitator with diplomat social skills assisting. For counter intelligence I'd lean towards a deception based Propagandist? You may also select Imperial Academy Cadet or Recruit as a free 2nd specialization which will offer character diversity either direction you go.

Edited by Vergence