Force Powers and LOS

By Irokenics, in Rules

Hi all,

Tried searching, nothing came up so apologies if there is an answer already.

Wanted to ask if Force Powers such as Force Push, Force Choke, Jedi Mind Tricks if they required Line of Sight for you to use them?

It seems like LOS is only required for attacks and i can't find anything in regards to free card actions that are not attacks but affect a selected enemy unit.

I guess you can thematically explain using the power on something you cant see because the force user 'senses' them lol.

Thanks for your help everyone!

Hmmm, I was looking and found the same. Not sure, thought they'd define those card actions as something one way or the other but they're just 'card actions'. They don't have the range band which I'd say implies they were 'attacks' but they don't, so that idea's moot.

Range 1 to 2 isn't too far so that may be the offset, no LOS needed.

There is no general rule that you need LOS to use an effect against a mini or unit. So as long as the specific card or game effect does not say you need LOS, then you don’t need it.

In the case of the force powers we have so far, they only stipulate range. So feel free to push, choke, and trick through walls!